Thanks...I am on here trying to get more people with h to try keppra but seems like they don't want to, even though, this is a massive find.
Maybe they can't get a prescription? Did you find a doc who's willing to experiment?
Thanks...I am on here trying to get more people with h to try keppra but seems like they don't want to, even though, this is a massive find.
I would cry from happiness for a whole month, but then being the anxious person that I am I would live the rest of my life worrying that it will come back.
Maybe they can't get a prescription? Did you find a doc who's willing to experiment?
Well, mine was louder than trains and very reactive...
I cured hyperacusis with keppra and reduced my tinnitus by 80% and can't hear it outside at all...
Eh, you're just describing mine.
What do you mean with 'cured' ?
You took one course of pills and now you've got this result? Or you still on those meds to keep your T down?
@Danny Boy , don't overdo the meds they may kill you in the long run. Unless that's your plan of course.
trust me, I'd stop if it were harming me.
Haha...I don't even drink alcohol nor do I smoke. Hardly an addict. Trobalt isn't really addictive nor is keppra. Then again, if eating pizza lowered your tinnitus, how much pizza would you eat? Addiction is different to needing something to alleviate tinnitus which was forcing me to kill myself.That's what all addicts claim.
@Danny Boy , you said Trobalt makes you drunken.. so.^^
Actually, addiction is the need/urge to get 'something' even if that seomthing may kill you in the long run. Maybe you are too drunk to hear T. I'm just saying.
Lot of pizza. I like pizza.
It's not that people don't want to. It's not easy for everyone to do. Some can't afford it. Some have Drs who will not prescribe off label use, some don't want to, some don't need to and then there are those don't trust it when someone uses the word "cure" all the time (yes you Danny Boy). I know you mean well and are enthusiastic but people around here are cautious.. "Cure" is reserved for those treatments like Tinnitus Miracle.Thanks...I am on here trying to get more people with h to try keppra but seems like they don't want to, even though, this is a massive find.
It's not that people don't want to. It's not easy for everyone to do. Some can't afford it. Some have Drs who will not prescribe off label use, some don't want to, some don't need to and then there are those don't trust it when someone uses the word "cure" all the time (yes you Danny Boy). I know you mean well and are enthusiastic but people around here are cautious.. "Cure" is reserved for those treatments like Tinnitus Miracle.
Viking has been cured by using Trobalt and Keppra? Really??I used the word 'cure' as both me and Viking have been cured.
Keppra is quite safe and is used in european countries for the treatment of tinnitus.
@Danny Boy I'm in europe and you too but none of the doctors I saw said that keppra is usefull for tinnitus
I'm scaried to try trobal and keppra why aren't safe drugs. And if I decide to try IT where can I buy it?I guess none of the doctors were useful for tinitus either
What did you expect.
They surely won't say that Trobalt/Keppra is good for T. So what?
When it comes to Trobalt and Keppra you're on your own to try it if you have extreme T.
It's an old and tested drug with a well established side effects profile which includes severe emotional instability up to and including psychotic breaks in some extreme cases. I wouldn't exactly call that "safe"?Keppra seems to be safe. It's and old and tested drug. Even my psychiatrist agreed to give it to me.
However, throwing around the word "cure" when there is no evidence for it curing H beyond the personal experience of a few individuals can be misleading.