I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

How are you playing Tinnitus Mix on speakers? Are you still getting better sleep from using Tinnitus Mix?
My sound therapy routine seems to keep changing. I find that if I listen to the same sound therapy all the time, I get burned out and annoyed by it. So I'm currently using about 5 different ones.

I recently started working again, doing electrical work on noisy construction sites. So all that physical activity, plus the gym afterwards, makes sleeping real easy and good. Sometimes I don't even use any sound therapy for sleeping. My tinnitus has been pretty low grade and bearable for a while now anyway. I don't even hear it most of the day, with all the ambient sound everywhere drowning it out.

How's it going with you? Are you still completely tinnitus-free? Do you still use Tinnitus Mix every night while sleeping? Do you ever get burned out using Tinnitus Mix? Do you ever use any other sound therapies?
Come on. Please share the names of folks from Tinnitus Talk that have reported on using your system. You have them or at least the subset that have reported positive results.

I want it to work, I really do but if doesn't let's all be honest about it. Maybe it works for 10% of the people, maybe it works for a subtype, maybe it helps a little bit like Lenire, who knows? It is impossible to tell from your anonymous quotes and screen grabs that cut off names.

You aren't changing people money for this but you are charging them their attention and hope, feeding desperate people with the promise if they just do the last little tweak they'll get the relief you promise.

Again I want your therapy to be effective but, after 98 pages of people trying and experimenting with your sound therapy, let's take an honest look at what and how and how much it worked or didn't.

Hiding your results doesn't help anyone.
The names and positive posts are all in this thread, you can read them yourself by going back and reading. I only save some with names removed so the people don't get mad at me for reposting. Nothing is hidden, just go back and read. What is soooo hard about that?
Is it really good to listen to audio long term, i.e. during all the hours of sleep?

I'm still scared of listening to this despite wanting to give it a try and having the Koss KTX-PRO1 headphones. :confused:

I found the question "Does prolonged exposure to low pitch but low volume noise affect hearing or stress?" and a response from one who claims to be a "Noise Engineer" who says this:

"I am a Noise Engineer and an Air-conditioning (Mechanical) Engineer, and it is my job to understand the effects of noise to our hearing capability. To start with an analogy, can you smell yourself on your pillow that you used for a long time (say 3 months)? You cannot, but a visitor who just borrowed your pillow for a night can smell it.

Now to answer the question directly, a "prolonged and constant" exposure to a low level noise, even less than 30 dBA (whisper), can cause hearing loss. Specific study showed that exposure to 40 dBA on specific frequency for 3 months will cause a hearing loss on that frequency. Notorious about this common occupational risk are those working in an improperly designed air handling system, those living/working a 2 km radius from a Wind Turbine, those living within a 1.5 km from a sub-station transformer, and many more.

What causes hearing loss is not the sound(pressure/level) itself, but the SOUND POWER. Power is a product of sound level/pressure/energy and TIME! A Firecracker is an explosion that has very high sound energy but short duration. A wind turbine sound has very low sound energy but very long duration. In effect, the product or result is the same.

I hope this has answered directly the question and put the issue to rest."

What do you think of that, @R. David Case?

I know they're speaking of a constant frequency there, but I wonder if listening to the same sound/music over and over won't risk damaging the hearing too? I'm afraid that's what I have done to my left ear and I was listening to music with my phone in speaker mode next to me in bed at a volume of average 35 dB sometimes peaking at 50 dB. Shouldn't be harmful, but I've been playing the same tracks (which all are quite similar – sweeping synth and piano) over and over again for many nights in a row.

Here's what I listened to when I got my latest tinnitus – "Sleeping Music" on the service Tidal:

Is there more information on this than one "noise engineer." I have never heard this... sound beneath the threshold should not damage hearing. Thanks.
My sound therapy routine seems to keep changing. I find that if I listen to the same sound therapy all the time, I get burned out and annoyed by it. So I'm currently using about 5 different ones.

I recently started working again, doing electrical work on noisy construction sites. So all that physical activity, plus the gym afterwards, makes sleeping real easy and good. Sometimes I don't even use any sound therapy for sleeping. My tinnitus has been pretty low grade and bearable for a while now anyway. I don't even hear it most of the day, with all the ambient sound everywhere drowning it out.

How's it going with you? Are you still completely tinnitus-free? Do you still use Tinnitus Mix every night while sleeping? Do you ever get burned out using Tinnitus Mix? Do you ever use any other sound therapies?
I and many more report deeper, higher quality sleep using Tinnitus Mix all night on low volume. My tinnitus is gone from using it but I have chosen to play it every night for the last 20 years for the other benefits such as sleep, improved cognitive abilities, and improved hearing. Since Tinnitus Mix was the ONLY thing that worked I have no need to use or try anything else. No, I don't get burned out playing it, just the opposite. As many report, they crave the sounds of Tinnitus Mix at bed time. At first Tinnitus Mix is harsh, but as neuroplastic changes occur in the brain, the sounds become soothing and therapeutic.




Is there more information on this than one "noise engineer." I have never heard this... sound beneath the threshold should not damage hearing. Thanks.
I have also concluded that the reason for my latest tinnitus onset likely is because I was playing a computer game for three hours on low to moderate volume on Sunday night, then I went to bed listening to music on low volume that I've been doing most nights for months. The difference being that I didn't play a video game using headphones for hours before going to bed listening to music at low volume all night long (set a timer you idiot...).

So, it adds up. It's likely that I just overloaded my ear with low to moderate sound volumes, but long term that can still do damage. All depends on if the ear/ears are fatigued – if they are the likelihood of them getting damage increase and sounds that is fine for an ear that isn't fatigued becomes dangerous.
@R. David Case, I have been on and off reading this thread since I got tinnitus in my head a couple of years ago. I even went so far as to buy the recommended headphones and give it a try, though I'm afraid it seemed rather harsh so I didn't give it much of a try.

I try to accept at face value what you say about the success of your treatment, but one thing that has kind of rubbed me as odd, as I am sure it has for other folks here, is that you always seem to reference anonymous positive reviews from people not on this forum.

Is it possible for you to give some Tinnitus Talk member success stories instead of offsite testimonials? I'm sure dozens if not hundreds of folks from Tinnitus Talk have tried it by now.
It's free... I did it for two months after my medical injury... I slept with the headphones and a winter hat in to keep the headset in place. I also slept in a t-shirt with a pocket to hold a small $20 MP3 player.

I was VERY hopeful. It had no overall effect, however I do find it useful. It did seem to temporarily diminish the tinnitus for a few hours in the morning... and if a few times a new tone has begun... I immediately put the headphones on with "the mix" to scramble it so my brain doesn't grab hold of it...

I stopped sleeping with it after the two months though since my sleep was difficult enough without the stuff in my head.

Nothing masks my tinnitus, but this has come the closest to covering it or distracting me some.
It's free... I did it for two months after my medical injury... I slept with the headphones and a winter hat in to keep the headset in place. I also slept in a t-shirt with a pocket to hold a small $20 MP3 player.

I was VERY hopeful. It had no overall effect, however I do find it useful. It did seem to temporarily diminish the tinnitus for a few hours in the morning... and if a few times a new tone has begun... I immediately put the headphones on with "the mix" to scramble it so my brain doesn't grab hold of it...

I stopped sleeping with it after the two months though since my sleep was difficult enough without the stuff in my head.

Nothing masks my tinnitus, but this has come the closest to covering it or distracting me some.
Yea, Tinnitus Mix does not work on everyone, this is one aspect of it I wish to investigate and find out why. I know everyone is different, even if they have the same diagnosis. It has helped many with sound induced tinnitus but it does not work on everyone with sound induced tinnitus. I think we will find it's about brain chemistry, your brain is different than anyone else's out there.

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I listen to Tinnitus Mix CD 15 minutes a day. But when I go to sleep, I hear tinnitus.

I'm also using antipsychotic medicine, sleep pills, and sedatives.
I listen to Tinnitus Mix CD 15 minutes a day. But when I go to sleep, I hear tinnitus.

I'm also using antipsychotic medicine, sleep pills, and sedatives.
You are not following instructions:
You must play Tinnitus Mix on Koss KTX-PRO1 headphones on low volume all night every night for 3 weeks. If you just play it for 15 minutes the neuroplastic changes will not occur and it won't work.
Yea, Tinnitus Mix does not work on everyone, this is one aspect of it I wish to investigate and find out why. I know everyone is different, even if they have the same diagnosis. It has helped many with sound induced tinnitus but it does not work on everyone with sound induced tinnitus. I think we will find it's about brain chemistry, your brain is different than anyone else's out there.

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The best way to address this question is to do actual research on this, like I suggested when I requested data from you.

But I still have not received any indication from you that you want to or will share data.
You are not following instructions:
You must play Tinnitus Mix on Koss KTX-PRO1 headphones on low volume all night every night for 3 weeks. If you just play it for 15 minutes the neuroplastic changes will not occur and it won't work.
After I gained 45 pounds of weight, I cannot tolerate the sound, and have become addicted to pills. Before I was already addicted to tobacco since 2017.
The best way to address this question is to do actual research on this, like I suggested when I requested data from you.

But I still have not received any indication from you that you want to or will share data.
Dr. Dirk De Ridder is testing Tinnitus Mix on patients and is gathering scientific data right now. I will be glad to share that data when I get it. I have hundreds of testimonies but nobody believes me or them so I will wait for Dr. Dirk De Ridder to provide the evidence and then you will have to believe him.

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Dr. Dirk De Ridder is testing Tinnitus Mix on patients and is gathering scientific data right now. I will be glad to share that data when I get it. I have hundreds of testimonies but nobody believes me or them so I will wait for Dr. Dirk De Ridder to provide the evidence and then you will have to believe him.

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Right on, man. I look forward to seeing his paper after peer-review. Of course, if you wish to take a quantitative look at the numbers that you already have... holler and I can help.
Dr. Dirk De Ridder is testing Tinnitus Mix on patients and is gathering scientific data right now. I will be glad to share that data when I get it. I have hundreds of testimonies but nobody believes me or them so I will wait for Dr. Dirk De Ridder to provide the evidence and then you will have to believe him.

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Dr. Dirk De Ridder will very likely say that is not any better than any other sound therapy.
Dr. Dirk De Ridder will very likely say that is not any better than any other sound therapy.
You are already wrong, Tinnitus Mix has helped 2 of his patients even before he started testing it, that's why he agreed to test it. One person, a famous concert pianist, that was almost sent to a mental institution because his hyperacusis was so bad, found my Tinnitus Mix and it knocked out his hyperacusis and now IS BACK PERFORMING!! His name is Ben Roels:

ben roels hyperacusis gone.png
You are already wrong, Tinnitus Mix has helped 2 of his patients even before he started testing it, that's why he agreed to test it. One person, a famous concert pianist, that was almost sent to a mental institution because his hyperacusis was so bad, found my Tinnitus Mix and it knocked out his hyperacusis and now IS BACK PERFORMING!! His name is Ben Roels:

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I'm sorry to say but I don't read anywhere in his comment that Tinnitus Mix knocked out his hyperacusis. What I read is that his hyperacusis has gotten better over time but he still has ups and downs. I can also see that this person has Meniere's and that on its own is a very different pathology from noise induced tinnitus and hyperacusis. As a matter of fact it is not uncommon for Meniere's patients to have partial or even complete remission for long periods of time. This can be due to immune, hormonal, stress, diet or other physical issues that could exacerbate the condition.

While I would like to believe that Tinnitus Mix exclusively helped this person, there are so many additional factors that have to be considered as to how he got better (not cured btw).
You are already wrong, Tinnitus Mix has helped 2 of his patients even before he started testing it, that's why he agreed to test it. One person, a famous concert pianist, that was almost sent to a mental institution because his hyperacusis was so bad, found my Tinnitus Mix and it knocked out his hyperacusis and now IS BACK PERFORMING!! His name is Ben Roels:

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Is this a success story about the Tinnitus Mix? My interpretation is that this person still has severe tinnitus and he is trying multiple methods to manage it. Tinnitus Mix seems collateral and nearly meaningless.

You still do not understand that most people with severe tinnitus have underlying physiological problems that can not be fixed with just more noise. It is like trying to cure an Alzheimer's sick person by playing memory games. The neuroplasticity will kick in... really?
I'm sorry to say but I don't read anywhere in his comment that Tinnitus Mix knocked out his hyperacusis. What I read is that his hyperacusis has gotten better over time but he still has ups and downs. I can also see that this person has Meniere's and that on its own is a very different pathology from noise induced tinnitus and hyperacusis. As a matter of fact it is not uncommon for Meniere's patients to have partial or even complete remission for long periods of time. This can be due to immune, hormonal, stress, diet or other physical issues that could exacerbate the condition.

While I would like to believe that Tinnitus Mix exclusively helped this person, there are so many additional factors that have to be considered as to how he got better (not cured btw).
Yes, he has had a long road to recovery. This was at a time when we did not know Tinnitus Mix would work on hyperacusis. Everyone said do not give this horrible sound file to hyperacusis people because there is no way it will work, it will most likely make it much worse. So we told him to start out using white noise and then switch to Tinnitus Mix. We now know the white noise is not necessary, Tinnitus Mix alone will stop hyperacusis if you keep headphones away from ears, about 4 inches. Tinnitus Mix IS causing NEUROPLASTICITY.


Really? Dirk de Ridder is testing Tinnitus Mix? Any proof of this?
To be fair to @R. David Case, why would he lie about that?

It's something that would be easily exposed later down the line, or just by contacting De Ridder himself.

De Ridder seems open minded as far as treatments for tinnitus go (although appears to have some bias where treatment of the brain is concerned), so there's no reason he wouldn't give this a shot.

Also, if you look through the thread, you'll see there were a number of people who seemed to be finding benefit with this method. If you're tinnitus is bothering you enough, I'm sure spending a day going through a hundred pages of testimonial isn't going to take much out of your day (what else are you going to be doing? going to a disco?).

Would I give it a go? Absolutely not. Me and my tinnitus have got a good thing going at the moment, and I don't want to f*ck that up by suddenly trying to "knock it out" one night when we're both in bed; because if it fails, then all I've succeeded in doing is pissing it off, and then come another five or so years of misery.

But in any case (ha! see what I did there? because his name's R. David... nevermind...) this guy appears to be legit and his intentions sincere. He was definitely on to something with this "Tinnitus Mix", even if it isn't perfected.

So absolutely, let's just wait and see what Dr. De has to say.
Hello everyone. I don't quite understand the skeptic view on Mr. Chase's theory, he is not asking for money, and he is only offering what he thinks is a legitimate cure... Let's please give him the benefit of the doubt at least.
To be fair to @R. David Case, why would he lie about that?

It's something that would be easily exposed later down the line, or just by contacting De Ridder himself.

De Ridder seems open minded as far as treatments for tinnitus go (although appears to have some bias where treatment of the brain is concerned), so there's no reason he wouldn't give this a shot.

Also, if you look through the thread, you'll see there were a number of people who seemed to be finding benefit with t his method. If you're tinnitus is bothering you enough, I'm sure spending a day going through a hundred pages of testimonial isn't going to take much out of your day (what else are you going to be doing? going to a disco?).

Would I give it a go? Absolutely not. Me and my tinnitus have got a good thing going at the moment, and I don't want to f*ck that up by suddenly trying to "knock it out" one night when we're both in bed; because if it fails, then all I've succeeded in doing is pissing it off, and then come another five or so years of misery.

But in any case (ha! see what I did there? because his name's R. David... nevermind...) this guy appears to be legit and his intentions sincere. He was definitely on to something with this "Tinnitus Mix", even if it isn't perfected.

So absolutely, let's just wait and see what Dr. De has to say.
I am only here to help people and have no reason to fake anything. Tinnitus Mix is free. Here is the latest success story:

T gone.png
I am only here to help people and have no reason to fake anything. Tinnitus Mix is free. Here is the latest success story:

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I gave some thought to about why you push this so hard and what your incentive is. Why you give the kind of anonymous testimonials and almost religious insistence of a bizarrely high level of efficacy that is obviously untrue. If you were charging for this, you would seem exactly like every other snake oil tinnitus treatment huckster on the internet.

But you don't charge, you get nothing for this, right? That is proof of your pure intentions and that your claims about your miracle cure built in the garage are true, shaming all the less insightful PhD researchers with teams of graduate students and millions of dollars in funding that haven't been able to do the same.

But you don't charge, so why would you foist a false treatment on our community?

Well I think you do charge something, you charge in the form of stealing the attention and hopes of people in the throes of desperation , especially those early on with this condition. ou use this platform to push yourself forward messiah-like into the litany of every other supplement and unproven claim; if you just do this, you will get relief.

You charge desperate people their hopes and their attention and what you gain is a feeling of importance that comes from people investing all of their hopes into you.

I have come to believe what you are doing here is harmful to suffering people. I know you won't go away, that as new desperate people hanging onto the last threads of their sanity see this thread that you will steal their attention and desperation to satisfy the needs of your ego, but just in case anyone reads this deeply into my rant, this is the answer for what he gains and why he keeps pushing success stories from anonymous sources.
If Tinnitus Mix is in the testing phase, it is as easy as waiting 6 months and seeing the progress. It has one thing that even the doctors do not give you and that is hope.

If this therapy is not effective, it will be forgotten. If it helps, we are facing a genius.
If Tinnitus Mix is in the testing phase, it is as easy as waiting 6 months and seeing the progress. It has one thing that even the doctors do not give you and that is hope.

If this therapy is not effective, it will be forgotten. If it helps, we are facing a genius.
You could say the same thing for every huckster selling their 'cure', right? Just try it for a few months if it doesn't work move on, maybe a money back guarantee. You aren't out anything out of pocket. In a sense that's fine. It is the deceit, the teasing of the scores of anonymous testimonials to convince sufferers to trust in him that is so appalling.

I wouldn't have an issue if this guy was transparent and we could all see what works and doesn't but with his purposeful hiding of his data and obfuscating of everything he claims, it is functionally impossible to do so. His words scream disingenuousness at best and self serving (for attention) lies at worst. All at the expense of folks that are having their worst moments on earth so he can satisfy his ego. Weak.

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