Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

Discussion in 'Treatments' started by Tinnitus Talk, Apr 20, 2019.

    1. Gb3

      Gb3 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Did they say what criteria the 10% meets? That would be helpful.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    2. Nick47

      Nick47 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
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      • Funny Funny x 1
    3. Bhaveen

      Bhaveen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Well, I believe Brai3n was part of the TENT-A3 trials, so you would think they know what they're talking about. However, after looking at the trial eligibility criteria, nothing really stands out that would suggest 90% of the tinnitus population wouldn't be eligible.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    4. Diz72

      Diz72 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      October 2023
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      low hearing
      I developed tinnitus in October 2023 and have tried various treatments, but like most of you, I haven’t had any success.

      My question is about the Lenire device. Has anyone here actually tried it, and if so, has it provided any real help in reducing your tinnitus?

      This device is quite expensive, and insurance doesn’t cover it, so I’m curious to hear about any results from people who have used it.
    5. dd314

      dd314 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic Trauma + stress?
      There's a user experiences thread with 50+ reports. Most people say it's trash.
    6. Bhaveen

      Bhaveen Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for sharing your experience and warning others. I’m sorry to hear about your situation, but 57.7 percent? That’s unbelievable! Their materials mention success rates in the high 80s!

      I’ve seen other posts where people have been encouraged to report adverse events to the FDA. I know it’s a long shot, but if more complaints start coming in, you’d hope the FDA would step in and take action. This could force Lenire to either improve or, at the very least, add a warning to their device, acknowledging the risk of making the condition permanently worse. Right now, they only mention temporary spikes, which isn’t good enough. They’re getting away with it, and it’s wrong.
    7. Lurius

      Lurius Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Oslo, Norway
      Tinnitus Since:
      September 2018
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Valsalva maneuver
      Hey, could you tell me how you reached out to them? I know a different company took over to handle Lenire for Neuromod, but I've lost all contact information. Neuromod hasn't replied to my email, so I'm a little unsure how to reach them these days.

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