I am glad you have that ENT appt. Hopefully they can figure out the problem. Then again, this may be due to anxiety. Anxiety and stress can cause some puzzling physical problems and usually after ruling out any medical causes, addressing your anxiety issues can alleviate them. Until I addressed my Anxiety issues with CBT, I had all kinds of weird physical issues, pains, clicks, swallowing issues, stomach problems, tense/sore jaw, migraines, lower back issues, ETD --you name it, I had it. And I believed them to all be cause by extreme stress, anxiety and my distorted state of mind. I don't think it was a coincidence that when I treated my anxiety and stress that all these issues went away. It took several month but it did happen.
I would also agree the others on with keeping yourself busy to help give you and your mind a break from thinking about T even if for a few minutes here an there. Some things that helped me:
- Time - time really does help, however in the beginning with T, it is real slow. The challenge was staying busy, trying to focus on other things. Tinnitus Talk and this community was a great help and time occupier for me.
- CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for 20-22 weeks, helped me immensely with my anxiety, negative thinking and panic attacks. Also helped fix most of my weird physical ailments.
- Volunteer- I volunteered for some local charities like Meals on Wheels, Shelter, Soup Kitchen and this helped me to realize everyone has something going on with them at some level. And almost everyone will have to deal with one or more serious health issues at some point in their lives and for some it is sooner than later.
- Health - Tinnitus made into a healthier person. I started to take care of myself by eating better (no fast food, no soda) and getting active again. I now do some sports activity at least 4x a week and usually 5-6 on average, playing tennis, basketball and soccer--all sports I gave up long ago but found the excitement and challenge for again. Of course it is tougher to do now that I am older but I have always been a competitive person so I accept the challenge and body pain.