Let’s Support Tinnitus Talk!

Just bumping this thread :)

I would like to add as well that if you can't afford to support TT financially, perhaps you can consider contributing some time? There are people behind the scenes - most notably @Markku and @Steve, but certainly others as well - spending a considerable amount of free time, entirely unpaid, not only to keep this site functioning smoothly, but also working on numerous projects like the Tinnitus Guide, creating audio apps, conducting surveys, analysing survey data, writing content for magazines, connecting with researchers and providing them with relevant data, etc.

There's a lot going on, and probably we need to communicate more about this. But my point is there's more than one way to contribute.

See for instance:
Just bumping this thread :)

I would like to add as well that if you can't afford to support TT financially, perhaps you can consider contributing some time? There are people behind the scenes - most notably @Markku and @Steve, but certainly others as well - spending a considerable amount of free time, entirely unpaid, not only to keep this site functioning smoothly, but also working on numerous projects like the Tinnitus Guide, creating audio apps, conducting surveys, analysing survey data, writing content for magazines, connecting with researchers and providing them with relevant data, etc.

There's a lot going on, and probably we need to communicate more about this. But my point is there's more than one way to contribute.

See for instance:
I'm blown away by the amazing amount of hard work that all of you guys put into helping people with tinnitus. I'd love to see us blow 80 donations out the water, personally. The time and effort required is a job in itself. Not to mention the financial cost of doing all of this. Surely more of us can find £5 ($7) to help? And if not, like @Hazel says, maybe offer some skill sets?

The day we all come together the Earth will move. There are just so many of us that we are capable of making real changes to how tinnitus impacts people's lives. Let's all be part of that change. A more suitable name in this instance might be TinnitusAction rather than TinnitusTalk (y)
I just made a donation. I want to thank everyone here who has inspired and helped me in my darkest hours while dealing with this horrid affliction. God bless -

That's awesome dgray. Thanks for helping out and being so genuine. Your contribution helps significantly.

RobHing: 1
Daniel95: 2
Nanny chocolate: 3
Mellow7: 4
Volsung37: 5
grate_biff: 6
Samantha R: 7
derpytia: 8
Holly1987: 9
DanLo: 10
Luman: 11
Glynis: 12
Bartek: 13
hans01: 14
Avocado: 15
TracyJS: 16
emmalee: 17
anusha: 18
threefirefour: 19
lymebite: 20
Jazzer: 21
GregCA: 22
just1morething: 23
Elfin: 24
Vicki14: 25
dgray: 26

Well done everyone

I made a donation Friday.

Only just noticed this thread though, so don't know if that still counts!! Not been on here so much in recent times but still wanted to help in some way. Anyway, I did this through the 'support tinnitus talk' link on the bottom of the Tinnitus Talk homepage and not on the 'donate' link in this thread.

At the end of the day though, I couldn't think of a better cause to give to.
I made a donation Friday.

Only just noticed this thread though, so don't know if that still counts!! Not been on here so much in recent times but still wanted to help in some way. Anyway, I did this through the 'support tinnitus talk' link on the bottom of the Tinnitus Talk homepage and not on the 'donate' link in this thread.

At the end of the day though, I couldn't think of a better cause to give to.

Philippe, if you donated on Friday (18th) after the thread went live then you qualify. It's good to see you donating to a great cause. Well done (y)

RobHing: 1
Daniel95: 2
Nanny chocolate: 3
Mellow7: 4
Volsung37: 5
grate_biff: 6
Samantha R: 7
derpytia: 8
Holly1987: 9
DanLo: 10
Luman: 11
Glynis: 12
Bartek: 13
hans01: 14
Avocado: 15
TracyJS: 16
emmalee: 17
anusha: 18
threefirefour: 19
lymebite: 20
Jazzer: 21
GregCA: 22
just1morething: 23
Elfin: 24
Vicki14: 25
dgray: 26
Philippe79: 27

I made a donation not too long ago, if I am able to join the random pick, you can directly donate the 50 pounds to TT and not to me ;)

Hi J.Hartog, it's great to see people donating. However, for this thread in particular, to keep it fair, it can only be donations after the thread went live (12th May). If you can confirm the donation was made in the qualifying period I can add you to the list bud.
This thread has seriously dried up. Don't forget that if we get to 80 donations (minimum of £5/$7 us per donation) by June the 24th, the prize money goes up to £100 ($140 us).

Doesn't look like we'll reach 50 at the moment which is a shame.
Ok, I'm going to bump this thread one last time.

If you can afford to, please donate. This site is often the first port of call for new, and old, tinnitus sufferers, so let's show our support where we can. The money raised will benefit all of us and it will help the cause on a much wider scale. By donating we are directly influencing changes that we wish to see regarding tinnitus. So, again, if you can afford to please take that extra step and make a small contribution. Let's help ourselves improve how the world views tinnitus.

Have a great day everyone :beeranimation:

Sam, you beauty :thankyousign:
It's awesome to see your name added to the list. Nicely done buddy (y)

RobHing: 1
Daniel95: 2
Nanny chocolate: 3
Mellow7: 4
Volsung37: 5
grate_biff: 6
Samantha R: 7
derpytia: 8
Holly1987: 9
DanLo: 10
Luman: 11
Glynis: 12
Bartek: 13
hans01: 14
Avocado: 15
TracyJS: 16
emmalee: 17
anusha: 18
threefirefour: 19
lymebite: 20
Jazzer: 21
GregCA: 22
just1morething: 23
Elfin: 24
Vicki14: 25
dgray: 26
Philippe79: 27
Sam Bridge: 28

Let's get this party started again people :rockingbanana:

80 donations = £100 ($140)
50 donations = £50 ($70)

Closing date is 24th June. A winner will be announced as long as we meet one of the minimums.

Awesome job everyone

@earear @daiso

Thank you for your generosity and for helping all who have tinnitus. Your donation directly helps people who are suffering, so thank you.

RobHing: 1
Daniel95: 2
Nanny chocolate: 3
Mellow7: 4
Volsung37: 5
grate_biff: 6
Samantha R: 7
derpytia: 8
Holly1987: 9
DanLo: 10
Luman: 11
Glynis: 12
Bartek: 13
hans01: 14
Avocado: 15
TracyJS: 16
emmalee: 17
anusha: 18
threefirefour: 19
lymebite: 20
Jazzer: 21
GregCA: 22
just1morething: 23
Elfin: 24
Vicki14: 25
dgray: 26
Philippe79: 27
Sam Bridge: 28
daiso: 29
earear: 30

We finally hit 30!! Huge milestone.

Cheers everyone

I could not say no to this. So I chipped in. Nice initiative Ed! I don't know where you're getting all this positive energy from but keep it up.
I could not say no to this. So I chipped in. Nice initiative Ed! I don't know where you're getting all this positive energy from but keep it up.

That's awesome Samir. Welcome aboard, and again, thank you for standing above the parapet and helping.

RobHing: 1
Daniel95: 2
Nanny chocolate: 3
Mellow7: 4
Volsung37: 5
grate_biff: 6
Samantha R: 7
derpytia: 8
Holly1987: 9
DanLo: 10
Luman: 11
Glynis: 12
Bartek: 13
hans01: 14
Avocado: 15
TracyJS: 16
emmalee: 17
anusha: 18
threefirefour: 19
lymebite: 20
Jazzer: 21
GregCA: 22
just1morething: 23
Elfin: 24
Vicki14: 25
dgray: 26
Philippe79: 27
Sam Bridge: 28
daiso: 29
earear: 30
Samir: 31




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