I have tinnitus in my right ear four ca. five years now. I have been to many doctors and tried many different treatments (magnesium, iron, physiotherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture). The doctors did not find any anatomic reason for my noise and I have no hearing loss.
Here is a short description of my tinnitus:
Has anyone here experienced the same behaviour of the tinnitus?
Here is a short description of my tinnitus:
- The noise I hear is a rather low-frequency vibration/oscillation. The situation is quite special, in a way that, when I lie flat on my bed it often goes away for some moments (e.g. a few minutes before falling asleep). I can achieve this silence by some form of movement or contraction in my throat or palate (I'm not sure where exactly). This contraction applies or removes pressure ( I can't really say for sure) from my ear, results in a clicking noise, and then the vibration goes away. However when I do this while being in any other position than lying flat, the noise will return very quickly (seconds).
- I experienced that after being in an airplane or to a concert the vibration can be gone for longer periods (hours to a day). For example I went to a concert yesterday and today I can't hear the vibration (I used ear plugs). Last weekend I also attanded some concerts at a festival and the vibration was almost gone for two consecutive days!
- I press my teeth against each other during the night (bruxism) also since many years (about a year longer than I have the noise). For this I got a mouthguard. About a year after receiving the mouthguard the noise started and I have it ever since.
- When I refrain from using the mouthguard I get very painful tensions in my face, neck and shoulder regions.
- Also the noise does not really get better when not using the mouthguard (longest period withouth the guard was two weeks).
- As you all know, the whole situation is very stressful.
- Therefore I also had to take antidepressants at times.
Has anyone here experienced the same behaviour of the tinnitus?