Firstly I should say that having had Tinnitus since 2009, I actually never thought I would need to visit a support forum again. I was advised by the ENT I saw at the time that they were generally not the most positive environments and so I gradually stopped and I would say I habituated pretty well and got on with my life. I know the triggers for my Tinnitus but I haven't let it stop me enjoying life - I adore music, and so I use ear plugs at gigs and in bars that are loud. So, everything was going along fine until last week, when my Tinnitus appears to have spiked..it seems A LOT louder than normal and my right ear (which I would say is my worst one) is itchy, full and painful. I have just started a new job (which must be pretty stressful because a small amount of Eczema, which I haven't had since I was a child) has appeared on my wrist but then, I'm also wondering if it's the fact that I went to acoustic night in a bar last week and maybe it was louder than I thought? The night before I went to see Simon Amstell doing stand up but I figured that wasn't loud enough to need my plugs...It's currently doing this lovely
thing that it sometimes does, where it tries to compete with other sounds (such as music) and gets louder over the top of them! Also, a colleague who sits behind me has a stand up fan on all day...but I 've heard people use that to help their T. I'm really confused by this spike and for the first time in ages, I've turned down a gig invitation
I don't want to let it win but last week, it's just been maddening.
Firstly I should say that having had Tinnitus since 2009, I actually never thought I would need to visit a support forum again. I was advised by the ENT I saw at the time that they were generally not the most positive environments and so I gradually stopped and I would say I habituated pretty well and got on with my life. I know the triggers for my Tinnitus but I haven't let it stop me enjoying life - I adore music, and so I use ear plugs at gigs and in bars that are loud. So, everything was going along fine until last week, when my Tinnitus appears to have spiked..it seems A LOT louder than normal and my right ear (which I would say is my worst one) is itchy, full and painful. I have just started a new job (which must be pretty stressful because a small amount of Eczema, which I haven't had since I was a child) has appeared on my wrist but then, I'm also wondering if it's the fact that I went to acoustic night in a bar last week and maybe it was louder than I thought? The night before I went to see Simon Amstell doing stand up but I figured that wasn't loud enough to need my plugs...It's currently doing this lovely