How to Deal With Anxiety?


Jan 20, 2015
Tinnitus Since
About 2 weeks ago I been having really bad anxiety due to my ear problems (tinnitus plus ear spasms) I realized my biggest problem is the anxiety I have lost the will to enjoy life, I've lost my appetite, I constantly want to cry and I find myself in bed waiting for the spasms to start so I can panic. I can't and refuse to live like this so I need tips on how to beat this anxiety. I have medication but it only makes me dizzy doesn't really help. My mind is currently my worst enemy I need to beat this!!
Probably the best advice I could give is to try to find things to occupy your mind. You need to stay busy and get out of your head. I know that it can be difficult when you are suffering, but it is essential.
If I sat around and dwelled on my "T", I'd make myself crazy with anxiety. If I have nothing to do, I try to focus on pleasant thoughts! Meditate on good and pleasant thoughts and ideas! Watch a good movie, read a good book........get outa your head.
instead of feeling your anxiety express it.... basically when you start thinking about tinnitus say what you feel.... "I can hear you and you're stressing me out" don't use negatives though... always just tell tinnitus what its making you feel, it does wonders!!! BTW tinnitus is as common as dirt!!! you shouldn't be anxious over something so common! 50m million americans have it (that is california, oregon, nevada and washington state) population wise!
My tinnitus on my left ear doesn't bother me anymore I can hear it but I think I got used to it but for some reason it's been extremely difficult with the ear spasms since they come and go I guess my biggest fear is that one day they will stay 24/7.
My tinnitus on my left ear doesn't bother me anymore I can hear it but I think I got used to it but for some reason it's been extremely difficult with the ear spasms since they come and go I guess my biggest fear is that one day they will stay 24/7.

It is a great first step that your tinnitus doesn't bother you anymore--that was the biggest first step in my overcoming anxiety and depression tied to tinnitus. I think using tenants of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, like the ones referred to in @Dr. Nagler's "Letter to a Tinnitus Sufferer" are helpful for worries like the ones you are having about ear spasms. It is a powerful exercise for me that if I have a catastrophic thought, like "My life will never be the same", to write it down, and then write down reasons why that is not necessarily true. For me, the act of writing things down has a gradually reassuring and calming effect. Now for the last few weeks I have had virtually zero anxiety after being essentially a ball of anxiety for 2+ months, so it worked for me. Good luck!
If T is not the problem, have you seen an ENT for the spasm? Perhaps the doctor can give you something to control the spasm or find out the root cause of it.
Waiting for ear spasms to start so you can panic doesn't sound like much fun at all.

Do they hurt? What about your tinnitus? Is it hurting you?

Picture a room that has everything you enjoy. Love, friends, games, music... whatever you want. You can stay in this room for as long as you like, and everything you desire is free and unlimited. This room, however, has the a somewhat noticeable hissing sound, or a fan, or a whatever, that you and everyone who is in the room can hear. Would you avoid the room?

Do you avoid your kitchen because of the buzz of your fridge?
Do you avoid the outside because of the hissing of the wind?

I bet you don't.

Start trying to see your tinnitus in the same manner.
It's just background noise. Let it be.
Same with the spasms. Let them be.
The spasms will go away, and you will forget about your tinnitus.
I promise.
I have an appointment with the ENT February 4th I'm hoping we can find a cause for the spasms since like a few days ago my jaw feels really tight like it's been pulled that's a new symptom not sure it it's related. Nic. B I really like your suggestions and I will start practicing this I'm trying to stay positive taking it one day at a time and avoid the what if it gets worse thoughts.
You may want to read up on mindfulness and meditation using mindfulness technique. This is promoted as something to help us calm the nerve and better deal with anxiety and stress. You can search youtube on mindfulness meditation and watch many videos there. Also try abdominal breathing (google or youtube it) as it is known to reduce stress and anxiety with this proper breathing method. Usually abdominal breathing is also used as part of the mindfulness meditation. If anything you can also ask Dr. Charlie about EFT and his ART. These are techniques promoted for anxiety relief too.
I am glad you have that ENT appt. Hopefully they can figure out the problem. Then again, this may be due to anxiety. Anxiety and stress can cause some puzzling physical problems and usually after ruling out any medical causes, addressing your anxiety issues can alleviate them. Until I addressed my Anxiety issues with CBT, I had all kinds of weird physical issues, pains, clicks, swallowing issues, stomach problems, tense/sore jaw, migraines, lower back issues, ETD --you name it, I had it. And I believed them to all be cause by extreme stress, anxiety and my distorted state of mind. I don't think it was a coincidence that when I treated my anxiety and stress that all these issues went away. It took several month but it did happen.

I would also agree the others on with keeping yourself busy to help give you and your mind a break from thinking about T even if for a few minutes here an there. Some things that helped me:
  1. Time - time really does help, however in the beginning with T, it is real slow. The challenge was staying busy, trying to focus on other things. Tinnitus Talk and this community was a great help and time occupier for me.
  2. CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for 20-22 weeks, helped me immensely with my anxiety, negative thinking and panic attacks. Also helped fix most of my weird physical ailments.
  3. Volunteer- I volunteered for some local charities like Meals on Wheels, Shelter, Soup Kitchen and this helped me to realize everyone has something going on with them at some level. And almost everyone will have to deal with one or more serious health issues at some point in their lives and for some it is sooner than later.
  4. Health - Tinnitus made into a healthier person. I started to take care of myself by eating better (no fast food, no soda) and getting active again. I now do some sports activity at least 4x a week and usually 5-6 on average, playing tennis, basketball and soccer--all sports I gave up long ago but found the excitement and challenge for again. Of course it is tougher to do now that I am older but I have always been a competitive person so I accept the challenge and body pain. ;)
I myself have problems dealing with all the anxiety over T, Sometimes I feel I'm all alone in this vicious circle of this daily 24/7 condition called Tinnitus. Each day over the last 3 months have been a struggle day and night from the time I get out of bed until the time I "try" to go to sleep at night. THANK GOD I found this site which I have leaned so much about T. I also have done alot of research on my own and have tried many different coping skills that can help me, from changing my diet- no caffeine-low salt intake-moderate use of alcohol etc. just to name a few..Plus
Listen to white noise music on YouTube.. I bought earphones- a sound machine- a sound pillow- everything and anything that can help me as I also know each person's T condition is different. When the frequency spikes to its highest level and I can't use any of my many coping skills Xanax helps me and I only take as needed. I also see a Family Doctor, an ENT , a psychologist and a massage therapist monthly (for now)
My aim and every tinnitus sufferer is to habituate to their tinnitus.
This means reaching a state of mind where you no longer have a negative emotional response to your tinnitus.
I'm not there yet but I know one day I will...
I know its a tough battle but Stay strong Think positive
God Bless, Gail
I am glad you have that ENT appt. Hopefully they can figure out the problem. Then again, this may be due to anxiety. Anxiety and stress can cause some puzzling physical problems and usually after ruling out any medical causes, addressing your anxiety issues can alleviate them. Until I addressed my Anxiety issues with CBT, I had all kinds of weird physical issues, pains, clicks, swallowing issues, stomach problems, tense/sore jaw, migraines, lower back issues, ETD --you name it, I had it. And I believed them to all be cause by extreme stress, anxiety and my distorted state of mind. I don't think it was a coincidence that when I treated my anxiety and stress that all these issues went away. It took several month but it did happen.

I would also agree the others on with keeping yourself busy to help give you and your mind a break from thinking about T even if for a few minutes here an there. Some things that helped me:
  1. Time - time really does help, however in the beginning with T, it is real slow. The challenge was staying busy, trying to focus on other things. Tinnitus Talk and this community was a great help and time occupier for me.
  2. CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for 20-22 weeks, helped me immensely with my anxiety, negative thinking and panic attacks. Also helped fix most of my weird physical ailments.
  3. Volunteer- I volunteered for some local charities like Meals on Wheels, Shelter, Soup Kitchen and this helped me to realize everyone has something going on with them at some level. And almost everyone will have to deal with one or more serious health issues at some point in their lives and for some it is sooner than later.
  4. Health - Tinnitus made into a healthier person. I started to take care of myself by eating better (no fast food, no soda) and getting active again. I now do some sports activity at least 4x a week and usually 5-6 on average, playing tennis, basketball and soccer--all sports I gave up long ago but found the excitement and challenge for again. Of course it is tougher to do now that I am older but I have always been a competitive person so I accept the challenge and body pain. ;)

My god the swalling issue I also got... I just asked my girlfriend if I became crazy or something..... I have a depression and anxiety problem .... T was a big part of it but I can deal with T now but I have all the anxiety symptoms. I so aware of myself... like swallowing etc. I hear from everybody that it's the anxiety kicking in but it's hard to deal with if you just accepted T. Next thursday I go in therapy and hope to deal with it better.
I did fine for two days this morning I had a hiccup and now my ear has been going off ever since so I'm not looking forward to the rest of the day :( we need a cure already!!
My tinnitus on my left ear doesn't bother me anymore I can hear it but I think I got used to it but for some reason it's been extremely difficult with the ear spasms since they come and go I guess my biggest fear is that one day they will stay 24/7.
I had the ear spasms too when I first got T. After a few months, it went away completely. I think the anxiety about T and the greater sound sensitivity at the onset caused it. Just try and distract yourself with fun things now and be extra good to yourself.
Hey Chelles, Anxiety is based on fear. This is the enemy's playground. He takes difficult situations that we are
facing and intensifies them by telling us it may get worse. A lot of time are fears never become reality. As God's people the best thing we can do to relieve anxiety is to cast our burden upon Him. Pray about things that are troubling you, and trust Him that He will take care of you. God will either solve our problems, or give us the extra grace we need to go through the problems. God is our creator, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God looked at His creation and said it was good. He made our ears and He knew one day we would have these problems, just like He knew about going to the cross. Jesus said in this world we would have tribulation, but to be of good cheer, He overcame the world. If we never went through a time of testing, we would never have a testimony of how God brought us through. When we have a testimony, it brings more credibility to our witness of Christ Jesus. God knows where you live, and at the appropriate time He will deliver you from all your trouble; if you will keep the faith. We can do this, many have gone through worse suffering than us and persevered through it victoriously. Ask your church family to join with you in prayer, have the Elders of your church anoint you with oil, and pray the prayer of faith. I have and will continue to pray for you, and i hope I can count on you for prayer support. I have good days and bad ones, fortunately today is a good one. I've enjoyed chatting with you online, and i hope this encourages you some. Daily exercise has been helpful to me relieving the anxiety from T, when we do this it releases endorphin s that help against stress. But you know coping techniques, really our only hope of a cure is God. And He could cure us whenever He wishes; weeping may endure through the night but joy comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5).
About 2 weeks ago I been having really bad anxiety due to my ear problems (tinnitus plus ear spasms) I realized my biggest problem is the anxiety I have lost the will to enjoy life, I've lost my appetite, I constantly want to cry and I find myself in bed waiting for the spasms to start so I can panic. I can't and refuse to live like this so I need tips on how to beat this anxiety. I have medication but it only makes me dizzy doesn't really help. My mind is currently my worst enemy I need to beat this!!

Dear Chelles, I know this is easier said than done, a person needs to try and stay as busy as possible no matter how crumby they feel. I too, and others on this forum suffer with anxiety and other related symptoms along with the T. I'll be praying for you and everybody that posts on this forum. God Bless....... Rich

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