Just out of curiosity: Does anybody have tinnitus that is quieter first thing in the morning?
Many times mine is much quieter when I wake up. I should probably count myself as fortunate, I suppose.
My tinnitus begins to increase in loudness in the morning while I watch the TV news when I'm drinking coffee. It's as though, whatever the nerve circuit is that causes my tinnitus, it starts waking up and the nerve cells start talking to each other.
My tinnitus sound grows in a way that is similar to the sound of cicadas. Don't you just love those little buggers? In Chicago, we get a lot of cicadas humming between June and August. About 5:00 pm, a few will start humming. Then more start humming back. Then the whole group joins in. Sometimes the sound of cicadas gets so loud, it's really hard to enjoy being outside at night.
I hope that someday, in my lifetime, they can develop a drug that will stop this tinnitus nerve circuit. Perhaps there is something already out there.
Many times mine is much quieter when I wake up. I should probably count myself as fortunate, I suppose.
My tinnitus begins to increase in loudness in the morning while I watch the TV news when I'm drinking coffee. It's as though, whatever the nerve circuit is that causes my tinnitus, it starts waking up and the nerve cells start talking to each other.
My tinnitus sound grows in a way that is similar to the sound of cicadas. Don't you just love those little buggers? In Chicago, we get a lot of cicadas humming between June and August. About 5:00 pm, a few will start humming. Then more start humming back. Then the whole group joins in. Sometimes the sound of cicadas gets so loud, it's really hard to enjoy being outside at night.
I hope that someday, in my lifetime, they can develop a drug that will stop this tinnitus nerve circuit. Perhaps there is something already out there.