Thanks, coming from another long hauler I appreciate it. Still praying for better treatments or a cure.12-18 months you definitely have my sympathy.
Thanks, coming from another long hauler I appreciate it. Still praying for better treatments or a cure.12-18 months you definitely have my sympathy.
What?!? Don't use q-tips!I don't wear earplugs yet but my ears are always itchy. I had a problem shoving in q-tips and scratching my ears.
Buy an ear oil like the one I suggested.So how do I clean my inner ears lol?
So I'm thinking of trying Flonase and Claritin-D. I feel on and off fullness in my left ear, the one that is semi red. I sometimes breathe and feel air going through it.Did you see an ENT or a general doctor? Do you have hearing loss? I know this is rough, but if I were you, I'd probably try to get a second opinion from a medical professional on whether the ear drops are necessary.
I'm not sure about Claritin-D, but I think others like me use Claritin without problems. Flonase can be helpful sometimes, too. You mentioned trouble sleeping, Melatonin might be helpful. Maybe sleep with a sound machine or quality speaker softly playing whatever sound works well for you.
The breathing and feeling air go through sounds odd, I have never experienced that. I've no experience with decongestant meds, but Claritin and Flonase have never bothered me. Definitely try to make a appointment with an ENT if you have only seen a general doctor. Or consider getting a second opinion.So I'm thinking of trying Flonase and Claritin-D. I feel on and off fullness in my left ear, the one that is semi red. I sometimes breathe and feel air going through it.
Maybe it's ETD? I mean it can't hurt to use Flonase and Claritin-D right?
Yeah I've seen an ENT but didn't have the left ear tinnitus then, got it days after.The breathing and feeling air go through sounds odd, I have never experienced that. I've no experience with decongestant meds, but Claritin and Flonase have never bothered me. Definitely try to make a appointment with an ENT if you have only seen a general doctor. Or consider getting a second opinion.
Certainly not with q-tips!So how do I clean my inner ears lol?
Haha thanks, yeah that's what I meant.Certainly not with q-tips!
(your inner ear is past your ear drum, and past your middle ear too - you're probably thinking of your outer ear/ear canal)
More seriously: ears are self cleaning and wax plays a big part in this. Unless you have a condition that requires you to mess with them, I would just leave them alone.
got my last Pfizer shot on -3/21/21 had a good day on 4/28 no ringing but got it back again lasted for 6 hours now back to the same ringing again
So a week ago I received my first Pfizer shot. Prior to the shot I had several weeks of my tinnitus ranging from mild to moderate to short periods of time where it was completely gone. The majority of the time it had been mild to the point were it was only audible in a quiet room or maybe barely audible around normal everyday noise.A couple of weeks after your shot, let us know how it's going. Best of luck!
Hi @Mamabear.Hi y'all. I'm sorry I did not check back in and keep up with this thread.
The thoughts of discussing tinnitus actually stressed me, so I thought I'd better bow out for now.
I am seeing a little improvement so I wanted to peek back in.
Thank you to everyone who has responded and given help, insight, sympathy and prayer.
I am still suffering with the tinnitus 4 months later, after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. I have not doubt it was the vaccine because I was perfectly fine before I had it. I do wish I had never gotten the vaccine, but I work in healthcare and I'm in direct contact with patients on a daily basis, so after my co-workers got the vaccine and all seemed well, I decided to get it. I have tolerated all other vaccines in my life fine with no side effects including the flu vaccine every year which is required by my employer.
I do have Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is an autoimmune thyroid disease, so I just throw that out there as a point of interest.
I do want to share some encouraging news and that is that, although the tinnitus has been constant for almost 4 months, I have had some quieter days and I praise God on those days on and off throughout the day. To even have the volume reduced some means so much to me and I am thankful for having strong and faithful praying friends who pray for me daily. I am just leaning on the Lord and praying for complete healing and resolution of this terrible affliction. I am now having, just this week, several quieter days in a row for the first time, whereas before I might have one quieter day, followed by loud days again.
What I have been doing; same as in my original post. When it is really loud, I take a whole Benadryl to sleep. You MUST find a way to sleep with this in my opinion or else it will wear you down. I have continued the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar every single day for a couple of months now. I am continuing the Magnesium, Calcium, 5 mg sublingual Melatonin and Benadryl at night. I take a Vitamin B2 in the morning, which is Riboflavin, just because I think it is in some of the tinnitus concoctions you can buy online and I happened to have some in my medicine cabinet from a long time ago.
I tried Curcumin and it really spiked my tinnitus and freaked me out so bad, I prayed and prayed the volume would come back down to baseline and thank goodness it did.
Since then I'm scared to try anything else, so as to not rock the boat. I tried Fish oil initially and didn't see any results with that. I bought Lipoflavonoid, but read reviews that it can spike tinnitus and again, didn't want to risk it.
I have noticed I do have some hyperacusis, so I try to avoid loud noises, such as taking care to ease pots and pans out of cabinets, and wear earplugs when vacuuming, listening to worship at church, etc.
The ENT did detect some high frequency hearing loss on the side I had the COVID-19 vaccine and I can tell I'm straining some to hear what people are saying so I feel the hearing loss has gotten some worse. I will go back to the ENT in a few months for another hearing test and we will see if I'm right, but hopefully not.
I am praying for all of you today. I hope that sharing my experience has helped those suffering with tinnitus after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, to feel they are not alone. I know it helped me to hear of others out there. I'm truly sorry for anyone suffering with this affliction whatever the cause may be. I really hope they will invest more in research to help those suffering with this. Take care and God bless you all.
Thank you so much. I really needed that today. I, too, am on Flonase. I think I forgot that. Anyways, if you see my posts, I talk about a post vaccine case I know where the woman presented with anxiety, panic, and Guillain-Barre-like syndrome. She is having trouble walking and needs a walker. It's so crazy.@MaryA, thank you for the prayers and for sharing your feelings. I completely understand where you're coming from.
I am encouraged by having quieter days here and there. I am hoping this will be a trend and that it hopefully is a sign that this is going to resolve. My doctor said there is still some hope that it can resolve up to 6 months.
I forgot to post that I am also using Flonase nasal spray once a day. I still can't put my finger on why some days are quieter or louder but since I'm at least having some quieter days every once in a while, I'm trying not to change anything I'm doing in case it's helping.
I would like to share Psalm 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."
That really sucks. I'm really sorry. I think most of us here have been through this. We try something we think might help our tinnitus and it bites us in the ass.Update: My tinnitus mellowed out a lot to the point where I could barely hear it. But I had already scheduled the appointment with the acupuncturist by that point, so I kept the appointment thinking I could fully nip it in the bud.
The tinnitus got worse after that, although she said I should expect that. After a second treatment, it got really bad to the point where I became irritable and annoyed with the incessant noise. Now, she wants to prescribe herbs and also referred me to an ENT. This feels like a losing (and expensive) battle at this point. An ENT can't do anything. So I'm stuck debating whether it's worth a few more acupuncture treatments and pricey Chinese herbs or whether I should just play the waiting game.
And yes, this is absolutely caused by the vaccine. I have never had tinnitus in my life and suddenly mere days after shot 1, I have stupid, annoying ringing in my ears. I understand the desire to downplay any adverse side effects so as to minimize vaccine hesitancy, but I prefer the cold, hard truth to any sugar-coated, "the side effects are minimal and short-lived" BS.
Do I regret getting the vaccine? I don't know. Honestly, I feel like a guinea pig. I knew the risk going in, but I took that chance because my dumb governor was in a big rush to open everything up and I felt unsafe. Frankly, I still feel unsafe a lot of the time. But apparently, my feelings are secondary to capitalism.
I'm sorry all of this happened to youUpdate: My tinnitus mellowed out a lot to the point where I could barely hear it. But I had already scheduled the appointment with the acupuncturist by that point, so I kept the appointment thinking I could fully nip it in the bud.
The tinnitus got worse after that, although she said I should expect that. After a second treatment, it got really bad to the point where I became irritable and annoyed with the incessant noise. Now, she wants to prescribe herbs and also referred me to an ENT. This feels like a losing (and expensive) battle at this point. An ENT can't do anything. So I'm stuck debating whether it's worth a few more acupuncture treatments and pricey Chinese herbs or whether I should just play the waiting game.
And yes, this is absolutely caused by the vaccine. I have never had tinnitus in my life and suddenly mere days after shot 1, I have stupid, annoying ringing in my ears. I understand the desire to downplay any adverse side effects so as to minimize vaccine hesitancy, but I prefer the cold, hard truth to any sugar-coated, "the side effects are minimal and short-lived" BS.
Do I regret getting the vaccine? I don't know. Honestly, I feel like a guinea pig. I knew the risk going in, but I took that chance because my dumb governor was in a big rush to open everything up and I felt unsafe. Frankly, I still feel unsafe a lot of the time. But apparently, my feelings are secondary to capitalism.
You sound like me with the Pfizer vaccine. I have posted updates in this thread as things changed. I'm 6 weeks past my 2nd shot and I'm 98% back to baseline. The only difference for me is my tinnitus is 24/7 and not every few days or weeks for a few hours. I can live with this just fine. I already slept with white noise anyway.Is there anyone here that spiked from the first dose and decided to go ahead with the second anyway?
I had a moderate spike after my first Moderna dose back in February that lasted close to a month before reverting to near baseline. My doctor has recommended I go ahead and follow up with the second now, as I have some mandatory travel coming up, but I'm really not sure if I can do it.
If I spiked a similar level to the first dose, I'd be fine with that. But if the second dose is going to cause a significantly worse spike, I'd probably end up suicidal.
I worry about what will happen toy ears if I get COVID-19, too but I feel like with the one dose in my system I'm way less likely to have bad symptoms. I'd hate to find out I'm wrong about that though lol.
I feel so... stuck. It feels like I've got two bad decisions to pick from
If anyone can give their second dose experience I'd really appreciate it. Or if anyone can offer anything to help me make this decision that would be amazing.