I Don't Know If It's Anxiety or Actual Tinnitus?


Sep 26, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I have anxiety and when it hits me its pretty bad... So one day I had a cold and I heard a noise in my left ear and it kinda gave me sudden panic, even though before if I heard a noise I'd ignore it but since this time i cant stop thinking about it and focus on it and it made me super anxious...

But then again I had anxiety episodes with sort of irrational fears before and I'd obsess...

So I do notice like electricity sounds in ears and from all the tension headaches and sleepless nights it is actually louder now...

Does anyone have advice or will I soon start thinking of it less... It's my mind that is focused on it..

I don't think it sounds too bad because even when I cannot hear it I think of it ... So I think it's just my anxiety but that's not helping either knowing I have an anxiety disorder.
Is your T tonal? Have you tried residual inhibition? It gives me some relief. I listen to this clip every day as well. It seems to have helped me alot. If anything it should at least mask your T and give you a chance to just calm down. Hope this helps.

I actually take xanax lol but its not really helping much
Then you need to evaluate your situation with your psych/neuro doctor.
Either xanax is starting to show signs of ototoxicity (so you might need to start tapering off) or you need a larger dose to (better) control your anxiety disorder.
Also, an ENT appointment wouldn't hurt.
Then you need to evaluate your situation with your psych/neuro doctor.
Either xanax is starting to show signs of ototoxicity (so you might need to start tapering off) or you need a larger dose to (better) control your anxiety disorder.
Also, an ENT appointment wouldn't hurt.
Agree with this, but personally I would save my money and not visit an ENT. Make an appointment with your GP and get a complete physical. Have he/she look inside your ears but do a full blood work up, blood pressure etc. Exercise is big to manage anxiety. Be sure to choose a job that doesn't flip you out....for example if you aren't comfortable giving speeches don't choose a job where you are front and center. Surround yourself with people that make you feel better about yourself and stay away from toxic people. I know, this isn't always easy.

Anxiety and depression are a bell curve within the population. Anxiety runs in my family as it generally does...in other words people can be predisposed to it. If you continue to struggle after making or considering lifestyle changes, definitely get with a therapist that can either change dosage or type of anti anxiety meds. I prefer Ativan...only episodically...been months since I have taken anything...over Xanax but both take the edge off my anxiety as a rule. You may need a longer term anti anxiety med of a different flavor. People don't pick their parents or their brain chemistry but if you suffer from panic attacks as in a sense you are losing it at times, a good chance other family members do as well and of course this behavior has been modeled for you as well growing up...being around people that are agitated at times which contributes to personal anxiety.

There is a big linkage between anxiety and tinnitus. If you query many on this forum, many times their tinnitus started when they were going through a difficult emotional time. So tinnitus and emotion and brain chemistry are linked. Sometimes hard to reel in your anxiety in the face of tinnitus...chicken and egg, which came first..but you need to address your anxiety to improve your tinnitus would be my suggestion.

Best of luck.
Is your T tonal? Have you tried residual inhibition? It gives me some relief. I listen to this clip every day as well. It seems to have helped me alot. If anything it should at least mask your T and give you a chance to just calm down. Hope this helps.

Don't know about that sound video brother. The background hiss in that video that sounds like a shower left on is exactly like my tinnitus but I find the interspersion of tones or sounds annoying. So I can't listen to that. I guess I don't have tonal tinnitus.
Is your T tonal? Have you tried residual inhibition? It gives me some relief. I listen to this clip every day as well. It seems to have helped me alot. If anything it should at least mask your T and give you a chance to just calm down. Hope this helps.

Glad lithe video helped you man
Dona anxiety is a known cause of tinnitus. I think that's what causes mine as well. Try to stay calm take hot showers is stay away from xanax unless you really need it.. If you get addicted whenever you stop it usually makes the t a bit worse. But that's from daily use for a long time

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