Your arguments make no sense at all, Juan. What would you expect Paul Volcker to do if you could bring him back now? It's ridiculous. It honestly astounds me how little a grasp you have on this subject. Do you think he'd raise the rates to 18% again?

Anything past circa 3% would bankrupt the US government and financially ruin all of its citizens. Remember that Volcker was dealing with a very healthy debt-to-GDP of 32% and not the staggering 126% of today. That's a debt that cannot be repaid with all the money that's in circulation. It's nearly one a half times the size of the entire economy.
Fiat has always been controlled and manipulated by a select few, and it's also based upon a fractional reserve model of banking that is outdated and flawed because it is geared to serve the big banks and not the people. If you want to see how successful it has been, look at the last 50 years of international finance. It's objectively a horrific mess where no defensive argument stands up.
It's so bad now that it's led to obscene amounts of money printing which is always one of the last things to occur before a collapse. Do some research on the history of money and see how many times this cycle has repeated itself. The average person on the street would be much better off with a self-governing, decentralised monetary system, that cannot be controlled or manipulated by a few elite individuals or institutions.
We have given the banks ample time to sort this shit out that they created, and now it's time to try something new, in my opinion. I have no idea why you continue to be in a juxtaposition of attacking them whilst defending them.
There will be a financial revolution coming in the next few decades because the legacy system is FUBARed and has been for a long time. Just embrace the change because anything is better than the shit show we've got right now.