Is There a Chance My Tinnitus Will Go Away?

Hey Ilija,

I'm pretty much in your shoes man, we got T around the same time, at least on your end you know exactly how you got yours.. mine came out of the blue and I wasn't exposed to any loud noise before it came on.

Its funny that you mention your PC being annoying, I personally have a fully water-cooled pc, which is dead silent.. or at least it use to be.. As I was sitting by it yesterday in a fairly quiet room I could hear the power supply producing a craaaazy high pitch noise that I've never really been bothered by before, but for some reason at the time it was just annoying the hell out of me. Btw it's probably your PSU or GPU or one of your Fans thats squealing, I've never heard of a CPU putting out noise.

One of my favorite billiard places has old TV's that are hanging up every few other tables.. I've never been bothered by them before but last time I went there, the squeal they were putting off was very very distinct. I'm honestly not sure if thats hypercausis or not, 99.9% of noises I hear aren't bothersome at all, but things that are high pitch and nearing the frequency of my tinnitus annoy me to no end. I wonder if thats because my mind gets freaked out thinking it's hearing yet another tone.

Also just like you I had an audiogram and my hearing was absolutely flawless:

View attachment 3316
The chart above is my test, the chart itself only shows 250-8000, however I had my hearing tested all the way up to 20KHZ and all ended up being between -10 to +10 DB, from which I can understand is pretty damn good.

Hopefully ours will fade with time, but for now lets just be happy thats its not as debilitating as some peoples can be.
Yeah the more I think about it the more it seems it's most likely our brans still being psyched out about sound that sound like the sound that caused us,well at least me SO much worry,stress and anxiety that now when it hears it at first I don't notice it but as time passes it becomes bothersome.
For instance today in PC class after a while I thought about Tinnitus and as soon as I did I started hearing a ring from one of the PC's,probably psyched my brain out from all that worrying.
Constant anxiety/stress for 2-3 weeks can't be a good thing.
As for the fading away,I figure we both got lets say 75-80% that it will go seeing as how mine when I'm not focusing on it is EXTREMELY low the only reason I can even recognize it is because I know it's there but I can still barely hear it.
It'll most likely pass,a lot of people have had Tinnitus only to have it pass after 1-2-3-4 months.
Got a friend who went to a concert,just like me he got paranoid and stressful,his lasted for 2 months he says that after he got over it,when It left it took him another week or two to even notice it gone.
So fade away or not ours will keep lowering and lowering until we can barely notice it in a quiet room.
I like to think of it this way.
If I have moments where I can barely notice it now before I'm actually habituated just imagine how much you wound give a fudge when it lowers even more on its own AND you habituate to it.
Yeah the more I think about it the more it seems it's most likely our brans still being psyched out about sound that sound like the sound that caused us,well at least me SO much worry,stress and anxiety that now when it hears it at first I don't notice it but as time passes it becomes bothersome.
For instance today in PC class after a while I thought about Tinnitus and as soon as I did I started hearing a ring from one of the PC's,probably psyched my brain out from all that worrying.
Constant anxiety/stress for 2-3 weeks can't be a good thing.
As for the fading away,I figure we both got lets say 75-80% that it will go seeing as how mine when I'm not focusing on it is EXTREMELY low the only reason I can even recognize it is because I know it's there but I can still barely hear it.
It'll most likely pass,a lot of people have had Tinnitus only to have it pass after 1-2-3-4 months.
Got a friend who went to a concert,just like me he got paranoid and stressful,his lasted for 2 months he says that after he got over it,when It left it took him another week or two to even notice it gone.
So fade away or not ours will keep lowering and lowering until we can barely notice it in a quiet room.
I like to think of it this way.
If I have moments where I can barely notice it now before I'm actually habituated just imagine how much you wound give a fudge when it lowers even more on its own AND you habituate to it.

Yeah, mine is similar to yours, I don't really notice it for example when watching a movie, or just having my brain actively focused on something else wether it be playing a game or being out with friends.. but the second I start thinking or worrying about it, it gets worse just like yours.

And whenever I hear some weird new high pitch ring, whether it be my fridge or my power supply from the PC my minds instantly like "WHAT NO NOT A NEW NOISE!" and then I realize its just my electronics squealing.

I'll be honest, the first 3-4 days that I had the ringing before researching it, I really wasn't that bothered by it or worried about it.. But the second I googled it and read all the horror stories and what not, thats what kicked off my anxiety, stress and etc.. I really wish I would of never googled it, but too late now ;)

I think we'll be just fine.
Yeah, mine is similar to yours, I don't really notice it for example when watching a movie, or just having my brain actively focused on something else wether it be playing a game or being out with friends.. but the second I start thinking or worrying about it, it gets worse just like yours.

And whenever I hear some weird new high pitch ring, whether it be my fridge or my power supply from the PC my minds instantly like "WHAT NO NOT A NEW NOISE!" and then I realize its just my electronics squealing.

I'll be honest, the first 3-4 days that I had the ringing before researching it, I really wasn't that bothered by it or worried about it.. But the second I googled it and read all the horror stories and what not, thats what kicked off my anxiety, stress and etc.. I really wish I would of never googled it, but too late now ;)

I think we'll be just fine.
Lay of the horror stories.
I too read them at first,they gave me an idea that Tinnitus never goes away,that anyone who gets it has it permanently,I read about some people killing themselves,I read about so much bad stuff.
In the end I was so scared that whenever I read a new symptom I would think I have that.
First I thought I have hyperacusis,then a form of hyperacusis but only with certain sounds.
The truth is both of us were scared and we created symptoms for ourselves.
The day I stopped searching for new symptoms I got better the very next day.
We'll be fine today I woke up with the most silent Tinnitus I have ever had so far,I had to go in the bathroom and listen really hard to find a faint air sound.
Just hang in there,I'm confident ours will go in 1-2 months.
Lay of the horror stories.
I too read them at first,they gave me an idea that Tinnitus never goes away,that anyone who gets it has it permanently,I read about some people killing themselves,I read about so much bad stuff.
In the end I was so scared that whenever I read a new symptom I would think I have that.
First I thought I have hyperacusis,then a form of hyperacusis but only with certain sounds.
The truth is both of us were scared and we created symptoms for ourselves.
The day I stopped searching for new symptoms I got better the very next day.
We'll be fine today I woke up with the most silent Tinnitus I have ever had so far,I had to go in the bathroom and listen really hard to find a faint air sound.
Just hang in there,I'm confident ours will go in 1-2 months.

Agreed man, I'm sitting in my silent office right now at work.. well fairly silent (40-50DB) and I can barely hear it.
Agreed man, I'm sitting in my silent office right now at work.. well fairly silent (40-50DB) and I can barely hear it.
Glad to hear it,I've been sitting here on my PC surfin' around,I just need to fix the ring I hear from the PC otherwise my T is now mostly air sound which I am completely cool with.
Stay golden my friend,chances are one day Tinnitus will be just a memory.
I am starting to really get pissed off.
My general Tinnitus has gone down for sure,it went from a ring to a tv static to an air sound which doesn't even register most of the time further backing up the fact that this is probably temporary due to it only going down, don't get me wrong there are spikes when I get angry or when I train too hard but they usually settle down within a few hours to a day.
I also have ear pain from time to time which I don't quite get but it's been happening less and less.
What I don't get is why this shit of a condition is trying to ruin everything so hard.
When It began I heard ringing but if only that were the case I would have by now been completely habituated and off to recovery BUT NO.
How my stupid Tinnitus works is,if I listen to a certain sound too much my fucking brain finds a way to make that sound make my ear/ears ring.
For instance when it began I only had inner ringing but now if I turn on the TV after a while the static noise it produces makes my ears ring, when I'm sitting on my PC after a while the noise my PC produces makes my left ear ring which is driving me crazy,when I was watching Sons of Anarchy a few hours ago my ears started to ring from some sound the show is producing so I turned it off immediately, when I was watching the game with my mom after a while the noise that TV makes also made my ears not ring but hear the static noise 2-3 times more.
Why is that? I am so sick of it,I am on my PC for most of the day, that's what I do I play games/watch movies/do homework/study/research literally spend 70% of my time on my PC which I built with so much care and enthusiasm and now I don't want to turn it on because it will make my ears ring and aggravate me.
Has anyone else had this? I think the noise my PC CPU fan makes is making the ring but I'm afraid that when I replace the fan with another one the sound that fan makes will eventually turn into a ring because my brain/hearing is retarded.
Literally the only thing making me unhappy right now is this,the Tinnitus is subsiding, I'm getting better day by day, I started enjoying things again but the ringing I get in my left ear from my PC is making me angry and that only makes the Tinnitus worse, so now instead of being on my PC passing time having fun and waiting the Tinnitus out, I am tormented by it.
I literally don't want to be home at times because as it turns out the place that used to be safe for me, the place where I could just sit down and relax is now making me insane and I hate it.
I literally feel like this bullshit of a condition for which there should be a cure for right now (but no America has to go and spend BILLIONS of dollars on, so they can have their stupid army), is trying to systematically make every noise I hear everyday into a ring so even if the Tinnitus itself is a non issue now I still get ringing because fuck you for wanting to listen to loud music.
So if anyone has experienced this please let me know what is it.From here to bottom I go into rant mode so unless you want to hear the rants of an aggravated teenager I suggest you stop here.
OH THAT'S ANOTHER THING why is there literally no warning for Tinnitus.
Sure people have come up and said if you listen to loud music you will have bad hearing, I can live with not hearing the highest of useless frequencies but if someone at any point of my life were to tell me "Hey if you listen to loud music you might get a sound in your head that there is no cure for" I wouldn't go past 80dB if someone paid me to.
Why is there a warning on every box of smokes about lung cancer but there is literally no warning on a pair of headphones going "If listened at loud levels constantly person may develop Tinnitus", why are there no warnings on concerts going "Earplugs advised, if the concert is attended without earplugs person may contract permanent Tinnitus and hearing loss".But no why should there, most people respond to Tinnitus as "what's the big deal it's just a noise" I WANT TO PHYSICALLY HURT THOSE PEOPLE.
A friend of mine asked me why I'm wearing earplugs in class I tell him I'm recovering from Tinnitus and I need to protect my ears from loud noises otherwise I might get a constant ring in my ears and the little shit goes "What's the big deal about having ringing in your ears" I tell him it can be so loud as to disable people and make them suicidal and depressed and he goes "If I ever got a permanent ringing in my ears I would just deal with it".And there is no cure because everyone is too occupied going around and KILLING each other for no better reason than You're Muslim I'm a Jewish or You're white I'm black.Or the best part and I swear this makes me laugh and be angry at the same time the good old "I am "bullshit religion 1" and you're "bullshit religion 2".
Look I'm all for God and I believe in a God and afterlife because that sound a lot better than you live you die you become maggot food.But If there was no religion we as a species would accomplish SO MUCH it's amazing.Look at the middle ages and so on.People were killed for believing that the world is round or that there is gravity or that maybe the reason someone got a disease was because he literally washes in shit rather than him not believing in some God.
I am 100% sure that if the world would just stop being retarded and people would learn to live with each other there would not only be cure for Tinnitus but cures for so many other stuff.
I will never get where humans get the NERVE to call other species sub intellectual when we are the ONLY species IN THE WORLD capable of infinite progress but we chose to instead kill each other follow myths and bullshit 10000 old books and just go around being retarded idiots all day.
Humans are scum not all but most, you take a normal guy you give him a SHRED of power and see what becomes of him 9/10 times he'll become the biggest corrupted piece of shit you have ever seen and 1/10 he'll try to do some good only to be fucked over by some other power hungry piece of shit.
There rant over, I'm sorry for the bad language but I feel like it is needed in order to truly express the way I feel right now.
Didn't read much of that rant, but I had trouble with PC fans even across the room back when my symptoms first started up. It got better. I put my home PC in a closet with some extension wires. A little cost up front but made a big difference.
Had major problems with my PC fan during my T onset, TV, heat radiators made me crazy at times. it all faded over time and i have no problems at all after 6 months. Just stay calm and give it time, things will get better even if you don´t believe that right now.
I have posted a lot over the past few days so I will try and make this as short as possible.
-16 August got Tinnitus from only the 2nd Gig of my life (fuck my life).
-First 2 weeks horrible stress and anxiety thoughts of suicide during night time were quite common
-3 Weeks after that got better
-Tinnitus decreased to an air sound I am not bothered by
-PC which I use 70% of the day it's cooler sound makes my left ear ring (it's on my left side)
-Ringing used to be faint, I didn't care about it but something happened (I got stressed)
-Now as loud as in the beginning, making me insane
So I think I have hyperacusis not the loud sounds kind but the selective frequency kind.
Basically things of a higher frequency squealing car brakes,TV static,My CPU fan noise make my ears ring.
Well the later 2 high frequency sounds that last for a short duration only bother me but I think those would bother anyone if they could hear them.
Anyway seeing as how I spend most of my time on my PC you can see why my CPU making my left ear ring is a problem.
It goes like this, when I turn on my TV it takes a while for it to start making my ears ring, probably the time it takes for my brain to notice the static sound it makes.
As for my PC due to me using it almost 2/3 of my day it makes me stressed.
Because if it weren't for that I wouldn't be here right now due to my Tinnitus being so low that I need to sit in the bathroom in COMPLETE silence for a couple of minutes until I start hearing some kind of ring which I don't know if it is even there, (still stressed kind of,brain still on alert).
Also I noticed that while for some it's instant (car brakes) it took a couple of days for the PC and TV ring to develop as I am pretty sure at first I didn't have them (maybe the stress cause it) which is just great another case of me fucking myself over for no apparent reason.
Otherwise I am perfectly happy, the minute I walk outside I can't hear shit.
So what do you guys figure it is based on your experience.
I asked one of the cool doctors here and he said that I should give it a few more weeks to see if it resolves like the TInnitus, I hope to Jesus that happens.
I got 3 theories about it
-Some hairs got damaged, others increased the sound (the ones who increased the sound are the ones whose frequency bugs me)
-Selective hyperacusis
-Brain hating those kinds of sounds and linking them with the source of high lever trauma and stress
I'll see about going to a good audiologist and seeing if there is some test for hyperacusis or something there.
The only thing I have gotten is a hearing test and a pressure test both of which were normal (GREAT YAY I CAN HEAR LIKE A FRIGIN BABY,)
I'm not going to say I would rather be deaf because there are people who would love to have some mild hyperacusis and some really really mild tinnitus while still being able to hear perfectly.
So that's it,would love to hear your thoughts.
I probably should mention I am somewhat easily annoyed/aggravated like for instance when I was placing the CPU cooler I got so mad that one of the pins wouldn't enter that I punched a wall my hand hurt for a week I'm pretty sure I cracked a knuckle.
But boy would I LOVE to go back to the time when my biggest problem was some bullshit pin not doing what it's supposed to do.
I have posted a lot over the past few days so I will try and make this as short as possible.
-16 August got Tinnitus from only the 2nd Gig of my life (fuck my life).
-First 2 weeks horrible stress and anxiety thoughts of suicide during night time were quite common
-3 Weeks after that got better
-Tinnitus decreased to an air sound I am not bothered by
-PC which I use 70% of the day it's cooler sound makes my left ear ring (it's on my left side)
-Ringing used to be faint, I didn't care about it but something happened (I got stressed)
-Now as loud as in the beginning, making me insane
So I think I have hyperacusis not the loud sounds kind but the selective frequency kind.
Basically things of a higher frequency squealing car brakes,TV static,My CPU fan noise make my ears ring.
Well the later 2 high frequency sounds that last for a short duration only bother me but I think those would bother anyone if they could hear them.
Anyway seeing as how I spend most of my time on my PC you can see why my CPU making my left ear ring is a problem.
It goes like this, when I turn on my TV it takes a while for it to start making my ears ring, probably the time it takes for my brain to notice the static sound it makes.
As for my PC due to me using it almost 2/3 of my day it makes me stressed.
Because if it weren't for that I wouldn't be here right now due to my Tinnitus being so low that I need to sit in the bathroom in COMPLETE silence for a couple of minutes until I start hearing some kind of ring which I don't know if it is even there, (still stressed kind of,brain still on alert).
Also I noticed that while for some it's instant (car brakes) it took a couple of days for the PC and TV ring to develop as I am pretty sure at first I didn't have them (maybe the stress cause it) which is just great another case of me fucking myself over for no apparent reason.
Otherwise I am perfectly happy, the minute I walk outside I can't hear shit.
So what do you guys figure it is based on your experience.
I asked one of the cool doctors here and he said that I should give it a few more weeks to see if it resolves like the TInnitus, I hope to Jesus that happens.
I got 3 theories about it
-Some hairs got damaged, others increased the sound (the ones who increased the sound are the ones whose frequency bugs me)
-Selective hyperacusis
-Brain hating those kinds of sounds and linking them with the source of high lever trauma and stress
I'll see about going to a good audiologist and seeing if there is some test for hyperacusis or something there.
The only thing I have gotten is a hearing test and a pressure test both of which were normal (GREAT YAY I CAN HEAR LIKE A FRIGIN BABY,)
I'm not going to say I would rather be deaf because there are people who would love to have some mild hyperacusis and some really really mild tinnitus while still being able to hear perfectly.
So that's it,would love to hear your thoughts.
I probably should mention I am somewhat easily annoyed/aggravated like for instance when I was placing the CPU cooler I got so mad that one of the pins wouldn't enter that I punched a wall my hand hurt for a week I'm pretty sure I cracked a knuckle.
But boy would I LOVE to go back to the time when my biggest problem was some bullshit pin not doing what it's supposed to do.

Wear headphones and quietly play music when sitting at your pc? this will get your mind off your CPU squealing. Its probably a lot worse than you think since you are stressing about it. Just relax, kick back, listen to some smooth relaxing music when sitting at the PC (something that wont trigger your tinnitus).

Oh yeah and #1 opinion, stay off this forum for most of the day. Its amazingly supportive and awesome, but if you keep coming here throughout the day, all you'll be able to think about is tinnitus and that just exaggerates the issue.

Edit- Also, I do find my PC a little bit more annoying like I mentioned before, but I know its just my PC squealing and nothing to worry about.. after a while I don't even notice it. Kind of like a ticking clock or your fridge.
Wear headphones and quietly play music when sitting at your pc? this will get your mind off your CPU squealing. Its probably a lot worse than you think since you are stressing about it. Just relax, kick back, listen to some smooth relaxing music when sitting at the PC (something that wont trigger your tinnitus).

Oh yeah and #1 opinion, stay off this forum for most of the day. Its amazingly supportive and awesome, but if you keep coming here throughout the day, all you'll be able to think about is tinnitus and that just exaggerates the issue.

Edit- Also, I do find my PC a little bit more annoying like I mentioned before, but I know its just my PC squealing and nothing to worry about.. after a while I don't even notice it. Kind of like a ticking clock or your fridge.
Yeah been trying my best to keep of the forum and just chill.
Tinnitus went down even more today (every time it lowers I gain more hope of it going away completely)
The PC ring has decreased due to me not having any emotion over it.
When I'm not lazy I'll replace the fan so it won't ring at all.
Other than that I'm the best I've been.
Tinnitus extremely low and doesn't bother me.
No longer paranoid it will come back louder, mainly due to the fact that mine is Noise Induced so unless I go to another gig it will stay the same and keep lowering.
I must say this forum has been a big help now I have to go and play League of Legends ranked.
Hi all,

i got T around 9/20 after going to a party with my friends. I have been trouble sleeping ever since. I'm exhausted. Everytime I am about to fall asleep, its like my brain is telling me there is an internal attack and that I need to wake up. I've been waking up every half an time of the night. It's draining me. I had to take benadryl last night to try and get some sleep.

Does anyone else have this kind of problem?

I really hope mine goes away...
Hi all,

i got T around 9/20 after going to a party with my friends. I have been trouble sleeping ever since. I'm exhausted. Everytime I am about to fall asleep, its like my brain is telling me there is an internal attack and that I need to wake up. I've been waking up every half an time of the night. It's draining me. I had to take benadryl last night to try and get some sleep.

Does anyone else have this kind of problem?

I really hope mine goes away...
Do you have a history of loud noise? or was this just a one time thing?
The main reason mine is staying for so long is 2 factors.
1.) Used to listen to music as loud as 90 dB on my headphones.
2.) One of the guys let out a scream such high and bad in intensity it hurt my ears for a sec ( I believe this is the main reason why I am now sensitive to some frequencies)
Anyway there's a good chance your and mine will go away.
You can't let yourself think Tinnitus never goes away for anyone, I read a lot on the internet and I gained the perception that Tinnitus never leaves when in fact it either leaves for some people and for some it just goes down so much they aren't even bothered by it any more.
It will decrease in sound and end up going away completely, even if it doesn't still you'll be bothered by it maybe 1-2 months more but Time truly does heal all wounds.
After some time you'll get used to it, it'll go down more and you'll be back to your usual self.
Also keep in mind it takes a year for Tinnitus to even be considered chronic and even then there are cases where people have had it go away.
I'm not saying expect it to go away any day, the truth is the sooner you let go of it and get back to your normal life doing things you like.
Time will fly by until one day you're taking a wee in the bathroom and then suddenly notice "hey it's gone"
That's how it went for my friend.
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I will continue to have faith that it will heal for both you and I.

I've been to some loud places probably every weekend this past summer. But i don't think that it was that excessive. My friend who goes to EDC concerts and other loud events more than me, her hearing is just fine. Life is just unfair like that. But I do wish no one suffers from this annoying symptom.

I went to see a second ENT doctor today and she prescribed prednisone, which i need to take for about a week. I know some people say, in order for it to be effective, you need to take it within 24-48hrs of the onset. My doctor said since mine is still a bit early, the steroid might help it so I am giving it a try. Have you taken some kind of steroid medication?

Also, I can't seem to fall deep into sleep (even with the white noise in the background). I wake up like every hour and then have a hard time falling asleep and repeat. Do you have the same sleeping problem at night? If so, what did you do?
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I will continue to have faith that it will heal for both you and I.

I've been to some loud places probably every weekend this past summer. But i don't think that it was that excessive. My friend who goes to EDC concerts and other loud events more than me, her hearing is just fine. Life is just unfair like that. But I do wish no one suffers from this annoying symptom.

I went to see a second ENT doctor today and she prescribed prednisone, which i need to take for about a week. I know some people say, in order for it to be effective, you need to take it within 24-48hrs of the onset. My doctor said since mine is still a bit early, the steroid might help it so I am giving it a try. Have you taken some kind of steroid medication?

Also, I can't seem to fall deep into sleep (even with the white noise in the background). I wake up like every hour and then have a hard time falling asleep and repeat. Do you have the same sleeping problem at night? If so, what did you do?
Well I always turned the TV on during sleep so I never hear the Tinnitus.
As for the steroids no, the ENT gave me b12 shots for the nerves but that's about it.
My friends are the same lots of concerts, loud music and their hearing is just fine with not Tinnitus.
What can you do.
It's not the Tinnitus that's annoying me it's the fact that some electronic appliances like my PC, my TV and so on produce some hissing,ringing noises I didn't hear before.
My guess is maybe my ears are still sensitive and stuff.
I thought it could be ear recruitment but that doesn't work like that.
Not Misophonia nor Phonophobia.
I guess my ears and nerves are still sensitive somewhat, I hope it goes away you can't imagine how stupid it is that for someone who spends hours and hours on his PC now has a condition that makes his ears ring from the PC.
I've been having my TV on when I sleep too. It tunes out the T but for reason my brain doesn't allow me to fall asleep. It's so frustrating. This is my biggest issues right now cause I wake up the next day extremely tired.

Well when you are away from PC, TV, do you hear the T? Maybe it's all in your head now... and the T is gone.
I've been having my TV on when I sleep too. It tunes out the T but for reason my brain doesn't allow me to fall asleep. It's so frustrating. This is my biggest issues right now cause I wake up the next day extremely tired.

Well when you are away from PC, TV, do you hear the T? Maybe it's all in your head now... and the T is gone.
@Thopeful try taking melatonin to help sleep. i had no trouble falling asleep but i would wake up without fail a couple of hours later and not be able to fall back asleep. the melatonin helps me fall right back asleep, i take 3mg. i also leave the tv or a fan on. lately ive been masking with an app that plays a shower sound. listen to it with regular earphones and just low enough so you can still hear the tv for example. seems to help me out listening for a couple of hours before i fall asleep. hope this helps you also.
it gets easier, i didnt believe it at first but it does.
@Thopeful try taking melatonin to help sleep. i had no trouble falling asleep but i would wake up without fail a couple of hours later and not be able to fall back asleep. the melatonin helps me fall right back asleep, i take 3mg. i also leave the tv or a fan on. lately ive been masking with an app that plays a shower sound. listen to it with regular earphones and just low enough so you can still hear the tv for example. seems to help me out listening for a couple of hours before i fall asleep. hope this helps you also.
it gets easier, i didnt believe it at first but it does.

Thanks Rube. I will definitely keep that in mind. How long have you had yours? How did you get it? I saw the doc recently and they gave me medication to take. So far it's helping, the T has gone down to a light buzz. Hopefully it will go away all together.
I've been having my TV on when I sleep too. It tunes out the T but for reason my brain doesn't allow me to fall asleep. It's so frustrating. This is my biggest issues right now cause I wake up the next day extremely tired.

Well when you are away from PC, TV, do you hear the T? Maybe it's all in your head now... and the T is gone.
Nah it ain't gone, it's there still.
Need more time before it's gone.
Hi llija, im in a similar situation to you, hoping T may disappear. How is yours doing?

I have a home theatre (speakers and a subwoofer) in a room, just set it up this year and was testing the subwoofer, stupidly bent down close to the sub as I thought it wasn't working as it should, and just then there was a loud boom from a blu ray movie I was playing and since then my ears have been ringing. This was end of November.

The movie was playing quite loud but not imo any louder than you would get in a cinema and if I was sitting in my seat when this boom went off and not close to the sub it would have had no effect on my ears I think, since I have played that part of the movie quite a few times while in the seat and no ear problems.

Well, it started as quite a loud ring, I could hear above the tv and everything else. 3 weeks later it is not as piercing but is a constant eeeeeee in my left ear and a more intermittent pulsing eeeeee in my right ear. I kept telling myself it was just one boom and that's not as bad as long term exposure but im not sure about that, damage is damage and T has been caused and who can say whats better or worse I guess :(

I still have hope it may disappear like quite a few on here it seems and there are cases of T going after being there for a year. Apparently my grandfather had it for 3 years and then it just went and didn't come back, so there is hope.

Like you Thopeful, I can fall asleep usually ok but wake quite a few times at night but I had this situation when I had eye strain a few years ago, so when something is not right (T or eyestrain) that seems to happen to me, have you found a way to stay asleep?
Hi llija, im in a similar situation to you, hoping T may disappear. How is yours doing?

I have a home theatre (speakers and a subwoofer) in a room, just set it up this year and was testing the subwoofer, stupidly bent down close to the sub as I thought it wasn't working as it should, and just then there was a loud boom from a blu ray movie I was playing and since then my ears have been ringing. This was end of November.

The movie was playing quite loud but not imo any louder than you would get in a cinema and if I was sitting in my seat when this boom went off and not close to the sub it would have had no effect on my ears I think, since I have played that part of the movie quite a few times while in the seat and no ear problems.

Well, it started as quite a loud ring, I could hear above the tv and everything else. 3 weeks later it is not as piercing but is a constant eeeeeee in my left ear and a more intermittent pulsing eeeeee in my right ear. I kept telling myself it was just one boom and that's not as bad as long term exposure but im not sure about that, damage is damage and T has been caused and who can say whats better or worse I guess :(

I still have hope it may disappear like quite a few on here it seems and there are cases of T going after being there for a year. Apparently my grandfather had it for 3 years and then it just went and didn't come back, so there is hope.

Like you Thopeful, I can fall asleep usually ok but wake quite a few times at night but I had this situation when I had eye strain a few years ago, so when something is not right (T or eyestrain) that seems to happen to me, have you found a way to stay asleep?
Well first of all that eeee, great chance of it going like mine.
When I first got mine I had loud eeee and swoosh, then just eeee then after a month maybe less I got tv static but really low, now I got wind also low, so I sleep in total quiet np.
Tinnitus actually resolves on its own a great number of times, the internet makes it seem like it doesn't but it does.
Yours and mine will probably go, also one boom from speakers is better than say being me wearing headphones playing metal at 90+ dB every day all day.
Yours will probably resolve faster than mine, just keep chill :)
Also if you're having trouble sleeping, exercise and use sounds like playing a tv or something when you're sleeping I've been using my TV to sleep long before Tinnitus came along.
Well first of all that eeee, great chance of it going like mine.
When I first got mine I had loud eeee and swoosh, then just eeee then after a month maybe less I got tv static but really low, now I got wind also low, so I sleep in total quiet np.
Tinnitus actually resolves on its own a great number of times, the internet makes it seem like it doesn't but it does.
Yours and mine will probably go, also one boom from speakers is better than say being me wearing headphones playing metal at 90+ dB every day all day.
Yours will probably resolve faster than mine, just keep chill :)
Also if you're having trouble sleeping, exercise and use sounds like playing a tv or something when you're sleeping I've been using my TV to sleep long before Tinnitus came along.

Yes we can live in hope :) Great to hear you are sleeping with no aids, that really is a good sign. My bro is next room and im not sure he would like a tv playing :p and I don't even have a bedroom tv now but my problem is not actually falling asleep, which I usually can do, but its waking up a lot during the night and it may also be related to stress with the T.

Yes in theory (and hope maybe) I think one close blast to a bass speaker could be less damaging than long term exposure but it may be related to the DB level going into the ear plus the sub was placed between a wall and a couch and may have directed the "sound" right to me. May have. I used to swim once a week and wonder did that somehow contribute to the T, probably not but I used to get a small ring every now and then when the swim cap slapped my ear and stuff like that.

Keep the faith and im sure sometime in jan or feb I will have a hearing test and talk to an ENT and im sure be told to wait and see what happens as we have not figured out how to help your ear too well past the ear drum yet :)
Yes we can live in hope :) Great to hear you are sleeping with no aids, that really is a good sign. My bro is next room and im not sure he would like a tv playing :p and I don't even have a bedroom tv now but my problem is not actually falling asleep, which I usually can do, but its waking up a lot during the night and it may also be related to stress with the T.

Yes in theory (and hope maybe) I think one close blast to a bass speaker could be less damaging than long term exposure but it may be related to the DB level going into the ear plus the sub was placed between a wall and a couch and may have directed the "sound" right to me. May have. I used to swim once a week and wonder did that somehow contribute to the T, probably not but I used to get a small ring every now and then when the swim cap slapped my ear and stuff like that.

Keep the faith and im sure sometime in jan or feb I will have a hearing test and talk to an ENT and im sure be told to wait and see what happens as we have not figured out how to help your ear too well past the ear drum yet :)
If it was a rifle then I wouldn't be completely sure but one loud speaker doesn't seem enough to cause Tinnitus.
It took a year of heavy and loud music on earphones plus some very loud gigs to give me some mild Tinnitus.
I'm not so sure about mine going away, maybe like 75% but the rest that I have sound sensitivity and so will go after time.
Yours will probably go all together, Tinnitus isn't as chronic,unforgiving,barely ever leaves as the internet forums would have you believe.
If it was a rifle then I wouldn't be completely sure but one loud speaker doesn't seem enough to cause Tinnitus.
It took a year of heavy and loud music on earphones plus some very loud gigs to give me some mild Tinnitus.
I'm not so sure about mine going away, maybe like 75% but the rest that I have sound sensitivity and so will go after time.
Yours will probably go all together, Tinnitus isn't as chronic,unforgiving,barely ever leaves as the internet forums would have you believe.
I got my tinnitus form medicine, and it newer went away. What does not go in 6 months well that stick, and plus you get prone to get new worse tinnitus.

I to je istina.
I got my tinnitus form medicine, and it newer went away. What does not go in 6 months well that stick, and plus you get prone to get new worse tinnitus.

I to je istina.
Ne nije?
Seeing as how most people here speak English I'll get back to it.
For one there are people who say it's under 6 months and there are people who say a year, now I have talked with a lot of people and the ones with Tinnitus lost it somewhere between 8 months to a year and some.
Next to that there is no study that confirms that someone who has Tinnitus is prone to getting it worse.
So far I have had sirens blasted in my ear, loud idiots yelling in the class room, some severely loud whistling close to me, firecrackers and so much more and my Tinnitus is still decreasing.
Yesterday for the first time in 4 months I slept without ringing, even with my ears covered I can only then mildly hear ringing and yet I've gone through a lot of stuff and yet it has never increased permanently.
I'm sorry your's didn't go but there really isn't anything backing up what you're saying so it all ends up being a bad experience being passed of as reality for most which it is not.
i guess questions are here for people to answer and it´s Xmas.... @Ilija

I have some questions which some of you may be able to answer.

1.) Is your T reactive for me when I hear stuff like the bad breaks of a car or a copy machine,or my CPU cooler,or the static sound my TV produces it seems to make my Tinnitus not worse but I hear a ringing where there used to be none.

I think you it´s your mind playing tricks. You have started to think with your T. "T this, T that... does this affect my T.....", believe me, i´ ve been there myself too.

2.) What are the chances that my Tinnitus will go,I realise no one can tell me like 100% accurate but your general opinion.

I think the chances are good. You wrote you have to actually listen to it in silence in order to hear it, right? What is that: that´s habituation. And put it frankly that aint Tinnitus if you ask me. T is something you dont have to search for and listen to... it IS there and it´s going to get you and bring you down. It´s the Beast you cant hide from.

3.) Should I be worried about class room noise,the class can be fairly loud at times,I feel this is making the Tinnitus stay longer,it usually makes my T go from hiss to a vice ring but it goes away as I stay in a quiet room.
I have bough earplugs but I fell weird about using them during class do you think the professors will understand?

Same answer as in number 1. Please dont over-protect your ears.

4.) I don't know if most but a say medium amount of people recover fully from Tinnitus (not like repair hair cells but they lose it in time) how does that work for noise induced,I know hair cells can't regenerate so what exactly happens when someone who had noise induced tinnitus has it go away.

I believe there are many reasons for T so it might fade away for some. Maybe it wasnt that bad in the first place and they habituated quickly and dont pay attention to it anymore whatsoever the situation. There´s tinnitus and then there´s Tinnitus. That´s my opinion and i´m sticking to it.

5.) Do you feel pressure in your head as well? sometimes I do,when I go into the bathroom I can hear a vice ring but I also have a rather intense pressure to accompany it.

Fluctuating pressure in the ear since 2010. Never went away. Never will.

6.) Is it that my Tinnitus is reactive or is it possible that due to me being in constant fear and anxiety my ears are actually hearing better,when it started I didn't have reactive at first it developed as it went.

Again, see number 1. I believe human being´s hearing is an active system. It´s weird not to hear anything. Nice little eeee sound when heard in quiet environment is normal. My opinion anyway.

7.) I have a neck gland problem it's the one in the middle front of the neck,it's in charge of hormones and stuff in teens,when I used to get really angry or upset I always felt something hard in my throat (there's a dirty joke in there xD) not sure if that is contributing to T in any way.

Your guess is as good as mine here.

8.) And lastly I have developed a pain in the ears 3-5 days ago,don't know why,it doesn't seem to have a direct trigger,like the loud classroom doesn't make my ears hurt,they just hurt randomly I think.
So that's all of them,thank you in advance for all the replies I hope this will go in a couple of months completely,I can learn to live with it in time as I start caring less and less but,having complete silence would be nice.

Ear pain sometimes is OK. if it´s bothering you for weeks or so, please see a doctor.
Complete silence isnt natural. I think you can find it in outer space. It´s completely natural to hear something all the time. Again, nice little eee (or iiiiiiii as in my language) is OK. comes for many with the aging process.

9.) What I'm asking is if I do have hidden hearing loss does this mean I have a lesser chance of my Tinnitus going away? this could also be the reason why I can hear certain frequencies louder than my mom and friends.

Hearing differs from person to person. When/if you have hearing loss you will notice it. Before that you dont have it, right?
Before that i would worry with other stuff.

Happy Holidays.
If it was a rifle then I wouldn't be completely sure but one loud speaker doesn't seem enough to cause Tinnitus.
It took a year of heavy and loud music on earphones plus some very loud gigs to give me some mild Tinnitus.
I'm not so sure about mine going away, maybe like 75% but the rest that I have sound sensitivity and so will go after time.
Yours will probably go all together, Tinnitus isn't as chronic,unforgiving,barely ever leaves as the internet forums would have you believe.

I have been telling myself that one subwoofer speaker blast at close range shouldn't be enough to cause long term T but my T hasn't been listening so far :( Im still in a state of denial (1 month in) and lack of sleep makes it worse. I could get myself some ear protection and recreate the exact situation with a DB reader but im thinking why risk further damage, the noise was obviously powerful enough to cause my ringing/whining unless I have another issue somewhere which I doubt as my ears were not on my mind at all before the event
We had a guy who had t for 5 months, he used one medicine called retigabine, and his t vanished. Reactive tinnitus is when you get it high by stress or sound, but people who have tinnitus have hyperacusis and that can be big problem they get sensitive on small sounds, that seem to them real harsh and loud and provoke t to be louder.

I got t oct 2013 and it did not go away, i tried many therapies, from high pressure chamber, several medicines, acupuncture. trobalt did give me peace 3 months but my t returned and now i am slowing down with trobalt.

Anyway 20% of USA has tinnitus, 4% of those has severe tinnitus. To one friend of mine clonazepam helped... she used it 1 month and t went away.

When t show up and hearing cell brake, they dont want to regrow, so one has to use omega 3, and zinc, and b complex and possibly some of valium/benzos (because they kill glutamates that eat and stop regeneration of hearing cells), then when t stops one has to switch to valium and slowly stop, not suddenly because sudden stop of those medicine release gluconates and they again gemage heiring cells, best to do it slowly.

MY t after 6 months went 300% worse. A friend who has it several years said it went up slowly, other girl same, well it establishes itself and progress.
Anton ,your audiogram is something I don't understand they say tinnitus is caused mainly by hearing loss,we'll looks like your hearing is ok.My left ear doesn't ring and I have lost all the high freq. in that ear but my good ear as far as my Audiogram is the one that is ringing I told my ENT to explain why it was my good ear that had T his reply "I don't know" so I really believe if you have what I call true subjective T then it is because of some nerve problem within the brain or connection to it .Then the so called phantom sound inwhich we all know is a real sound to us creates anxiety and uncontrolled chemicals to release causing us to worry.When you can beat the worry part you beat the Tinnitus .It takes time but yes I think it can go away but at that point if you listen for it you will hear it BUT you can deal with it and easily deal with it .HABITUATION thats what its called but it is just your brain learning that there is no threat so therefore no fear.They will someday be ablet o find the damage go in fix it and no more ring hiss whatever but when,mabe years they need to use stem cell research this where I believe the real cure is.
I have T. It seemed to come on after a sinus infection. I'm hoping it goes away. If it does not, I will be ok. I stood in line at a store today and watched as hundreds of people walked by. It occurred to me like a revelation from God that we ALL deal with struggles in this thing called life. For some it's weight, for some it's addiction, for some it's disease. Some others struggle with extremely low IQ, mental disorders, mental and physical types of abnormalities and retardations. Some struggle to love there family, while others struggle to love the self. Some are blind, some deaf, some will never experience sex or intimacy. You will not get through this life without a little drama. There will be other times when there will be a lot. We are all in this together. There are problems we understand and problems we will never understand even the surface of. Be strong.

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