So I was thinking about this mysterious condition "T" again.. it is really like looking for the needle in a haystack and without doubt the cause of my T is connected to noise. So I am trying to do an extended audio-gram until 20khz and those two tests:
1. Auditory Brain Response Test - ABR - test for the connection of the auditory nerve between the brain and the ear 2. DPOAE - Otoacoustic Emissions Test - test to see if there are any damages to the hair cells
If that doesn't show any damage either, there is probably still no guarantee that there might not be a hidden hearing loss or whatsoever. But maybe it is some sort of indication. Any ideas what else I could do to test if there is damage?
Second observation, could be coincidence.. but it was now noticed several times that the right sight of my shoulder is very much tighter than the left, also if I am going to my osteopath the right side of my face hurts more than the left side.. so somehow tension seems stronger on the right, my T is also stronger on the right.
Do you think it is possible that the muscles somehow contract as sort of protection mechanism after noise exposure?
And if there is no damage in the ear, that T could ease when releasing this contraction?