Hey, that's a lovely thing to say, thank you.
It's been a while since I've been on here and things are ok. Am I cured? No. Do I care? Not really. Have I heard silence? Yes. Was it amazing? Yes. Can I live without it? Yes. Do I feel like I'd saw my own leg off to have permanent silence? Most days, yes. The whole tinnitus thing is a massive contradiction in itself, pining for something you know in your heart you don't truly need but my god you want it so bad, and sometimes it's the desire for something that stops you moving on. I don't think about the tinnitus in terms or wishing it away now, but I do all I can to relinquish the attachment to silence that I still seem to harbour.
I can do that in time. It'll just take more time and if after two years of this crap I haven't died then I'll probably make it through.
Other than that, life is pretty normal. I work more than I probably should, I go to the pub, I read books with no background noise, I sleep ok, I still have a terrible diet but some things just don't change
I still know it's not easy and I try not to dwell on the reduction in my quality of life that I know is apparent if I'm completely honest with myself, but I'm making it through.
And about the brain zaps, no they haven't gone away, they're violent when I'm falling asleep but yet again, there's nothing I can do about it and it's just another thing I wish wasn't there but is.
But then the other day I fell asleep and all I could hear was... nothing. So, so weird.
I hope you're all doing ok. It's still nice to know I'm not alone with this xxx