Hi everyone, I'm new here as have only had really loud tinnitus for about 6 weeks. I find it very debilitating. I have an appointment to have hearing aids fitted which I've heard helps with tinnitus. I have read so many conflicting stories about T. Some people say it fades over time and others that they've had it for years with no change. I want to believe that it will improve over time as it really depresses me.
I just had a crying bout which isn't really me but I find I'm not in any way enjoying life at the moment.
I just watched a video about a treatment which sounds great but wonder if anyone else has heard of it or tried it?
It's called 'Acoustic CR Neuro-Modulation. Please let me know if you have. I'd be so interested to hear from you. Please email me your answers at: scnz@aol.com, as I'm not very good at finding my way around these forums.
Look forward to any replies I might receive.
I just had a crying bout which isn't really me but I find I'm not in any way enjoying life at the moment.
I just watched a video about a treatment which sounds great but wonder if anyone else has heard of it or tried it?
It's called 'Acoustic CR Neuro-Modulation. Please let me know if you have. I'd be so interested to hear from you. Please email me your answers at: scnz@aol.com, as I'm not very good at finding my way around these forums.
Look forward to any replies I might receive.