So I had 2 additional MRI exams last week.
1st one on Monday (coccyx) then a 2nd one on Friday (thoracic spine). Both on the latest Canon Orian 1.5T.
Both with EarSoft FX earplugs carefully deeply inserted + MRI approved earmuffs. 1st one with the head slightly outside the MRI tunnel, 2nd one with the head right in the middle of the tunnel. Both around 15-20 minutes long.
Like with the 1st one a year ago, I hummed/whispered a melody during the various sequences in order to cover the noise of the machine and relax (since with earplugs, it resonates in your head, so only a whisper is enough). It worked great again. Some sequences are louder and/or longer than others and are still stressful, clear, but I think it is more due to the anxiety and the negative emotion you put behind the context/type of noise than really the noise level itself.
It was obviously not pleasant, but both MRI exams were fine. No spike or any effect on my tinnitus or hyperacusis.
So I have been through 3 MRI exams in 1 year. All with Canon Orian and I am now sure MRI exams on that machine are no problem for me.
I have noise induced tinnitus + mild hyperacusis but I used to have quite severe hyperacusis a few years ago.
BTW I discussed a long moment with the MRI operator. He is also working on a GE MRI at the local hospital nearby and he confirmed the GE are WAY louder.
He told me he has worked over the last 10 years on every MRI brand (GE, Siemens, Canon) and the Canon are by far the quietest (and GE the worst in terms of noise). On the Canon Orian he usually does not supply any ear protection to the patients. By the way Canon Medical is apparently no longer supplying earmuffs with the machine since the average sound pressure/level is probably below the regulatory limit. On the GE it is not allowed and he would anyhow NEVER do an MRI exam without giving ear protection to the patient.
He added that even for them, as operators, it is much more comfortable to work on Canon because it is much more quiet behind the glass wall.
All in all, it confirmed to me that everytime I need an MRI I should go for the Canon, which is btw already exactly what I am doing.
So no surprise here.
Take care.