If oxygen sensor of my car engine does not function properly but still working it does not mean it is oxygen sensor a cause. Most of the reason of the malfunction is a black sooth covering a sensor which is due to poor engine/gasoline performance or lack of tuning, or bad driving habit etc.
Yeah, human error is obviously the ultimate cause!

Not taking proper care for one's ears. Or driving a car like an idiot. But with that said, there is no need to reinvent the sensor if you can clean it up and have it working properly again.
Human sensory parts are very complicated and connected with everything. It is very challenging to trace a cause.
As noted above, the cause is about 40 cm from the screen!
Flaw of modern medicine is that it is mechanistic and chemistic.
Not to mention philosophical!
There are electrical, magnetic and other things happening that we are not even aware of yet.
Yeah! I just read an article in Nature, scientists discovered this new organ they call "brain".
Have you seen a doctor making a living on healthy patients? Do you really think doctor's incentive is to keep you away from him/her? Have you seen a doctor coming home saying 'Honey, I am home. I had zero patients today and make money too'. eh?
Yes, I have. In Sweden!

Yes, I do. In Sweden, doctors make a living regardless if they see many patients or not. Of course, it's much easier not seeing any patients at all and still making the same money.
Hundred of thousand years ago we were cannibals and we though it was a right and healthy thing to do. Do you really think that because we have iphones and other gadgets, it makes us 'smart' and civilized? We are still savage and barbarians committing genocide unaware of it every day.
No, iPhones don't make us smart. Cannibalism does!
Usually the tinnitus problem start with a visit to 'otolaryngologist' or ear neck throat or (ENT) specialist.
No it doesn't!

In Sweden, as in many other countries, it starts with a visit to the local GP doctor. You then visit an audiologist, and if you are lucky you get remittance to see an "ENT specialist".
In reality, ENT specialists are more like GP doctors of the ENT field. What you want is an Otologist for the ear, Rhinologist for the nose, and Laryngologist for the throat. Those are the truly specialized doctors for each of the three body parts. It's like a sub-specialization in the ENT field.
However I think its not enough. Someone should be environmentalist, toxicologist, audiologist, dentist, neurologist and ENT specialist with non-intrusive tools for diagnosis.
Wow, what a dream team! Environmentalist for sound safety control? Toxicologist for diagnosing ototoxicity? Audiologist for hearing diagnosis? Dentist for diagnosing TMD? Neurologist for diagnosing tinnitus? ENT/Otologist for diagnosing... cell damage?
A holistic and thorough investigation with a full commitment from a patient.
You mean "from" or "for"? The problem with the "holistic" approach is not due to lack of commitment from patients. It's due to lack of commitment from the medical professions, and the healthcare systems.
Most patients think of 'magic' pill for a 'quick' fix.
I don't! Maybe I am not "most" patients. I would be commit myself to undergoing all the necessary investigation. It's just that doctors don't share my view. They are the ones that give me a "quick fix" and send me off home. In case of hearing loss and tinnitus they can't even give me that much.
All they can do is tell me stories about ear anatomy and physiology. As if I did not have enough free time to read up on that on my own while waiting six months to get to one of these magical creatures called "ENT specialist". I may not know as much as they do about ear anatomy and physiology, but I certainly know more about the ear than the local GP now.
However, what I really want and need from the ENT/Otologist is a remedy, treatment, or a cure... whatever you want to call it, good things go under many names. I do not need them to educate me about how screwed I am! I already knew that before I came to them.
I would be happy to let them do a case study on me. The only risk is that they will learn something new! I have those disorders they call "rare", such as Red Ear Syndrome. (At doctors: Of course they are "rare" you morons, when you don't ask patients the right questions, and you don't give them enough time to talk to you, and you don't have interest in doing case studies.)
Nature does not work like this.
Nature is not fair! So for that reason nature can kiss my...
Unfortunately, specialties for a type of doctor or treatment I listed will not happen because we live in a world heavily dependent on industries that make money and support societies.
What will not happen? All those professions already exist. What would you want them to do? You mean like having them all involved in investigating a tinnitus patient? That may not happen because of high costs and political agenda. Not because we don't have those specialists.
What's wrong with making money and supporting your community? Money is what makes the Earth spin around its own axis. It's not gravity!

Besides, I think you will find that the biggest industry is gas and oil industry.
Therefore environmentalist and toxicologist is very bad for business.
Maybe if you are Donald Trump! Thankfully, not every businessman shares such narrow view of business, the world, people and employees. Why have rules and regulations at all? Why have laws? Let's all switch to anarchy mode!