My tinnitus has been up and down over the years, but whenever i get a set back, it seems like almost forever before i get a bit of recovery - example, if a Harly roars by or ambulance or fire truck, i instantly plug my ears, except sometimes it gets me by surprise, i don't react in time, such as a sudden truck backfire out of nowhere, and then I'm suffering with a spike for 3+ months or more. gradually my world is getting smaller and smaller, and i keep thinking the unthinkable. so i wear hearing protection a lot, and now i find my hyperacusis is getting quite bad.
i used to be able to drive my motor vehicle with no issues, but now the vehicle, i find is too loud for me, and basically i wear Bose qc15 almost all the time, except when i'm in my house, and not at night.
i am not happy because i was taking medications that i thought would be temporary, but instead meds have become a necessity, and eventually inevitably i succumb to the temptation to up the dose.
fortunately, i don't take any meds that are easy to o/d on, but after i take my meds now, in the evening, i feel this strange sensation like my heart is flipping over of something, and i know that cannot be a good thing. this now makes me despondent and discouraged.
i read here, about people that make all kinds of amazing progress, and i wonder, why cannot i do the same, make the same progress, and give a positivity thread, instead of going to support all the time?
also, what happens now, is that if there is a truck with no or bad muffler, the low frequency rumble drives me nuts, my tinnitus goes from 6/10 and keeps going up and up, with no stop, until i get my bose set on, othewise, it just keeps going till 11 or 12/10 and this also makes me depressed, because i have one of those neighbours with two of such trucks, one starts at 6 a.m. the other at 8 a.m. and other idiots in the neighbourhood have similar such "muscle" vehicles.
quite frankly, i'm surprised i am able to tolerate this, at all, and i frequently wonder how long i'll be able to keep going.
please help me.
i used to be able to drive my motor vehicle with no issues, but now the vehicle, i find is too loud for me, and basically i wear Bose qc15 almost all the time, except when i'm in my house, and not at night.
i am not happy because i was taking medications that i thought would be temporary, but instead meds have become a necessity, and eventually inevitably i succumb to the temptation to up the dose.
fortunately, i don't take any meds that are easy to o/d on, but after i take my meds now, in the evening, i feel this strange sensation like my heart is flipping over of something, and i know that cannot be a good thing. this now makes me despondent and discouraged.
i read here, about people that make all kinds of amazing progress, and i wonder, why cannot i do the same, make the same progress, and give a positivity thread, instead of going to support all the time?
also, what happens now, is that if there is a truck with no or bad muffler, the low frequency rumble drives me nuts, my tinnitus goes from 6/10 and keeps going up and up, with no stop, until i get my bose set on, othewise, it just keeps going till 11 or 12/10 and this also makes me depressed, because i have one of those neighbours with two of such trucks, one starts at 6 a.m. the other at 8 a.m. and other idiots in the neighbourhood have similar such "muscle" vehicles.
quite frankly, i'm surprised i am able to tolerate this, at all, and i frequently wonder how long i'll be able to keep going.
please help me.