Hello I'm Carlo, 17 years old. I've had tinnitus for a month from listening to loud music in high school everyday. It went from mild (only hearing in the quiet) to listening to it all day! I've had a few hours where I don't notice it but that is very rare. Well anyways, last night, I just got a new sound. It was in the middle of the night around 2 and I was dreaming only to be the awakened by a sound in the dream. It sounds so much like an amber alert! It wasn't too loud thankfully. I did manage to sleep 5 hours last night. Doesn't sound like much I know but trust me, its the best night I had for the past week. But since this morning, I now I have two sounds!!!! I have beeeeeeepp. And now this recent one like I said sounds so like an amber alert. It's annoying. So far, the amber alert noise has overshadowed the beep for most of the day but I can still hear both at times. Both of them seem to be reactive. I'm scared! Will I continue to develop new noises later down the road!? I'm scared that I will reach a point where I will feel suicidal. I'm can't sleep or enjoy my day enough as it is! Is this going to make habituation a lot harder?