its gonna be very tough in the are possibly going to think all kinds of terrible thoughts...i know i did
you are not going to believe it but... you...will...get...better
its going to take time
your brain, believe it or not will become.... bored... bored... bored ...with tinnitus
this is called habituation
and it takes time,
but the important thing is to do is, as little further damage as possible ! (avoid excessive noise exposure (EXCESSIVE..not ALL) and avoid drugs that are poisonous to the inner ear, (ototoxic drugs)
btw many if not most tinnitus sufferers will note that anxiety, loud talk, loud music and certain foods , chemicals, will temporarily exacerbate their tinnitus....dont freak out, the tinnitus will subside to its level its previous level, in time if you minimize these exposures
read about
"n acetyl cysteine" and how it can help if you get whacked by a bad medication or noise exposure
hang in there...i promise you you will get better, but it will take time
heres my best suggestion, fight thinking about your tinnitus..divert your attention, anyway you can, soft music, conversation, chores, cooking, love, bicycling anything, ANYTHING, you can do to divert your attention
exercise (promotes brain plasticity and lowers anxiety!
and talk positive to yourself..."i can get past this ugly thing...its just a noise, i wont let this beat tougher than not alone millions of civilians and returning military are with me in this fight, i can make it..."
here is the absolute truth, ....tinnitus only has the power that you give it..., thats a fact!
right now my T is this really loud, really high pitched EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee sound with morse code like bleeps and a whole bunch of hissisng and other stuff...geeeze what fun......................not
not gonna let this rob me of my just not gonna let it
im a spirit and tinnitus is the wind and i just let it blow thru me, as i pass by, unaffected
hang in there
mock turtle
in may cases tinnitus slowly goes away and resolves for reasons we dont know
please see a doctor to rule out or find low probability but possible other considerations
and hey do read about n acetyl cysteine and tinitus, it might help