I've posted this before, I had some pretty good results fasting after 4 years of severe tinnitus.
@Bam where did you do the fasting retreat? How long was the fast?
I would like to do another extended fast, but mentally having a impossible time with this new tinnitus after a recent acoustic trauma in August. I've tried 48 hour dry fasts since, that's as far as I can take it at the moment, this is a push as I can't even sleep.
No one thinks it's weird trying a round of steroids to promote healing, fasting reduces inflammation, plus you get a whole host of other incredible benefits, zero health risks if done properly. I'm not sure why there aren't more people trying this out.
Hi Telis,
It is good to hear from you.
When I read about your fasting, I thought "Wow, this is nothing I could do".
With severe tinnitus, I need a lot of sugar for calming my nerves.
Nevertheless, I decided approx. 10 weeks ago to start intermittent fasting.
I try to take a meal between 1-2 PM and another one between 9-10 PM.
Then 16 hours fasting. But it is super-tough, in particular if you need something for calming your nerves.
Hence I have not done any strict water fasting, but drink coffee (without caffeine) with little bit of sugar and sweeteners. And I eat chewing gum to stay calm. Of course both mean I take Aspartam and I don't know if this works against the fasting.
Unfortunately I still have days where I eat crap (white bread, ice-cream, cookies). It is really tough to stay away from all this and honestly speaking, it is not really a life to live super-healthy and do not have some food for your soul from time to time. Nevertheless, I keep this 16/8 schedule.
Did my tinnitus change? Honestly, it is difficult to say.
I come from 3-4 aggressive high-pitched sounds. They vary between 10/10 and 6/10. Very seldom to 4/10 (maybe once a month). They still vary, but I have the impression that has changed in a way that most aggressive sounds became less. When I started with tinnitus, I had 5-6 10/10 days per week. Now it is down to 2-3 days per week, sometimes even better.
Don't get me wrong. My head is still buzzing and I hear the sounds 24/7 and they still give me a lot of stress.
But on more days now, it is "only" a buzzing head (this is my base sound), sometimes lower, sometimes higher - even still highly annoying and non-maskable. But it is all difficult to say. Perception also plays a huge rule.
I also go exercising, but I have done this already my whole life. Either I do bike-riding (for two hours), cross-trainer (1 hour) or running (1 hour).
This had/has zero effect on my tinnitus.
I also take cold showers every day (already for 15 years). Means, I change between hot and cold several times when showering. No alcohol (never ever drank anything), no cigarettes, not much fat (82 kilo weight with 1,94 m length; BMI is at 21.6). I have a good social life, a good job, can sleep well (even though best with a small amount of Mirtazapine). Of course I have the daily hassles like everyone.
Means I have optimized my life as much as possible.
But I never did any fasting and ate all crap you could get (chips, fries, ice-cream, white bread, red meat and so on).
I am trying to change that more and more, but this is very difficult and takes a lot of time and efforts.
If it helps at the end to reduce tinnitus, I don't know. But I have a strong will to find out - because I see no other solution anyway. And at least one must try.
The downside is that the healthier you live, the longer you live and the longer you have to deal with this tinnitus..
BTW, if you want to learn to eat healthy, just google the internet. There are millions of resources.
At the end, they all come to the same conclusions. I myself decided to really think about what I eat.
I am very aware of if that food now does something good for my body, does nothing or only for my soul.