Just thought I'd say hi.. hoping maybe it will take my mind off things.
The noises in my head started last night right before bed. I was in bed watching some TV on my laptop.. got up to turn my white noise machine on (I use this almost every night to dampen external sounds) and noticed a higher pitch than I'm used to hearing while the machine is on. I turned the machine off for a moment and the higher pitch sound become much more noticeable. I immediately became worried because I've never had a high pitch sound stay in my ears/head more than a few moments before. It sounds as if I'm standing next to a TV that is on but with the volume off. This is a noise I've always been able to pick up when near certain electronics but turn the electronics off and the sound goes away.
So I finally managed to fall asleep but I don't think I slept very well. And as soon as I woke up I thought about the ringing in my ears. And sure enough it was still there. Going on about 12 hours now.
I know it hasn't been long at all but this is quite worrying. But this is nothing new to anyone with "T" I'm sure.
Earlier in the day yesterday I had been playing with my ear, sticking my finger in it trying to get out some wax. It's possible the noise I'm hearing now is due to that and I've caused some type of (hopefully temp) damage by poking things with my finger. But the noise in my head didn't start until hours later. I'm positive if is not from any loud noises as I did not wear any headphones recently and all day yesterday I didn't do much other than watch TV on my laptop and take it easy. I also know that I seem to have lots of wax in my ears, this has always been the case in life for me.
My balance does not seem to be affected. Nor am I "dizzy". I can almost stop noticing the noise if I leave the water in the sink running. My white noise machine helps a bit but doesn't quite match the pitch and doesn't get rid of the sound but it's better than sitting in a silent room just listening to my head.
I've read enough on this site already to know there will likely be no quick fix (possibly no fix at all). What I'm having trouble figuring out is what ear is causing the problem. The noise seems to be "in stereo" but I want to say it seems to favor my left ear which is the ear I was poking at with my finger yesterday. Can one "problematic" ear cause ringing in both ears?
If it is indeed in both ears would that rule out that it was from my poking my left ear with my finger? I know there's no definitive answers here but looking for responses from people who may have similar experiences.
I've read not to take advil. I feel like I can't "relax" and am starting to get a headache but not sure what to take if not advil. Tylenol perhaps?
I plan on seeing my primary care physician asap. Since it's the weekend, I assume earliest would be Monday. I hope the 2 day wait isn't too long. Then after I see my PCP they will hopefully refer me to an ENT to maybe get a better answer on what's going on.
If anyone actually took the time to read any of this long rant, thanks
I will continue to poke around the forums here in hopes of reading something that may offer some relief, either with the noise itself or just mentally dealing with it.
The noises in my head started last night right before bed. I was in bed watching some TV on my laptop.. got up to turn my white noise machine on (I use this almost every night to dampen external sounds) and noticed a higher pitch than I'm used to hearing while the machine is on. I turned the machine off for a moment and the higher pitch sound become much more noticeable. I immediately became worried because I've never had a high pitch sound stay in my ears/head more than a few moments before. It sounds as if I'm standing next to a TV that is on but with the volume off. This is a noise I've always been able to pick up when near certain electronics but turn the electronics off and the sound goes away.
So I finally managed to fall asleep but I don't think I slept very well. And as soon as I woke up I thought about the ringing in my ears. And sure enough it was still there. Going on about 12 hours now.
I know it hasn't been long at all but this is quite worrying. But this is nothing new to anyone with "T" I'm sure.
Earlier in the day yesterday I had been playing with my ear, sticking my finger in it trying to get out some wax. It's possible the noise I'm hearing now is due to that and I've caused some type of (hopefully temp) damage by poking things with my finger. But the noise in my head didn't start until hours later. I'm positive if is not from any loud noises as I did not wear any headphones recently and all day yesterday I didn't do much other than watch TV on my laptop and take it easy. I also know that I seem to have lots of wax in my ears, this has always been the case in life for me.
My balance does not seem to be affected. Nor am I "dizzy". I can almost stop noticing the noise if I leave the water in the sink running. My white noise machine helps a bit but doesn't quite match the pitch and doesn't get rid of the sound but it's better than sitting in a silent room just listening to my head.
I've read enough on this site already to know there will likely be no quick fix (possibly no fix at all). What I'm having trouble figuring out is what ear is causing the problem. The noise seems to be "in stereo" but I want to say it seems to favor my left ear which is the ear I was poking at with my finger yesterday. Can one "problematic" ear cause ringing in both ears?
If it is indeed in both ears would that rule out that it was from my poking my left ear with my finger? I know there's no definitive answers here but looking for responses from people who may have similar experiences.
I've read not to take advil. I feel like I can't "relax" and am starting to get a headache but not sure what to take if not advil. Tylenol perhaps?
I plan on seeing my primary care physician asap. Since it's the weekend, I assume earliest would be Monday. I hope the 2 day wait isn't too long. Then after I see my PCP they will hopefully refer me to an ENT to maybe get a better answer on what's going on.
If anyone actually took the time to read any of this long rant, thanks
I will continue to poke around the forums here in hopes of reading something that may offer some relief, either with the noise itself or just mentally dealing with it.