Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Here is the feedback about my HBOT:

I've had 9 out of 10 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions so far. To be honest, I don't think they have helped me at all. There is no clear difference in my Tinnitus.

At least I'm content I gave it a try. Else the doubt would have eaten me.
I went through another course of steroids which helped but then my hearing till 8000KHz deteriorated a little.
I took an Ultra high frequency hearing test and it showed my left ear is about 40db below my right ear in that ultra high range. really bad. and my Tinnitus is in the same ultra high frequency. I am a month and half from onset, It's too late for steroids injections to the ear.
There is a study that shows that HBOT is beneficial in treating hearing loss in 3 months.

so my last chance is HBOT.
I am at my 4th session.

so far I can't tell you there is a major difference. there are times when it's really bad. like a super high frequency radio out of tune.. a few sounds together messing with my head. but sometimes it's pretty quite. I will only be satisfied if any improvement will last.

I am doing 20 sessions. I'll keep you posted. :)
I went through another course of steroids which helped but then my hearing till 8000KHz deteriorated a little.
I took an Ultra high frequency hearing test and it showed my left ear is about 40db below my right ear in that ultra high range. really bad. and my Tinnitus is in the same ultra high frequency. I am a month and half from onset, It's too late for steroids injections to the ear.
There is a study that shows that HBOT is beneficial in treating hearing loss in 3 months.

so my last chance is HBOT.
I am at my 4th session.

so far I can't tell you there is a major difference. there are times when it's really bad. like a super high frequency radio out of tune.. a few sounds together messing with my head. but sometimes it's pretty quite. I will only be satisfied if any improvement will last.

I am doing 20 sessions. I'll keep you posted. :)

I RoyZ,

I did 10 sessions too, I think it was 4 weeks after I had some hearing loss and tinnitus.
During the sessions, I couldn't feel or see or hear improvement. But after 2-3 years
the general hearing status was better, maybe there was some support of this treatment.
There have been 12 people at the same time, 1 woman improved to Tinnitus-Free.

I hope for you very good results!!!!!

All the best
I did 10 sessions too, I think it was 4 weeks after I had some hearing loss and tinnitus.
During the sessions, I couldn't feel or see or hear improvement. But after 2-3 years
the general hearing status was better, maybe there was some support of this treatment.
There have been 12 people at the same time, 1 woman improved to Tinnitus-Free.

I hope for you very good results!!!!!

All the best

Nice to hear :) and that's interesting, on one hand we also need to take into account that there could be a natural recovery in the first few months of hearing loss and tinnitus. on the second hand there are many cases that HBOT was known to help just as you've mentioned.
and you can never know if and how much it will help but I have to try... this is what we hope for.. :)

Thanks a lot for you wishes!!! and all the best to you too!!!

Nice to hear :) and that's interesting, on one hand we also need to take into account that there could be a natural recovery in the first few months of hearing loss and tinnitus. on the second hand there are many cases that HBOT was known to help just as you've mentioned.
and you can never know if and how much it will help but I have to try... this is what we hope for.. :)

Thanks a lot for you wishes!!! and all the best to you too!!!


Thank you!!! Go for it!
I also had always a pressure after the "dive"... this made me very desperated, because I didn't know it's
from the hearing damage or from the hyperbaric. In general, it just can be healty for the body to
inhale so much oxygen und this pressure... So maybe the inner ear get's also some relief.

Greets tomytl
My T is also going a little wild these days,
The chief nurse said it's common on the first few days of treatment and it's like it's responding to the treatment.
a professor which is a diving and an ENT specialist said I should try at least 4 sessions to see how is it going..
I'll see how it is after 10 and decide if I want more.
Hi RoyZ,

good to read, that there is some change. It might probably a good sign. I didn't had any change except
some more ear pressure...

All the Best!
Today was the first day (of two days) of a break (weekend here), and the T is bad. I had 5 sessions this week (and in total as well) at the same time of the day and I can tell you that at that same time and at the same time after the treatment today was worst than all week days. I hope it will become better as the treatment continues. more updates next week :)
I have found an HBO centre close to me which appears to be quite cheap - at least on their website it does they aren't open at weekends for me to enquire. As I'm still fairly on in having T I thought I might give it a go for the sake of what it costs and the fact the only advice my doctor has given me is take betahistine for a while and learn to live with it. Two questions though for those of you with more knowledge of this than me.

They only offer treatment 3 days a week - I've read some people say it has to be every day for a period of time - what do people think ?
Second they offer different depths - which range from 8' (less than 3 metres) to 33' - and a range in between. What would be a reasonable number to go for if I did go for it ?

As I say I'm not overly hopeful of this being a miracle cure but my T has quietened in the few weeks I've had it (or I've got used to it a bit maybe) but I think if I didn't try it I'd always be thinking "what if". Thanks for any help.
tom68, there is a reccomendation to have as many following days as possible. 5 is better than 3 imo.
The deepest depth is what you want, 10 meters (33 feet). it's a matter of atmospheric pressure, which in 10 meters depth is equal to 2 atmospheres rather than 1 atmosphere on the outside.
kids are usually treaded in lower depths/pressures. try to get more treatments a week somehow, maybe another place?

Good Luck!

On my upper post I meant kids are "treated" off course.

Today was my 6 session. T has been loud as in the beginning (almost 2 months ago)
Super loud-crazy-electricity sounds in my head and some stress.

The doctors at the place (with no profits intention) that it's too early and that for people that have benefited from the treatment it took at least 15-20 to see the change if it happened.
I am looking forward for Thursday, that will be the last session for the week and after 5 sessions this week.
I want to see how will my T be by then. it will be 10 sessions in total but even if it won't help I'll do more sessions. at least up to 20.
even though it's very expensive (100$ a session of 2 hours) it's the last thing I can do to treat my issue of sudden hearing loss (on ultra high frequencies and a little in high frequencies) and the Tinnitus that is caused by it.
I can't take steroids again since it's too late already (took 2 courses already that helped but then the situation deteriorated)

my T is very very bad right now. but I am not getting into a panic since I know I am treating it.

one doctor (a very nice one) over there said that there is also a psychological component in the treatment.
statistically, for people who are positive about the treatment it is more likely to be beneficial compared to the people who are negative or not positive about it. he says it's because of endorphins released in the brain.

so I am definitely staying positive and hopeful :) but who knows.. I'll keep you posted..

Here are two pictures of the HBO tank I used in my 'dives'. Quite an experience... :)

and here are some of mine.. quite different.. :)

20140309_193540 (Large).jpg 20140309_193446 (Large).jpg 20140309_193501 (Large).jpg

I know it's German made. its name is HAUX HBO, it's a double chamber (the other side is smaller) and there is even a passage between them and the outside too.

Today was my 7th session. T was pretty bad yesterday after the treatment, today was better, I think I am starting to feel some effect of the HBOT, we'll have to wait and see.

Wow, much nicers with arm rest seats and all. :) Mine is an old one made by a Finnish industrial company. I used those plastic transparent hoods for oxygen and they were uncomfortable when they were going up and down all the time with your breathing. I got also bored as hell when sitting there for the 1,5 hours.
It's pretty nice for a chamber yes, for the price we pay (100$ a session of almost 2 hours) it should be ;)
patients in my chamber read books.. so they are not getting bored. maybe you could read too?
here there is even the option to listen to music by plugging earphones to a jack up there in the ceiling and a button to change between 3 stations. we could also bring our own cd/disk on key.
in this chamber there is always a nurse as well, he/she is taking the dive but not the oxygen.
I wonder if it's like that in other chambers. it's quite nice an reassuring to have a nurse with you inside like in the other day I was about to pass out but didn't, you know you have to eat right before the session as the treatment lowers the sugar levels in the blood.. and I have eaten a large meal, but 3-4 hours before and that is not good enough. you should even eat something small right before the session to keep the sugar levels high. I was pale (and I'm a little dark) so lesson learned.

which brings me to another subject.. I don't think it's for everyone as my onset of T was due to sudden hearing loss and started only 2 months ago. and also, you have to have access to a sound system while in the chamber.

so yesterday I've tried to listen to the sound I made (always in a low volume) which I keep listening to since my onset.
it's a sweep sound from 100Hz to 20,000Hz, when I'm listening to the sound and a few second (10-15) after listening-
my T is almost not there but not as masking but as treating/stimulating, I think it's more because my ear situation is not final and not stable.. the T (and hearing loss in matching frequencies) keeps changing through the days and weeks. so I figured (almost since onset) I would stimulate the cells that are dying and didn't die yet to keep them alive (as it is done with steroids) and by going through the whole range I make sure no frequency is left unstimulated.

I was seeing people in some sessions that are doing physical therapy, like actually moving their body parts and exercising by the instruction of the nurse. apparently there is a benefit for doing that during the treatment.

so I was thinking to myself, if I'll stimulate my damaged ear with that sound as I do outside, maybe it will be much better?
so I've tried, just half an hour inside to make sure it won't do any bad. and after that treatment I was ok,
I was better than the day before but I won't count that to the fact I've listened to the sound.
but I think I might be on to something, at least in my state of new hearing loss and T.

I was also thinking to have my own mp3 player I could carry with me but they won't allow any of these devices, I was thinking it's because the batteries could explode under pressure but there might be other things that could cause it to be flammable.. not sure but I'm intending to ask as I would've liked to have full control over the listening.
I had my 9th session a few hours ago, T is going a little crazy. I was already much better at times but they say it takes time.. we'll see.
about the sound I mentioned earlier, I was a little concerned that it will counter react the treatment (but on the other side I think it might/should help) so I didn't try it again. I'll see about that in the near future. not ruling it out.
I had my 10th session yesterday, today and tomorrow I'm off.
don't know if it's because of the treatment but today T is very very low.
hope it will stay like that or get even better.
the second day off from the last session and T is still very very low and I am very very happy! :) it's still there but in a way I could live with it but still wouldn't want to so I would go on for another 10 sessions to hopefully eliminate it totally.. tomorrow a new 5 days round begins. I just hope it won't deteriorate. very happy.
that is good news to hear that your T is improving Roy. since your T is only a few months old, is this the first time you have experienced such a significant reduction?
Thanks locoyeti, yes, I have my T for 2 months and it is the first time I have a significant reduction that lasted more than an hour or so, I have a very low T for about 48 hours now.
I had my 11th session today. I think I was better before it and it lasted for 3 days..
but now after this session it's like a turbulence.
now T is still very low but louder and a little crazier than before that last session.
I'll keep having the HBOT and hopefully this will die too.
Glad to hear you've had some improvement Roy. I've had three sessions so far, I'm planning on two a week which while not ideal is all I can make at this centre with my work (centre is open 3 days a week).

Early experiences are that a few hours after the session my T is slightly worse, but overall my T is definitely better than a week ago - that may have nothing to do with the therapy at all but it at least reassures me it isn't doing any lasting harm in terms of my T. Today I think I've had 3-4 hours totally T free and yesterday wasn't too bad either - it's actually at a level I feel I could live with it - it may in part be habituation there has definitely been an element of real improvement too.

Interesting that during all my sessions the T has been silent.
Thanks a lot Tom,
if there is another place you could take more sessions I would do that if I was you. but something is probably better than nothing.
at the beginning it was very loud for me too after the sessions, the crew said it's very common to see regression before improvement (in many types of medical conditions) and on their side they say it's a good thing since it means the body is reacting to the treatment and with time there should be an improvement.
about your concern, I was told by a professor that HBOT can't do any harm.
I am glad you got some silence! and I wish you luck getting rid from that T completely!

as for me..
today it was back to the an excellent low level before the treatment and after it it was OK too.
but a few hours ago something happened to my dog and I had to rush her to the vets, I was very stressed and thought she is about to die before I got to her (cause I was outside), now I got her checked and everything and she is probably alright but I think all that stress I've just experienced spiked up my T. it's still very low compared to last week but it's the loudest in the last 4 days. I hope it will improve tomorrow with the next session.
I had a random conversation with a doctor in the clinic today, he said he's happy that the T has improved (of course) and that I should keep going. so I've asked for how long? I was told for 20 sessions by the professor I've been to, but he said 30.
he said there is a guideline that talks about 30 sessions for sudden hearing loss (which is what I have) so I tried to find it but only found this study from 2001 that mentions 30 sessions in some way.
13th session today.. T was better earlier today before the session and after it it was even better but now when it's late at night it's louder.. still nothing compared to last week's hell.:) But I do have this one super high sound which feels like my brain is being constantly zapped by a flactuating current of electricty. but it's a low volume sound. that's why it doesn't drive me crazy.
T is 70%-80% less loud than last week (and since the onset) and I still look forward and hope for more major improvments.
I wouldn't put too much stock in the HBOT. There may be a very small subset of people that this works for, however with the concurrent conditions that tinnitus sufferers have (eustachian tube disorders, middle ear infections, generally sensitive cochleas), I think that the changes in pressure are more likely to cause harm than good. I would expect positive change would be extremely short lived. If you do get HBOT, it needs to be done under the supervision of a board certified otologist. Anyone else will not have an appreciation for the risks involved in putting an at-risk cochlea under high pressure. Approach this therapy with extreme caution!
HBOT has been around for many years and has been touted as a treatment (or even a cure) for a wide variety of different conditions - stroke, traumatic brain injury, autism and now tinnitus. There is no persuasuve evidence that HBOT works for any of these and some evidence that it may cause harm. My medical advice is Keep Away.
HBOT has been around for many years and has been touted as a treatment (or even a cure) for a wide variety of different conditions - stroke, traumatic brain injury, autism and now tinnitus. There is no persuasuve evidence that HBOT works for any of these and some evidence that it may cause harm. My medical advice is Keep Away.

Yeah I agree. Unless you are a diabetic with your foot falling off or a diver suffering from the bends, do as Dr. Ancill says and stay away.

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