Kelsie, I had the same thoughts around a week ago.
Then a lady friend of mine called me, and hearing ("hearing" - she don't have Tinnitus, lol) what I'm thinking, she told me about her life before I knew her.
Couple of years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. In the same week, her boyfriend left her. And couple of weeks later she lost her job. Now, picture her: cancer, alone, alone in a new city, no job.
She wanted to jump over the balcony.
But something happened: in that night a friend called her. She reconsidered her thoughts.
Two year have passed.
She beated cancer. She have a new job, better than the old one. She have a new boyfriend.
I asked her why she doesn't start to do some counseling to others, just telling her life story. She said she will do more - she intend to pass some exams to become a full conselor, to make a purpose in her life for this.
My point in this story: ARE YOU SURE that your present ideas are the only solutions you have?
Are you sure you tried EVERYTHING?
Anyway, before you want to kill yourself, think about something: put a purpose in your life/death. Try to enroll in some trials for medicine, for example. Don't waste your death.
Now get back to school and be positive, ok?
Try to do like me (I'm not a good example but still): "I wanted to die. I'm dead already. I AM DEAD ALREADY. Now I can start a new life."
Try to make a purpose for your life: FIND A CURE FOR TINNITUS! 250 million people around the globe are waiting for your results.
(For example, as a future Electronic Engineer, I will send my CV to all researchers in Tinnitus therapies. I will volunteer. I will give all my spare time to some jobs - if they will need a guy like me. I will have an advantage - I am "an insider" in this condition)
Hearing that I think to end my life, my friends already started, in front of me, to split my possesions - the ladies were asking for my books, my friend asked for my tools... After 5 minutes they asked me if I really want to die.
Then a lady friend of mine called me, and hearing ("hearing" - she don't have Tinnitus, lol) what I'm thinking, she told me about her life before I knew her.
Couple of years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. In the same week, her boyfriend left her. And couple of weeks later she lost her job. Now, picture her: cancer, alone, alone in a new city, no job.
She wanted to jump over the balcony.
But something happened: in that night a friend called her. She reconsidered her thoughts.
Two year have passed.
She beated cancer. She have a new job, better than the old one. She have a new boyfriend.
I asked her why she doesn't start to do some counseling to others, just telling her life story. She said she will do more - she intend to pass some exams to become a full conselor, to make a purpose in her life for this.
My point in this story: ARE YOU SURE that your present ideas are the only solutions you have?
Are you sure you tried EVERYTHING?
Anyway, before you want to kill yourself, think about something: put a purpose in your life/death. Try to enroll in some trials for medicine, for example. Don't waste your death.

Now get back to school and be positive, ok?

Try to do like me (I'm not a good example but still): "I wanted to die. I'm dead already. I AM DEAD ALREADY. Now I can start a new life."
Try to make a purpose for your life: FIND A CURE FOR TINNITUS! 250 million people around the globe are waiting for your results.
(For example, as a future Electronic Engineer, I will send my CV to all researchers in Tinnitus therapies. I will volunteer. I will give all my spare time to some jobs - if they will need a guy like me. I will have an advantage - I am "an insider" in this condition)
Hearing that I think to end my life, my friends already started, in front of me, to split my possesions - the ladies were asking for my books, my friend asked for my tools... After 5 minutes they asked me if I really want to die.