I wasn't personally recommended not to use them, but it was actually on another tinnitus forum. On the British tinnitus association forum, the tinnitus support contact there, Michael Leigh, wrote that it may be bad in some cases.
I'll quote it here, in case you're interested to read it. Remember it's not my words:
"The views on whether a person with tinnitus should listen to music through headphones are controversial. Some people show no adverse affects while others do even when the volume level is kept low. We are all different so the only way a one can know is to experiment for themselves. In my opinion, when the T was caused by exposure to loud noise/music and it has become intrusive - by this I mean a person having to seek help at ENT, then they shouldn't listen to music through headphones no matter how low the volume is set.
Most music has syncopation throughout its frequency range, so it's constantly changing in pitch, rhythm and timbre. Once the Cochlear (in the inner ear) becomes damaged by noise exposure, it is much more sensitive to sound. This is one of the reasons hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound) is often experienced with noise-induced tinnitus. The wearing of WNGs (white noise generators) as part of TRT treatment can often cure the condition. My post: Answers to Hyperacusis and Habituation, covers this in more detail.
The organ of the Corti which is attached to the Cochlear, has approximately 20,000 hair cells. These hair cells move to the vibration of sound and are just one of the components withing the auditory system that enable us to hear. Someone that already has a sensitive auditory system due to noise-induced tinnitus and listens to music through headphones at a low volume, risks irritating the Cochlear further; this can make the tinnitus louder and more intrusive.
It can be misleading when some health professionals tell tinnitus patients, listening to music through headphones is fine as long as the volume is kept low. These health professionals may know about the anatomy of the Ear but the majority of them have never experienced intrusive tinnitus.
Many people have visited this forum complaining their T has become worse due to headphone use even when played at low volume. I have received telephone calls from people telling me the same. One woman was told by her Audiologist to listen to music through headphones to help her tinnitus and hyperacusis, saying it would do no harm. The lady in question was reduced to tears even when she turned the volume down to the lowest setting.
My advice to anyone that has tinnitus which was caused by exposure to loud noise, is not to listen to music through headphones even at low volume, due to the auditory system being more sensitive. If they choose to ignore this advice then they only have themselves to blame if the condition becomes worse.
All the best
PS: Wearing WNGs (white noise generators) doesn't normally irritate the auditory system due the tone being constant with a frequency that doesn't change. However, some people are unable to wear wngs as part of TRT treatment due to their sensitivity to sound brought on by exposure to loud noise."
I personally do not know if this is dangerous or not, but I'll rather be on the safe side and not use them
