Yer, I caved. I was gonna take a break and I did for about a week. But just felt so lonely and had noone to talk to and noone who understands and noone who cares and noone who thinks it's a problem and noone to whinge to!
Yes, I exactly know what it is about. I lost many friends because have tinnitus. But - it means, they wasnt real friendsAnd real friends - those, who stays with me, still support me.
One thing, not very pleasant to read, but i have to write it. Tinnitus is just a sound, not cancer. Yes, true. Cancer is often fatal disease. But, we are mortal and once everybody die. People with fatal cancer suffers a lot, mainly last weeks before death comes. But tinnitus sufferers suffers 10, 20, 30 years... those with catastrophics T are in worse condition than people with cancer. They are alive, but they dont have a life. They are in hell. This is my opinion.
I respect your opinion, Johno, but I have to disagree.
As I have said before on this board: One should keep things in perspective but personal suffering is not a contest. All people who suffer deserve our compassion. There is no ranking system: tinnitus does not get a 10, cancer a 6.
Thank you Will, i know your words are correct, but for me it's not just the t, it's the whole life changes that are getting me down ... the fear of it getting louder, having to plug every time i go out, not being able to eat or drink anything i want, to me that's not much of a life!!!!
Thanks so much for the replies. It means the world to me. I keep talking to my family about it and they keep saying the things I don't want to hear, and in fact now they just don't let me talk about it at all because they're so frustrated. I don't tell my friends because...well I don't really have any friends....that's my fault really. I also feel annoyed that something as innocent as a sound is ruling my life. It's just a noise and I just can't get used to it. In the last 2 weeks, I feel like I can't breathe and I always breathe in really deeply and I still feel as though I can't breathe. The crap thing about that is that I'm 99% sure it's just anxiety. Yet still I can not control it. Because I am subconsciously focusing on it, I can't breathe. I can't believe what little control I have over my body. Something as automatic as breathing I now can't do properly because of my mind. Stupid mind. But, this does make me realise how powerful the mind can actually be. I keep telling myself to just breathe normally but I don't. I keep telling myself it's just a noise, or that it's not that bad, or that ill get used to it, I don't. Thanks so much for the replies and for the positivity, I really need that (as I'm sure everyone reading this does also).