Do you mean those people in the US who are quitting their jobs because they no longer care and prefer to go live their lives somewhere else? There are job openings no one wants to fill, and companies will have to raise salaries, and still, this will not be enough to entice people to go back to work.
You are proving my point. This is demand-pull inflation.
A few countries were well below the 60% debt to GDP ratio in 2008 and still they suffered the crisis, which was provoked by greed and a huge real estate bubble, plus an active secondary market for MBS. And then 10 years down the line the same happened... again! And here we are, sitting on a huge pile of debt and another real estate bubble.
Of course, they did! The entire world is linked via their respective liquidity pools. You can't have a major player go down without it affecting everyone else.
Your arguments all agree with what I'm saying: the current banking system doesn't work. Why do we need these huge corporations that have exorbitant overheads to move our money around? They have skyscrapers all over the globe dedicated to their operation which is inefficient in this day age, both from a fiscal point of view and a green one.
I think that person is very sensible and is asking for something fair, even if Rishi Sunak or posh Boris do not agree with him. The income tax cannot stand at like 50% of one's salary while Tech Companies are not paying a dime in tax... not fair. This needs to be addressed.
Explain how it's fair? The wealthiest people have already contributed the most to society via taxation and productivity. This is a fact backed by data even after you take expenses and other variables into consideration. Sure, there will always be unscrupulous people who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths who don't deserve it, etc, but that's life, unfortunately. It works both ways. Many unskilled people refuse to work because they think they are above the jobs that are out there (and there are plenty). After the UK left the EU, it became increasingly difficult to fill these roles because they were predominantly filled by foreigners that could no longer get access.
If you try to fill this void by putting even more of a tax burden on the wealthiest, then they'll just leave the country and take their skills with them. Economic growth occurs through productivity and not taxation, and it's generally the wealthiest that push the economic expansion the most, and this benefits everyone. The £20 rise was given during the pandemic, so it wasn't taken away as that quote you provided suggested. It was stopped after the lockdown ended. I didn't get a rise during the pandemic; in fact, I lost a ton of business and ending up taking a job to help fill the void. Finding one was easy. We live in a free market where every person has the choice to create their own wealth if they don't want to work for others. If they are entrepreneurial, they can create wealth for others and become wealthy themselves in the process; that is the reward for expanding the economy. If you put ever increasing taxations on those who drive economies forward, then those economies will eventually begin to shrink, and that's a fact. You will move more towards a stagnant communist state where nobody prospers and you're all equally poor.
The downside to capitalism is that you inevitably end up with too much wealth being held by a minority of people, but it's still better than the alternative, in my opinion.
Central bankers are saying "we are going to print hundreds of thousands of millions of euros and give them away to bankrupt companies" and at the same time they are saying to salarymen "hey guys, your salary will have to be frozen, no raises..." Hahaha... is this a joke or what?
There would be no salaries at all without those companies. It's a chicken and egg situation. I don't agree with all the money printing, anyway, as all it has done is push the problem further down the road.
There needs to be a banking reform. The legacy system has been broken for decades and your arguments help prove this. I guess people just love getting screwed because you and others are still defending them. My question to you is why? Why not let your money accumulate the 12% from a crypto account and help save your money being eaten by the inflation that the legacy system created? At least with crypto the rewards are shared evenly and are not stolen by a bunch of greedy unnecessary assholes sitting in their skyscrapers talking about ungreen crypto is

I haven't lost a cent to inflation, so far, because I get interest paid weekly. I upload it to my Visa card and do my shopping with it, etc. The banks wouldn't do that for me, so, fuck em
Sorry, I missed your point about the tech giants: yes, they should pay their fair share of tax, and I think any sane person would agree with this. However, it's the governments' job to close the legal loopholes that these companies exploit. If they wanted to, they could, so why don't they? There will always be an element of corruption at these high levels.
With that said, they still employ millions of people worldwide both directly and through their ecosystems and supply chains. The tech they create can also lead to further job creation in other sectors. Their innovation can also help drive medical advances and other such scientific endeavours, so it ain't all bad.
I trust that you don't ever use a phone, or a computer or a sat nav, or Google, or play video games, or watch movies, or listen to music, or read this forum for that matter since you despise tech so much?
I understand your point about the tax, but look at the situation holistically; they aren't the only ones who avoid it, so why single out just that sector? Also, do you trust that the government would actually invest and create more wealth via that tax money than they would? It's a real question, so think about it. Governments generally waste exorbitant amounts of money, so giving more directly to them isn't always a great idea.