
one sitting in snowbank outside my back door right now

. A Dairy Queen ice cream cake for my wife's birthday today.
Yes, I'm working but trying avoid anything too physical until my shoulders rotator cuff tendons heels up. Getting old so I need to make a change there too. Ive been looking for a job that's not as physically demanding and noisy. I don't want to wake up the giant.
Looking for a new job is probably what makes me most anxious. I was taking something for anxiety but I found it made me too tired so I stopped. CBD oil is what everyone is talking about. It stopped my deaf old dog from panting and barking so I I'm now trying it myself. Have to say I'm getting to be a big fan.
CBD oil is now legal in Canada and from what I understand has no side effects. Some even claim it helps with their COPD. That makes it well suited for me. I probably should be seeing someone but can't afford it.
Not sure if CBD is legal or available for you but if it is maybe you could ask your doctors what they think. I've heard doctors here won't recommend it because it hasn't been approved by the Canadian Medical Association. CMA won't approve it because it hasn't been properly tested. At least that is my understanding.
Hope the rest of your weekend is more peaceful.