Donated too, @Ed209.![]()
Donation made.
Hi Ed
I donate anyway, but I also want to jump on the bandwagon.
It is my feeling that every member of Tinnitus Talk is in need of help and support.
I know that I am.
Let's make this wonderful site as healthy as possible.
Dave x
Let's make it more interesting. I will personally give £50 ($70 us) back to a random person who donates at least £5 ($7). As long as we get at least 50 people to join in. Anytime someone donates, comment here that you have done so, and once it's verified I will give you a number. In 6 weeks time, if we can get at least 50 donations, I will randomly pick one of you and personally give you £50 ($70).
tell me what notes that are in the B Dorian mode?
Hi Ed!
Thanks for setting this up! I've donated but it comes with a string attached: if my name is picked out of the hat, please donate that amount to TT on my behalf.
donated - great work @Ed209
Done! For an extremely worthwhile cause & truly helped me in my moments of darkness! Keep up the amazing work! I put my username down on Paypal as vickib but it's vicki14!