Is Weed Okay When You Have Tinnitus?


Apr 17, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud noise
Hi all!

So, I'm just going to say it. I love smoking pot. Since I've redeveloped my tinnitus (since March 2017), I've only smoked weed twice, and I haven't experienced really any issues with it.

But now since I'm such a paranoid mess and my biggest fear is making my T permanently worse, has anyone's T gotten seriously worse after smoking weed? I've heard that it can make it worse temporarily (which makes sense).

But has anyone read any studies about permanent issues?

4/20 is coming up, and I want to to know if I should/could partake.

Thank you! <3
I was a longtime pot smoker myself. If you're not in the right state of mind, it is not a good idea. You will get paranoid and your tinnitus will seem louder. Doesn't mean it is, just that it will sound louder. And if that's all your focused on currently... that focus will be amplified.

I'm speaking from experience. Two weeks after my T onset, I vaped some Super Lemon Haze. Bad idea. Tinnitus essentially made me quit.

If you must partake, go with a CBD strain with a lower to no THC ratio.
I remember when my tinnitus first started I was a paranoid mess that thought pretty much anything could make my tinnitus worse. I avoided pretty much everything that I read on here from users claiming had worsened their condition.

It proved to be a pretty miserable existence though. Didn't keep that up for long.

If smoking weed helps you relax then I see no reason to stop. As the above poster stated however, the cavaet can be it will make your perception of it worse if the paranoia kicks in and you can't get your mind off it.
I think I know its just temporary, I'll be fine. I can distract myself if it gets too bad. My T is bearable now, I just don't want to anything to make it seriously and permanently worse.
But now since I'm such a paranoid mess and my biggest fear is making my T permanently worse, has anyone's T gotten seriously worse after smoking weed? I've heard that it can make it worse temporarily (which makes sense).

My hearing therapist advises against smoking pot, unfortunately. I'm not sure if she was talking about its short-term effects or something else.

I very occasionally use it (I'm in Amsterdam quite often hihi) and it always spikes my T. It feels good to feel different for a moment though.
I've noticed that weed makes my ears feel super clogged, which then feels like the tinnitus noise is pushed further into my head, if that makes sense. I'm really not sure what to do about that. I already take seasonal allergy meds when I have nasal congestion. But if you don't have any congestion problems, weed could help with anxiety, even temporarily.
I tried a 1:1 tincture and it made the tinnitus much louder. I think it was the THC. When I've had a tincture with a higher CBD to THC ratio (like 15:1) that doesn't happen. Of course, as they say, your mileage may vary! I was using it for back pain and muscle spasms in my back.
Yeah, see I really had high hopes for CBD, but in my experiences it's done nothing for pain. Then again, I was on codeine for 4 years for chronic pain, so. A lot of my issues take top shelf wrecking ball solutions. What can ya do?
I think I know its just temporary, I'll be fine. I can distract myself if it gets too bad. My T is bearable now, I just don't want to anything to make it seriously and permanently worse.

That's great your T is bearable. Please do everything you can to protect your ears from loud sounds/noises for as long as you can. Mine used to bearable over 10 years ago but it's been a true physical disability since.
Did something happen, or just became louder because... fate?

Fate is as good a reason as any I believe because there is nothing I can remember that triggered it to become louder. It was just a slow, gradual increase. By 2005-2007, I started reporting it to my primary care doctor, in addition to moderate/severe anxiety issues. He ignored the T I was telling him about and diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder.
I Smoked weed on and off for about 10 years and over all that time it would make my t a little bit louder but every morning when I woke up sober my t would be back to normal.

It's the same with alcohol.
I had a few tokes today. Initially I felt good, but after half an hour paranoia(read 'fear') about T kicked in and I'm still freaking out. No more weed for me. I'm unable to unfocus from T when stoned.
In my experience it certainly won't make it worse in any permanent sense. It's possible you might get a little more anxious or aware of it though. If you are well adapted, no problem. If you are not well adapted to your T, I would avoid it for now.
So I did smoke weed (I actually tried it a day before 4/20 lol) and I was fine. I did notice that it was louder, but I think because I was stoned it made it more bearable. I've been smoking frequently again (just because I've been with friends. I'm probably going to slow down again). But yeah, everything's fine on this end for now! lol
I think you can smoke,,,a little.
The benefit being, it might make you forget your tinnitus. Let yourself get distracted by your life and your interests. And the more you focus on your interests, you can do things. Everyday we all move forward in life.

Some people like to have a glass of wine at night, anything to help sleep.
We all need to find a way to wind down.
I've been smoking and vaping weed daily for about 12 years now and still enjoy it.

When I initially got my tinnitus back in 2012, I could definitely experience an increase in perceived loudness when I got high as fuck, but the difference I experience now is negligible at best. I think it also helped me deal with my hyperacusis bout from 2013-2015ish, but weed seems to affect everyone differently so I don't want to give any ill advice.

Weed won't permanently affect your tinnitus or hearing - people tend to freak out when they get high and their tinnitus temporarily increases in volume, but if you can deal with that you're good to go. I would recommend vaping over smoking though because it'll be less likely to irritate your eustachian tubes, and it's just healthier long term.
I would like to know if a single hit or "toke" of marijuana can worsen tinnitus permanently I had not a single "toke" since 2011 before that "toke" 10 days ago... 8/8/18

I also read in the British Tinnitus Association that there is no evidence that recreational drugs like marijuana can cause Tinnitus. If it can't cause it it can't worsen it, I suppose.
I would like to know if a single hit or "toke" of marijuana can worsen tinnitus permanently I had not a single "toke" since 2011 before that "toke" 10 days ago... 8/8/18

I also read in the British Tinnitus Association that there is no evidence that recreational drugs like marijuana can cause Tinnitus. If it can't cause it it can't worsen it, I suppose.
A few articles relating to tinnitus and cannabis:

Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Agonists Do Not Decrease, but may Increase Acoustic Trauma-Induced Tinnitus in Rats.

The article's results suggest: "that cannabinoids may promote the development of tinnitus, especially when there is pre-existing hearing damage." However, one should note that doesn't prove anything conclusively. The article also says CBD heightens tinnitus.

Another article suggests it makes the tinnitus louder temporary :

I read the article and I did not see the following line... or maybe I miss it...

"Another article suggests it makes the tinnitus louder temporary :"​

I think that the more you read about it, the more anxious and paranoid you get and that will heighten your Tinnitus.

I can't believe that one "toke" of marijuana in 7 years will worsen your T.

I prefer to think along the lines of their conclusion and stop reading about it...

"The effects of Cannabis itself on tinnitus in humans and animals are still unclear."

"Therefore, at this stage, it is very unclear whether cannabinoid drugs that activate the CB1 receptor would make tinnitus worse or better."​
Smoked for many years till I got T ,then found that couldn't sleep because of it,but in retrospect my sleeps been pretty lousy since so thinking of going back with pot that has less THC though.
I am at eight months with Tinnitus, and I must say that a glass or two of wine or a puff or two of pot in the evening helps. Both reduce stress, and stress - for me - is what got me triggered my stress.

It all depends on your state of mind. Pot by itself - in my unprofessional opinion - doesn't make you paranoid. But if you are feeling troubled, then pot will dial that emotion up. And if you feel you are in a, relatively, good place, pot can enhance that feeling, as well. For reference, I have a constant, moderate sense of tinnitus. I hope this is helpful. Warm regards.
Oops! I mean stress triggered my tinnitus, sorry for the typo. Obviously, I've had my glass of wine for the night. Cheers!
I am scared weed will make my t louder. If I smoke it. My t is from infection

Weed is harmless.... I started smoking again recently, the first few times my T fluctuated pretty wildly from baseline to "holy shit my ears are ringing!", almost like fleeting T. But after a few more sessions the variations seemed to level out, at this point it doesn't really get that much louder than baseline anymore. Small, temporary spikes don't really bother me, well worth it to smoke out and relax in my opinion.

I've read people try to claim that Marijuana is ototoxic because of the T increase experienced after intoxication. But a 1976 study conducted by Liedgren, Odkvist, Davis and Fredrickson, showed no changes in auditory function (keep in mind this was back when Marijuana wasn't accepted like it is now, I'm sure the researchers would have loved to find hearing damage to promote the anti-weed agenda, but they didn't).

And plus just because something gives you a spike, doesn't mean it's ototoxic. For example, lifting weights gives me a spike every time, is the gym ototoxic too? Of course not... Many things that aren't damaging to the ears cause temporary spikes. If you wanna smoke pot don't let T stop you...
Any one else out there have sinus and middle ear issues that when resolved their t went away? I am still holding out hope that this is not permanent. Its been about a week now that I been on flonase and steroids.

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