BTW, T today is 0.5/10I'm normally around a 4 to 5/10.
Not exactly true. At the beginning of my keppra trial, I had similar days with lowered T. But it did not last, bad days always came back with vengeance, so, the final result remains inconclusive.Interesting. You're the only one who have reported lower T from Keppra. And you have had T since 2012 which makes it chronic too.
Trobalt, Keppra....something apparently cured Dannyboy
Danny? One, the other or both?
Nope, improvements in both, but more so in the H. I can now tolerate my 15mo old daughter's loud cryingPrior, it was like being drilled through the head.
Did you have reactive tinnitus that got helped by keppra?
What are your results so far?
A path to follow now exists, question is will anyone with the capacity to turn it into something more take it up? With shitty American companies lately buying up some drug patents and jacking up prices 000's percent, will the Americans among us be ransomed with access to these drugs at some point in the near future?but we have the tools right here to cure it already.
Valeri it seems to me that you really need to try it, at least for your own peace of mind.
Hi, for how long you used Keppra when disappeared your h ?Hello! I have had severe hyperacusis, fans would send my tinnitus crazy and trains etc...And everything was amplified, including tinnitus...However, since I used keppra it's totally disappeared as has Vikings. I strongly suggest using it, as it's quite safe, I've had no side-effects yet. Anyway, I reckon we should trial this like trobalt on hyperacusis! We should put this forward, as an actual cure for hyperacusis. Good luck people!
for how long you used it ?Why is it so hard to get off of? I had no problems? I went cold turkey and had no issues.
for how long you used it ?OK, this is going to be a bit tricky, as I am doing a "joint" Keppra report from myself @Zimichael and @svintegrity. We have been in close contact privately due to our Keppra connection, etc. We both felt like we had a duty to the thread to let others know what was going on (as that is a big part of what TT is all about), however, @svintegrity is still too trashed to do it...and so asked me to, as I am marginally more capable. Sort of. Maybe. I think I am getting over the effects of the drug now a week later...but no bets yet.
Here's the short report: Coming off Keppra may not be at all easy and no bloody picnic at all!!!
I mean think about it. Keppra is another of the general "anti-seizure" group of meds...just like Clonazepam! Yeah, a Benzo...and the only med I am still on, as it is absolute hell on wheels for me to try and get off. Rumour has it, coming off benzos is harder/longer/more traumatic than coming off heroin! I don't know, but it is well know to be extremely crappy dropping off Benzos if on them for some time...Just saying. There may be parallels with these "psych meds" for some of us.
For @svintegrity and myself, coming off Keppra is much harder than getting on it...and for me even up to that 2,000 mg/day total. We both quit at the beginning of this past week, and both went into immediate hell. We have a new acronym for it = CBBS, "Complex Battered Being Syndrome."
Yes, I said a week ago that I was going to just finish up my pills at the new low taper dose I was on of 250 mg BID = 500 mg total/day. But by Sunday last I was considering this from @snow86 to me...
"snow86, ...did you get that too? all that emotional unstability?
I wanted to try it soon, but my extreme T and H already come with depression and enough of hopelessness.
Maybe just the right drug to push you off the cliff...
Well, seems to me that I had been getting even more and more wigged out and desperate feeling (which I already have enough of) all the prior week as had tapered off to that 250 mg BID dose for past 5 days...So Sunday night last, I just stopped taking any more on a whim. Thus a week off it now, and @svintegrity stopped just after, as side effects even at super low dose were just too much:
I was on a no-dose, low-dose so just quit. But for a drug sensitive person, I probably had reached dose accumulation, and I imagine my cells continue to seek it out. Probably should have tapered more??? How do you taper from 125mg. for a full week, when most people take 2000+ mg.?!!? I thought I HAD tapered. Your symptoms sounds so very similar to mine though. Already battered + Keppra withdrawal = Feel like shit!
Well our "shit" got even shittier as the week continued...Very, very shitty. And I have a lot experience with this kind of meds crap...We both do. Severe 'not wanting to crawl out from a hole forever' is an understatement.
We had both considered Keppra initially to be a sort of "namby-pamby" or "twinkle floss easy peasy" drug...and zooming up to my test dose was no biggie.
Coming OFF it may be where the crunch is. Especially for those with a "delicate disposition", or already heavily sick of CBBS.
Indeed it may have helped lower H with @svintegrity but there are a number of other wild variables flying around. For sure side effects made it non feasible. For me, it did nothing re my T and H.
End of report...and sorry I did not do so earlier, but was just too fucked over to care. Part of the picture I am describing. And I am not into tons of questions on this OK, still had to push myself hard to get back here and log in. But 'duty' called.
Best, Zimichael, and svintegrity.
how long do you used keppra when it began to work ? and in what doses . p.s. as i see it was 250X2 ? thanks !Good morning Keppra Klatch participants. I just thought I'd give a weekly update on my Keppra experience. I am still on a low dose of Keppra, and my hyperacusis continues to be greatly reduced, and without the original side effects from the higher dose. I do think that the dose needs to be adjusted according to one's size. It says on the Keppra insert that dosage is dependent on weight in children. It could be possible that this dosage adjustment also applies to small adults. I am a small person.
Before Keppra NOTHING would touch my H, I kid you not! This is coming from someone who could not be in the same room with someone eating toast! We ate off of paper plates, because the sound of the fork touching the plate was excruciating. And I could not handle the sound of an ice cube clinking against a glass. Painful beyond belief!
Yesterday I walked around a busy, bustling village, with church bells chiming, children screaming, and people rolling huge trash bins along the street. There were loud trucks and chairs being scraped across the concrete. My husband immediately put his hands over my ears at every sound, but when I said "no, that sound didn't hurt," his jaw dropped. The only noise that hurt my ears was a high-pitched barking dog in close proximity. Now that really hurt!
I was able to RIDE IN THE CAR to a place I call "my thoughtful spot" just in time to see the Orca whales passing through on their way south to Salmon Banks. I watched a family of otters teaching their young to fish. Keppra has made it possible for me to "boldly go" out to places, where in the recent past I did not dare.
I know that Keppra is not for everyone, nor do I know if the effects will be lasting once I discontinue use. I also know there are many variable involved in this diabolical affliction. For now, I believe that Keppra is playing a role in treating my hyperacusis, and for that I am grateful. It has given me a new lease on life. I am sharing this for anyone who might be interested. I am not claiming a panacea. Take what you like and leave the rest. I am still keeping my fingers and toes crossed for everyone here that you will find some relief from this beast. Best of luck!
2 months or 3. Can't remember.
i tried keppra and it gave me a permanent spike twice already and i have very severe reactive tinnitus..sucksYes, it was very reactive to certain sounds (in my left ear), such as certain car engines or my baby daughter crying. Keppra has really helped, if not completely solved that.
i tried keppra and it gave me a permanent spike twice already and i have very severe reactive
Please can you let us know how you are getting along since you stopped taking the drug? thanksToday is my last day on Keppra, so we'll see if my positive results last. I'm guessing they won't.
Thank you for informing us. May I say that I did not experience these symptoms at my start but keep watching your libido. And good luck.First three days in. I am a 26 years old athletic and weight 80kg and i think this drug is very serious.
Side effects: sleepness, dizziness, nausea and feeling that I was moving very slow. Some blurred vision for some periods.
Now I think my body as adapted to it and dont have the symptoms I had on the first days.
For T it seems after i take it the sound changes a bit, from a scream to more of a hosh. But this returns to the base line after sleeping.
For H no diference at all for now.
Thank you
I've done a short keppra trial (1 week at 500, 1 week at 1500, 1 week at 3000) taking two daily divided doses.
Zero side effects and zero effect on tinnitus. Like I was taking nothing.
Pretty useless in my experience.
According to what it is made for, it is used for epilepsy. But theoretically it could work for tinnitus. Noone can tell until we try.Keppra is not used for reduction of tinnitus!
After one week of 500mg I have raise the dosage to 1000mg twice a day. Hyperacusis the same. Side effects continue. Tired, some strange headaches.
If it is then I think we can safely assume the cause of his ear problems. What is it they say? Getting there is half the fun?Can't resist but ask if that's you in your avatar picture?