Levetiracetam (Keppra) — Another Possible Potassium Channel Modulator?

Among the three drugs you list, I have only tried Flexeril at low doses (with little impact on my tinnitus). And while I have not tried Oxcarbazepine (a.k.a. Trileptal), I suggest adding this to your list of potential medications that could help with tinnitus. There have been several anecdotal reports of substantial volume reduction when using Oxcarbazepine either alone or in combination with Keppra.


Were all different I tried Oxcarbazepine. I broke out with rash on my lips, into my mouth and throat.
My digestive tract went into gastritis. The T and H went through the roof! Were all different.
I see how some are doing well on these epilepsy based meds, Im reluctant. Why cant they take the same med and take out effects. At least to a reasonable point. Its a pisser!
Were all different I tried Oxcarbazepine. I broke out with rash on my lips, into my mouth and throat.
My digestive tract went into gastritis. The T and H went through the roof! Were all different.
I see how some are doing well on these epilepsy based meds, Im reluctant. Why cant they take the same med and take out effects. At least to a reasonable point. Its a pisser!
How soon after taking it did this happen
Were all different I tried Oxcarbazepine. I broke out with rash on my lips, into my mouth and throat.
My digestive tract went into gastritis. The T and H went through the roof! Were all different.
I see how some are doing well on these epilepsy based meds, Im reluctant. Why cant they take the same med and take out effects. At least to a reasonable point. Its a pisser!

That sounds horrible! Well, thanks for posting that, won't be trying that one.
How soon after taking it did this happen

About 5 days. I actually felt the T go down a little. Then boom I became very ill. My t got worse.
Sleep was worse. My Psych. says I should be over it. What some DRs dont understand is it is possible that the symptoms get worse through medication.
About 5 days. I actually felt the T go down a little. Then boom I became very ill. My t got worse.
Sleep was worse. My Psych. says I should be over it. What some DRs dont understand is it is possible that the symptoms get worse through medication.
How long ago was this and have u adapted to the changes in any way..
Just tried a very small dose of Keppra 250mg and my T went bananas for a few hours. I had a very direct reaction and what ever KV channel Kappra is working on it has a huge effect on my T.

As said earlier in this thread i believe Keppra could be an KV3.1 channel blocker instead of opener like AUT00063. That might explains way it works for some peoples H because it reduces the signaling to the brain.

No more Keppra for me.
Just tried a very small dose of Keppra 250mg and my T went bananas for a few hours. I had a very direct reaction and what ever KV channel Kappra is working on it has a huge effect on my T.

As said earlier in this thread i believe Keppra could be an KV3.1 channel blocker instead of opener like AUT00063. That might explains way it works for some peoples H because it reduces the signaling to the brain.

No more Keppra for me.
Did your t go back to baseline?
OK...Reporting here, instead of on the "Hyperacusis Keppra" thread, as this is a "Tinnitus and Keppra" report thread, (as I have no idea if Keppra has affected my H at all, as have not exposed myself to any 'sound' yet...I just woke up half an hour ago, and making my coffee is not a high volume activity, etc., etc.).

So...I had a shitty night's sleep last night! Very typical for me. Long time to get to sleep (where is my dream woman, too coo calming sweet nothings in my ear???); woke up about 10 times; maybe got about 3 hours of low quality sleep overall.
OK...Normal result from that would be my Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tinnitus would perhaps a bit louder in morning as tired as dog when wake up. But, not a big change and it's so loud anyway that it would not catch my attention for very long. Ho-hum, nothing new kind of thing.

Well, this morning, even with sleep from hell, when I drifted into consciousness, something was "different". I could not figure it out for about 3 seconds. Then realized that my eternal Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee was sort of lower, like a Ddddddddddddddddddd...Or the volume of the Eeeeeeee was down a bit. Definitely a change! Definitely something that does not happen with me. Period.

Now don't go jumping up and lighting matches about this OK, as it is very tentative and nothing super big...but, those who recall my Trobalt experience know that I got ZERO change in T, ever, during the whole debacle.

Conclusion...There can only be ONE factor here. This little change is due to the Keppra. No doubt at all...Zero. Not placebo. Not some imagination or wish crap. I don't do that kind of stuff. Not after the amount of kukka I have been through for decades.

So now to see if it will change more. Revert. Increase. Decrease...whatever.

Currently it is only DAY TWO. With day one being 250 mg with my morning coffee, then 250 mg at breakfast (noon) as felt no 'big bad wolf' attacking me...Then a "WTF why not" full 500 mg at supper that night.
Day two was yesterday, at 500 mg BID (total 1,000 mg).
So today is day three...and I intend to stay at 2 x 500 mg...then maybe jump up tomorrow to 750 mg BID. Will see.

OK therewith...Initial, tentative, nothing super solid, but "noticeable" Keppra v. 'Tinnitus' report.

Best, Zimichael
@Zimichael ... hey brother, can you just say again how long you took trobalt and how much you took?

hope something good is happening for you due to Keppra!

btw, stirring a teaspoon in a cup of coffee hurts my ears but I don`t really consider myself having bad H.
My gut feeling is for Keppra to work like it did for Danny and cured his H, it needs to be taken in conjunction with Trobalt. Has anyone tried this conbo apart from Danny?
My gut feeling is for Keppra to work like it did for Danny and cured his H, it needs to be taken in conjunction with Trobalt. Has anyone tried this conbo apart from Danny?
Viking didn't take it with trobalt and he said his H was gone from keppra.
My gut feeling is for Keppra to work like it did for Danny and cured his H, it needs to be taken in conjunction with Trobalt. Has anyone tried this conbo apart from Danny?
i`m willing to try it .. I will see neurologist in a few weeks. I`m on Trobalt now for a week en planning to continue for a few months if it is benefiting me.
i`m willing to try it .. I will see neurologist in a few weeks. I`m on Trobalt now for a week en planning to continue for a few months if it is benefiting me.

Hope it works out for you! It's worked for me, so I'm hopeful it will for you.
@Zimichael ... hey brother, can you just say again how long you took trobalt and how much you took?

hope something good is happening for you due to Keppra!

btw, stirring a teaspoon in a cup of coffee hurts my ears but I don`t really consider myself having bad H.

Nills... Well first off, if stirring a cup of coffee hurts your ears but you don't think you have bad H, then I wonder how the hell you go outside at all, anywhere near humans!!! Ummmmm...Maybe you should re-consider your definition of "bad H." Remember, we are not talking the often misguided assumption that "Hyperacusis" means having super sensitive CIA spy-mike hearing where you can hear whispers a mile away. If a teaspoon stirring in a cup full of coffee hurts (not an empty one made of 'high pitched' porcelain)...Ahhhhh, I think you have pretty bad H.

Regarding Trobalt an me...You can flip to User Reports, way back at the beginning on page 1 (or do a search under Zimichael in that thread) and get the whole scoop. It is not long as I washed out due inability to get more of the drug in time (supplier ran out) and the radically increased H that happened. I took a full box though and reached my personal goal (as per assumed plasma saturation for my body weight, to match Matt's 900 mg total/day - if actually relevant).
I give an Excel chart of my full dosing regimen in post #30 at bottom of Page 1...All you need right there.

No comment on Keppra really as too soon...but I did do a 'sneak cheat' last night to see, and took an extra 500 mg at bedtime to assess that "wake up" change of day before....Zip. Nothing new today. Same old T pitch, with maybe a touch of the Dddddddddddddd v. the decades-old Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Current new dose is 750 mg BID = 1,500 mg total per day. (I need to review the research and see if it is dose dependent activated or temporal...maybe both. But the one definitive paper I have is a fucking zoo re which particular channels are operating with this stuff!!! Every darn sub-neurotransmitter under the sun seems to be involved, with "delayed rectifier" Kv's almost an afterthought!).

Best, Zimichael

Thank you for the info and chart! ... seems you didn`t cross the 800 barrier that seems pretty important.

For me it is strange this time. When I tried it the first time I had succes at low dosages, although even for few minuts or only an hour ... than I reached 600 and I had little to succes ... now I tapered up pretty fast and I am at 600 ... I`m experiencing quit a few side effects but little to no change in T ... I will continue though and see what happen in higher dosage ...

To make it relevant ... I`m going to see a neurologist at the end of the month to speak with him and if I`m having some effect I will ask him if I can take keppra with it ... and ask for guidance and advice ... hope to share some with all of you.
Thank you for the info and chart! ... seems you didn`t cross the 800 barrier that seems pretty important.

Nills... I know that many do not give much credence to body weight and dose, but it sure is relevant with some drugs (like most of the anti-parasitics for instance). I am pretty small (no fat!) and at 140 pounds my 600 mg total was equivalent to Matt's 900 mg total...but the only way to really tell with anyone really, is actual plasma monitoring, as all our "drug class clearing" functions/speeds differ anyhow.

All in all...just get to the dose you can tolerate. I still believe that Trobalt is a "kick the doors down" drug, and not "temporal"...though the time frame element would be relevant to "re-train" the brain/pathways, if/once the gates were opened. IMHO...

Good luck.
Curently im at 400mg 200-100-100 for my fourth day and planning on upping my dosage to 500* 200-200-100 tomorrow. And also very much thinking of adding keppra to the mix.. I have not seen any results or that high people talk about no side effects either.. Lets hope when i reach 6-900 i see results..
Curently im at 400mg 200-100-100 for my fourth day and planning on upping my dosage to 500* 200-200-100 tomorrow. And also very much thinking of adding keppra to the mix.. I have not seen any results or that high people talk about no side effects either.. Lets hope when i reach 6-900 i see results..

It's up to you geo. I suggest you try 1000mg a day and see how you go. If it's too much then stop.
Curently im at 400mg 200-100-100 for my fourth day and planning on upping my dosage to 500* 200-200-100 tomorrow. And also very much thinking of adding keppra to the mix.. I have not seen any results or that high people talk about no side effects either.. Lets hope when i reach 6-900 i see results..
Ok but from 5-600 you should really taper up slower ... so only go 150 a week higher .. let your body get used to it. So not adding more than 50 every second/third day.
Ok but from 5-600 you should really taper up slower ... so only go 150 a week higher .. let your body get used to it. So not adding more than 50 every second/third day.
i was on 3x100 for 5 days and im on my 4th day of 5 of 200-100-100 should i make it 2 more days than dose up another 100?
i was on 3x100 for 5 days and im on my 4th day of 5 of 200-100-100 should i make it 2 more days than dose up another 100?
yeah, that should be ok ... from 600 only jump 50`s ... it was adviced to me and I just pass it on ... also this way you can find your tipping point better where you suddenly feel it it works ... I will jump 50 on monday.


anyway you can jump 50 every second or third day so you end up added 150 a day every week ... that should bring you to 900mg in two weeks and close to max dose in 3 weeks ... go steady now ... some neurologist that spoke with my GP on the phone flipped out last time when I told them I was on 600 a day ... anyway ... doesn`t seem we care much about it around here :confused::facepalm::sour:
Hey guys I have been reading this thread and doing a bit of research on keppra. I was going ro go to my doctor and ask for a prescription for it but now I have delved deeper into this drug some people are say it has made their T worse. I'm now having second thoughts as I don't want it to get any worse along with my H. Should I just go for it and hope it helps?
bro advil can cause tinnitus more thn keppra would. but its up to you. if your H is that bad than i would try it..
19,900 people and only 72 have Tiinitus and they are 60+ so hearing loss starts to play a role ... this is just a big joke :) ... I don`t know if they realize that this figure is like 0.3 percent of the people that took Keppra ...
It's not that bad, I'm just sensitive to this that are of a higher pitch like plates klanging together or so
someone that laughing. It would be nice just to have T and not H too.

How could I convince my doctor to prescribe keppra to me?
i doubt he will especially if its not that bad.. i have severe T bro now thats a game changer..you can try to tell him but just make it seem that it is very unbearable..or try to get it from spain.
It's not that bad, I'm just sensitive to this that are of a higher pitch like plates klanging together or so
someone that laughing. It would be nice just to have T and not H too.

How could I convince my doctor to prescribe keppra to me?
only neurologist can do it ... try one of them. Or Spain.

Ps, you prefer T?? hell no .. must be mild than ... buy plastic plates and go live in nature ... problem solved.

I have H too ... even a teaspoon in a cup hurts ... but I really can live wiht it ... atleaest you know that H ends when there is no sound .. T conintues nomatter what the heck is going on or not...

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