I wonder how accurate our auditive memory is. It is after all subjective.
This effect would be so awesome. Just imagine! I think that is something that will make me emotional

when this should happen.
Also when hair-cells can be regenerated, it should happen in the damaged section of the inner ear.
The nerves that connect to these hair-cells reside in this area. So the hair cells in the 4 kHz section of the cochlea will most likely not connect to the 8 kHz section of our brain.
I seem to remember that someone participating in the GenVec trial was able to hear "new" frequencies, but speech understanding was not improved. I think that is important. If frequencies we already hear just get louder (lets say from 60 dB loss to 20 dB loss) we will have no difficulty. But if we hear new frequencies it could be different.
It also depends if both ears are damaged. In my case my left ear is my "reference" ear.
But is is just a thought.
I hope we will find out relatively soon.