I have suffered from tinnitus since 14/02/1972 while in the forces. I was on an exercise on the ranges when the Gun on which I was working blew up. The shell exploded in the barrel.
I have suffered from tinnitus since 14/02/1972 while in the forces. I was on an exercise on the ranges when the Gun on which I was working blew up. The shell exploded in the barrel.
I do thanks it's a case of having to the NHS gave me two hearing aids. They do help a bit until a get outside or have a conversation with more than two people that's when it goes like I'm at a football match. I can't follow anything, i don't go out much these days.
I do thanks it's a case of having to the NHS gave me two hearing aids. They do help a bit until a get outside or have a conversation with more than two people that's when it goes like I'm at a football match. I can't follow anything, i don't go out much these days.
Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to learn of your unfortunate accident with the gun and the resultant tinnitus and hearing loss which must have been very difficult for you. While I can understand your hesitance about getting into a conversation with a few people at the same time, is it really a wise idea to close yourself off by not going out as often as you would wish? It seems to me that you will only lessen your interaction with others. If ever you are in conversation and can not hear each person, you can always politely request that they speak a bit more loudly to you or to speak in turn and face you directly. We have a neighbor with tinnitus and she has hearing loss; she explained her situation and asked that we stand on the side she can hear best when speaking with her. We understood her difficulty (this occurred years before I developed tinnitus) and accommodated her. I think most people would understand.
I think you would be able to give the members of this forum valuable advice on your methods of coping with your tinnitus and hearing loss all through these years. Take care.
Best wishes,
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