I'm not going to judge you that's not what this site is about and don't listen to anyone judging you, there is such thing as mistakes and we best not judge others for them because everyone on here has made one too.
You need to remember that you are strong enough, because there is no way we were given life if we weren't strong enough for T. It has taught me so many things, okay It has taught all of us things, you need to see that. You cannot give in to it, because this is your life and you are not going to let T ruin you, as I am typing this right now my left ear is going off like crazy, most days my ears are uncomfortable, but I realised how minor that is, I realised that If something was going to bring me down, it would not be this, your not alone imagine all the people in the world with tinnitus and don't even know about it. The emotional courage to deal with this is something that everyone here has, and I won't let anyone tell me other wise, that is what makes us a bit remarkable is that we all have or will find the power in ourselves to continue to fight this together, It makes us UNIQUE it makes us STRONG and we have the power of having a different perspective, that makes us SPECIAL! We all want to be what we use to we all want to have our 'normal lives' but we need to always remember that we can have normal lives if we come to terms with it, I cannot believe that I am not really bothered by T constantly It use to kill me to think I would have to live like this for the rest of my life (I was 8 years old, I cried my self to sleep sometimes) and now I am strong, confident, intuitive, I believe that coping with T made me realise what I'm capable of, everyone on here should realise that good can come from this, but only if you cease that good and recognise it.
I know that this is hard to believe but it will get better and if it doesn't we will be here ready to support you fighting is always better than giving in

You can do this
With hugs and support