I'm New Here. My Name Is Sheron.


Jun 27, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hi everyone, I'm new here as have only had really loud tinnitus for about 6 weeks. I find it very debilitating. I have an appointment to have hearing aids fitted which I've heard helps with tinnitus. I have read so many conflicting stories about T. Some people say it fades over time and others that they've had it for years with no change. I want to believe that it will improve over time as it really depresses me.

I just had a crying bout which isn't really me but I find I'm not in any way enjoying life at the moment.

I just watched a video about a treatment which sounds great but wonder if anyone else has heard of it or tried it?

It's called 'Acoustic CR Neuro-Modulation. Please let me know if you have. I'd be so interested to hear from you. Please email me your answers at: scnz@aol.com, as I'm not very good at finding my way around these forums.

Look forward to any replies I might receive.
It's called 'Acoustic CR Neuro-Modulation. Please let me know if you have.

Welcome to the forum. Don't panic and despair. Your emotional reaction is quite normal for new T members. They often suffer quite a trauma with it, causing high stress and anxiety which unfortunately can fuel T to be more intrusive. Crying over T is quite normal and can actually soothe the over-stressed nerves. I know of a forum moderator in another forum who said he cried on and off over his T for 2 years. But he is habituated to T now. I had suffered badly when T was new. But I am living a happy, normal and enjoyable life now. So don't worry too much.

ACRN has often been discussed here. You can search this on TT and will see many discussions in the past. There are also free sites you can test out without paying hefty fees for it. Try these below and see if they help. Take good care. God bless.

@Sheron - have you diagnosed your T? There may be a root cause that is treatable.
Hearing aids will potentially help you if you have hearing loss, but do you?
What have you done so far to figure out what's wrong with you?
@Sheron - have you diagnosed your T? There may be a root cause that is treatable.
Hearing aids will potentially help you if you have hearing loss, but do you?
What have you done so far to figure out what's wrong with you?
I think she plans to use hearing aids to mask her T.
Some people say it fades over time and others that they've had it for years with no change.
Check out the studies on both pages of

Nice avatar, by the way!
Thank you for all your helpful replies. I have had a hearing test and have definitely lost some hearing, hence the hearing aids. I visited Southend Hospital tinnitus clinic. Apart from the hearing test they showed me a chart of the inner ear and explained tinnitus to me. I didn't find the chart and explanation very helpful as I'd read so much about it on the net. No offer of any therapies though. Does habituation come naturally over a period of time or do you have to work at it?
Does habituation come naturally over a period of time or do you have to work at it?

I don't think habituation is a given: it varies depending on the severity of the Tinnitus and its "host". It's certainly a goal for many of us.
There are therapies you can undergo to try to help with your symptoms and, in a correlated way, speed up your way to habituation. Nothing works 100% though, but some things do work for some people, so it's a bit of trial and error.
I favor therapies that have at least some serious medical study I can peruse, even if the success rate of the therapy is far from perfect.
If you have tonal T without too much hearing loss, a simple and fairly affordable path to try is sound therapy.
Does habituation come naturally over a period of time or do you have to work at it?

Chances are that even if your T doesn't go away, it will get quieter and the pitch will also change to something less piercing. So the sound you will end up with (in the worst case scenario where you do not spontaneously recover) in the long run will probably be different from the sound you are dealing with now.

If your T is quiet enough, habituation comes naturally.
Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my queries. Yesterday for me was a good day as I was looking after my little Granddaughter and concentrating on her. Today not so good. Have to have tooth out later so trying not to dwell on that. Thank you again.

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