Unfortunately, most people will not believe tinnitus can do that to a person. He would be classed as mentally ill (overly anxious type) as many people live with tinnitus no problem. I have talked to tinnitus experts in my area, they believe that the difference between someone that is not bothered by tinnitus, and someone who is has absolutely nothing to do with the tinnitus itself, and everything to do with having a predisposition to mental illness (anxiety). I would imagine having a history of anxiety would definitely be a factor, but so would the severity of the condition! It's handy to just look one direction though I guess.
I was also told that tinnitus is all roughly the same volume. This I know is absolute garbage, at onset of my tinnitus after barotrauma, I had a little high pitch hiss that I actually had to plug my ears to hear, or be in bed. The only reason this bothered me is because I thought i might be loosing my hearing, no issue otherwise.
After a visit to the doctor I was given antibiotic ear drops, hiss turned to louder hiss, continued with the ear drops on doctors orders, louder hiss turned into noticeable hearing loss, multiple loud tones heard over environmental noises. Back to doctor, antidepressants, sleeping pills, plus benzos, head now going haywire. This lead to cold turkey because I thought the pills were making it worse, oops now I'm really in trouble, things worse again through withdrawal. I live in hell for years in this state with not a single "expert" believing this story about the dramatic changes in my tinnitus. Gave up seeking treatment, or even speaking about it.
Tinnitus for 5 years wore on me, shingles appears from what I believe to be from years of tinnitus stress, attacks all nerves on the right side of my spine, couldn't walk. Something also to do with my spine on top of shingles. Doctor orders MRI, fourty minutes in the machine not given protective muffs, now I'm in the elite tinnitus club!! I'm to the point that I'm now mentally unstable, can't sleep for more than 10 min at a time, wake shaking with shooting adrenaline from the extreme tinnitus racket, my brain is screaming in pain, my ears/brain are pressurized, I sit and shake all day crippled and exhausted, but impossible to sleep or relax even a bit.
I went from wow I wonder what this noise is to I'm not sure I can take it for one more hour even if I want to, not to mention being terrified and thinking about being forced to off myself. What can be worse than being forced out by your own hand because you can no longer handle the torture and exhaustion, there is nothing more terrifying, I would rather take my chances, walk into a war field and be killed by someone else, anything but having to do it myself.
I'm trapped in hell now, I don't want to have to die, but I can't live like this forever. I worked hard for the life that I have, only to have it wiped out by some stupid condition that no one understands. Not in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined this. All I had to do was not go to the doctor to avoid tinnitus, no drugs, no mri and all okay. Now, it's funny because the same group of people that caused this snub me and downplay the condition, and disrespect me. I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for all these people.
I'm the same person that could cope at various levels of tinnitus, it's not like my personality has changed, it was only the tinnitus that changed.
It's all humiliating, the entire thing, talking about it here, looking lazy and being useless, looking like shit from the suffering, becoming a alcoholic just to try and numb the pain and pass out, offing yourself the most humiliating of all. I was once a proud person, now all I feel is shame.
Sorry that's a long terribly written emotional post

something about the man sitting shaking in his wife's arms just made me sick, it's all too familiar.