The levels or limits are rarely determined as to what is in the best interests of the people's well-being. The EPA in the US told emergency workers that the air around the WTC ruins was safe to breath. That went well. I think safe radiation exposure levels around Fukushima and in produce from the area have been frequently revised upwards as well as all previous "safe" limits were predictably breached. Don't think for a minute that these assorted guidelines about "limits" that they reassure us with are all about our protection.
By no means would I tell anyone that there is no association between tinnitus and RF. Based on research, the rareness of the drug allergy that caused my tinnitus is estimated to be 1 in 20 000, so I know about improbable sources of tinnitus and the problems associated with having a rare, adverse reaction to something "safe". I simply don't think it helpful to encourage people to hang their hopes on hugely improbable sources of their tinnitus, or any other illness for that matter, simply by linking two separate events together. If there is one thing the media loves, it is a poorly researched, ill-informed story - and the smart meter video on this thread ticks all the boxes.
Of course the authorities are going to manipulate information where they have an agenda, but at the same time, unfounded paranoia is every bit as dangerous - look up Andrew Wakefield if you are in any doubt about this. There is a lot of research that exists about ionising radiation (as is the case with Fukushima) and its detrimental health effects. Furthermore, at Fukushima, it was determined that a short term dose increase would be allowed as a consequence of the crisis, this was not skulduggery.
Non-ionising ElectroMagnetic Radiation is endlessly around us all, all of the time, at various amplitudes and frequencies. It is true that the levels of background EMR have increased with time and we know that EMR heats tissue, but the truth of the matter is that we simply don't know the long term effects of this heating, or of the low frequency EMF that accompanies it.
If an individual is utterly convinced that they are ill because of RF, then by all means rid your world of it, but there is no point in just identifying your smart meter. You need to get rid of any transmitting devices, so this includes your Wi-Fi, mobile phone, DECT phone etc.. You could even go so far as to say you need to remove everything electrical in your house, after all, they will have a field associated with them.
I am aware first hand of an individual that covered their windows in chicken wire because of a cellular mast 250 metres away from the property because of a paranoid fear. This individual was unwell and needed help, but citing the possibility that it was the RF all around her as the cause resulted in her failing to receive the treatment she needed as it was far cheaper for the authorities to agree with her and let her make a metaphorical tin hat, rather than to treat her.