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Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

It doesn't make it anymore justifiable to block a customer and fail to refund them (a promise given before purchasing) if they didn't follow the program.

Reading these posts makes me wonder if you're Liam's right-hand man. :rolleyes:
Sounds like you're Lyman's right hand man.
Not sure, I did assist you with this, but that's not important.

Glad to see that you are getting some traction. Have you tried the magnesium? About the only thing that helps me with my conditions beyond not bending my head forward and twisting my jaw is magnesium and NAC taken together. It's nice that some members that have been around for awhile remain tight, even if we do sometimes see things different.
Hey Greg. No traction since I had the MRI, prior I had some great results water fasting. It seems after the noise trauma (MRI) nothing changes, even at night where things used to cool down, I wake up and it's blasting away. Not sure if I can deal with this new level, almost been a year now and I'm still not able to sleep/function. I have to have white noise or crickets blasting in my ears day and night, I can maybe go a couple of hours without. It's weird I get a massive headache without external noises in my ears, a couple of hours without and I start getting a migraine and get this feeling of severe pressure, the tinnitus sounds get very painful, drive deep into my brain.

Thanks for the message, maybe I'll try the magnesium again, but it seems nothing changes after the worsening. I so want my old tinnitus back, looking back it seems so easy to deal with (even though was still a nightmare) but this new tinnitus is beyond what I ever thought tinnitus could be. I don't mind any kind of annoying sounds but I can't deal with noise so high pitched and loud that it hurts my brain. I can barely sit still, even typing this I feel like I'm losing it, lost the ability to think, small things that were a walk in the park without tinnitus are exhausting and challenging now.
I'm watching his "Live" webinar (it's not live) and am 45 minutes in... nothing but manipulation and bullsh*t.
edit - 53 minutes in and it's getting worse. This guy is a scammer of epic proportion. I hope karma finds him soon.
How do you know it's a scam if you didn't even try his protocol? I'm not saying that he's not a scam but the reasons you mention are not good reasons to label someone a scam. It's like you going to the doctor and he gives you meds but you don't take them and then you turn around and start telling people that the meds you were given don't work. Your post is useless, it's not helping anyone.
The same logic can be used to defend the Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol smoothie cure for tinnitus, even though we have posts of users claiming it did nothing for their tinnitus.

Mr. Boehm claims to cure every type of tinnitus, there is no one disease called "tinnitus" but rather a various unclassified subtypes. I guess in a very situational scenario his treatment will help if tinnitus is caused by inflammation but other thean that I am very skeptical of him.

I believe he is a scammer, but will need to prove it someday.

I watched this quite lengthy webinar hosted by Liam Boehm. About 2 and a half hours. A lot of it was redundant especially about the fasting aspect. At the end he made some offer to get a boat load of goodies GUARANTEED to get rid of your tinnitus for only 3 easy payments of $157.00.

Is this guy for real and does fasting really help tinnitus?
The same logic can be used to defend the Tonaki Tinnitus Protocol smoothie cure for tinnitus, even though we have posts of users claiming it did nothing for their tinnitus.

Mr. Boehm claims to cure every type of tinnitus, there is no one disease called "tinnitus" but rather a various unclassified subtypes. I guess in a very situational scenario his treatment will help if tinnitus is caused by inflammation but other thean that I am very skeptical of him.

I believe he is a scammer, but will need to prove it someday.
Yeah I don't know. All I know is I had my tinnitus reduced with fasting. I don't really even know what Liam is offering to be honest. I just find it strange that someone can say something doesn't work if they haven't even tried it, that's all. I'm not advocating this guy in any way, I think people jump to weird conclusions here. Watching a few of his videos, I wouldn't believe much, he seems like a used car salesmen.

Are there not theories out there that tinnitus is indeed caused by neuro inflammation?

Just recently I've had a operation, one of the things that the doctors keep hammering me on is anti inflammatory meds, well they seem to help with my tinnitus. I take a small dose and bam, my tinnitus is down by half. There is nothing, I mean nothing that touches my tinnitus except for reducing inflammation, multi day fasting or over the counter meds, probably steroids but I haven't tried. I've got pretty bad hearing loss due to barotrauma worsened with antibiotics, and then 5 years later acoustic trauma. You tell me.
does fasting really help tinnitus?
Why don't you just try it, it's free. Or are you just going to believe all these morons that have never even tried it? Why not take charge yourself instead of being another one of the many sheep here at Tinnitus Talk?

You have been around the tinnitus block for a long time. You know that all these guys are scammers, some have better intentions than others. The result is the same: nothing.

Pray to the God of Habituation because is the only help available. Lenire will be underwhelming. Frequency Therapeutics is going to take forever to get a product out (if ever).

I have lost any hope and that is helping me: it is what it is.

You have been around the tinnitus block for a long time. You know that all these guys are scammers, some have better intentions than others. The result is the same: nothing.

Pray to the God of Habituation because is the only help available. Lenire will be underwhelming. Frequency Therapeutics is going to take forever to get a product out (if ever).

I have lost any hope and that is helping me: it is what it is.
It is what it is. Agreed.
I am a self confessed FX-322 deluded, hopeful, loyal believer, irrationally so.
I admit it.
I believe Frequency Therapeutics is gonna deliver the goods in 3 years.
I also believe a sufferer will be able to tweak with neural modulation or other therapies to salvage a life that is less painful and happier.
I believe the medical treatments will be awesome and things like benzos or any heavy drug will not be used as a bandaid.
Meditation, breathing and protection will be givens, to be followed strictly.
Cures are coming.

We must in the mean time endure what can be an intense 24 hour torture
......Good Times.
Hey everybody.

New update on getting a refund from Liam Boehm's tinnitus 2.0 program. Liam did finally refund me my money. He said that he was super busy and hadn't seen my request. That's cool.

The guy did reimburse my original investment of $47.00. In his warranty he promised to send $50 of his own money to boot within the first year along with his warranty but I don't care. I'm not going to hold my breath nor stomp my feet if I don't get it... in fact I don't care, but I didn't get it.

So keep that in mind, just used as a selling point I guess to make you feel secure about ordering the program!

As far as his program goes, try it for yourself everybody's body's different and their isn't a one fix for everybody!
I did try the program and got some results but through my own studying developed my own program for me that is working very well.

His program just might help you.

The main reason I requested my money back was when I needed a question answered concerning a major medical procedure that my doctor was recommending I needed to know if the drug could permanently raise my tinnitus level and cause issues. When I never got a reply I got ticked and demanded my money back due to poor customer service. I tried getting in touch with Liam several times and when I got deleted from his membership website and got no refund that's when I came here to advertise that I got ripped off. It had nothing to do with his program at all. I did get some benefits from the program and you might too.

But I didn't like certain things about it.

Had Liam had better customer service and answered my questions like promised, I would not have asked for my money back. With me... if you promise to do something and you don't follow through, you lose my trust, you'll lose me as a customer!

Now... For those pinheads on this thread who can't understand this... Tuff!

So again in closing, I did get my refund and an apology from Liam. This is why I'm writing this update!

Hey everybody.

New update on getting a refund from Liam Boehm's tinnitus 2.0 program. Liam did finally refund me my money. He said that he was super busy and hadn't seen my request. That's cool.

The guy did reimburse my original investment of $47.00. In his warranty he promised to send $50 of his own money to boot within the first year along with his warranty but I don't care. I'm not going to hold my breath nor stomp my feet if I don't get it... in fact I don't care, but I didn't get it.

So keep that in mind, just used as a selling point I guess to make you feel secure about ordering the program!

As far as his program goes, try it for yourself everybody's body's different and their isn't a one fix for everybody!
I did try the program and got some results but through my own studying developed my own program for me that is working very well.

His program just might help you.

The main reason I requested my money back was when I needed a question answered concerning a major medical procedure that my doctor was recommending I needed to know if the drug could permanently raise my tinnitus level and cause issues. When I never got a reply I got ticked and demanded my money back due to poor customer service. I tried getting in touch with Liam several times and when I got deleted from his membership website and got no refund that's when I came here to advertise that I got ripped off. It had nothing to do with his program at all. I did get some benefits from the program and you might too.

But I didn't like certain things about it.

Had Liam had better customer service and answered my questions like promised, I would not have asked for my money back. With me... if you promise to do something and you don't follow through, you lose my trust, you'll lose me as a customer!

Now... For those pinheads on this thread who can't understand this... Tuff!

So again in closing, I did get my refund and an apology from Liam. This is why I'm writing this update!

It could have only been refunded because he knew about the thread on Tinnitus Talk and he knows he has eyes on him.

Even if that is the case, at least this thread's monitoring is doing a good thing!
Is this guy for real and does fasting really help tinnitus?

Why don't you just try it, it's free. Or are you just going to believe all these morons that have never even tried it? Why not take charge yourself instead of being another one of the many sheep here at Tinnitus Talk?

If the thought of fasting is a bit intimidating for you (I know it is for me); there's another thread in the Hyperacusis board by Sean who had his hyperacusis under control (after 4 years of severe Hyperacusis it's practically a non-issue now) due to dietary changes, in which he stopped eating processed foods, no dairy, no added sugars, no simple carbs, etc. You should check it out. I personally think the main thing that links all this is the reduction of sugars. When you fast, you naturally greatly reduce the amount of sugar intake, but the same benefits could apparently be had by simply eliminating the sugars you eat, while still eating full meals.

What I personally have come to understand is that Hyperacusis and (for some) tinnitus is an overactivity of the fight/flight response of the brain, which needs to calm down in order to reduce symptoms. This might be why, for me at least, my symptoms are at its lowest right after a good nights sleep, and can be getting worse when I'm working behind a screen. Now, we know that sugars can make children hyperactive, and an abundance of sugars in our foods nowadays have made most of us addicted to the stuff. So eliminating them and get your body used to plant based, healthy food again, I'm sure can make a positive impact on your body. Besides, you're still eating full meals, so it's low-invasive and anybody can try it.

Worst case scenario: it does nothing on your tinnitus, but you're at least getting healthier. At least there's NO risk of anything spiking when eating no sugar ;).
Another update concerning Liam Boehm.

Recently Liam contacted me concerning my last post about his program on Tinnitus Talk and he was all upset about me making this post about his program.

I tried to explain to him why I did post a negative review of his program and the lack of customer service and slow unprofessional service and how he handled getting my refund back to me which I did finally did get, but without any apologies concerning how he handled everything.

He and I got into it with words... And when I had my fill and I told him to buzz off, the dude couldn't understand why I would write a bad review about him and his program.

Hell, I didn't like his customer service. He promises to answer questions in his program through email but never does. I had a serious problem come up and needed a simple question answered and he never responded to my questions at all. After several weeks with no reply I got very upset. Hell, who wouldn't have?

So I decided that the program wasn't for me after being on it for close to 6 months or more. Under his program he guarantees his program for a year.

I wasn't happy with his program. What you get for what you pay, with poor customer service... wasn't worth it for me.

So I asked for my money back. If you ask for a promised refund and you don't get it, it would tick anybody off!

What I did get was get deleted from his membership website and no refund. I couldn't get back into the program. The dude restricted me from the website and I never saw any refund for days!
Was I pissed!

After I don't know how many attempts and several days later I was lucky to contact the guy through a different email. When he saw my review/ post here on Tinnitus Talk and he contacted me afterward all upset as to why I would leave a negative review concerning his program, the guy couldn't understand why I would do such a thing. Well, he finally did refund me because of my review on Tinnitus Talk. I think it scared him!

But soon afterwards of getting that refund we got into a pissing fight through email with words concerning my poor review about his program.
This is what led me to request for a refund in the first place. Yet, he still could not understand this!

After our fight a couple days later I felt bad about screaming at the guy so I emailed him back and told him I was sorry for screaming at him and told him I was sorry.
You know, I have not heard anything from him and I still have never got an apology from the guy about anything he said or how he handled this whole thing in the first place.

And on top of that, he never said anything about my last email saying I'm sorry that I screamed at him. Hell he's the one that was screaming at me for hell's sake... I'm the customer and he provided poor customer service. Hey I'm the one who apologized for screaming... Silence is all I get from him!

No big deal!
As far as I'm concerned... The guy is a coward!

Nothing pisses me off more than a company or individual treating its customers bad and then not apologizing for anything they did wrong!

Hell, I'm a customer having a problem concerning a product purchased from a company that promised good customer service if I bought their product. I paid the money for the service. They refused to provide the service and customer service that they promised. If they refuse to provide good customer service and the customer complains about it and then that customer has to go on a public forum like this to get them to honor their promises, don't be mad at the customer for doing what they had to do to get the company to honor their word. If you don't like the heat... Get out of the game!

Anyway... My advice people: Do not buy Liam Boehm's program.

He's a coward and a bum!
My advice people: Do not buy Liam Boehm's program.

Thanks @Lyman for your updates. They give a pretty concise description of what to expect if a person were to do his program. That said, it would be unfortunate if people fail distinguish between the message and the messenger. I myself think there's a LOT of potential for improvements in tinnitus by doing Fasting and/or Intermittent Fasting.

At least there's NO risk of anything spiking when eating no sugar ;).

Diabetes and other blood sugar levels issues are well documented to cause or exacerbate tinnitus. One notable thing about Fasting and/or Intermittent Fasting is they both have good potential to normalize blood sugar levels.
I intermittently fast multiple days a week and recently did a 48 hour fast and it did nothing for my tinnitus.

@JohnAdams -- What if you were to continue to do this for the next five years, perhaps at some point going even longer than 48 hours? The reason I ask is because I'm a firm believer in fasting being able to bring about almost miraculous positive changes in the body. Here's just one example:

I ran across a book many years ago that was written by a chiropractor back in the 1950's. He routinely put his patients on fasts, ranging anywhere from 7 to 21 days. He x-rayed their spines while they fasted, and was able to document many severe cases of scoliosis straightening out almost completely. Who'd a thunk it?

I did about a 44-hour fast several months ago, and had a rather extraordinary experience take place in my inner ear (right side). I was doing a relaxation technique (Egoscue Tower), and all of a sudden it felt like a mini-explosion went off in my ear. It jerked the whole right side of my upper body at the same time. I was hoping it would affect my tinnitus, but alas, it didn't.

When something like this happens while fasting however, I take it as a sign my body is trying to do some kind of corrective healing, and I put NO limits on how much progress can be made. I haven't done a fast that long since then, but as I build up more and more resilience with my intermittent fasting, I anticipate doing so. Perhaps even getting up to 7 days or more. But I wouldn't do it without doing supportive detox therapies, and various kinds of other therapies like self-acupuncture to make the process a whole lot more tolerable and enjoyable.
After I don't know how many attempts and several days later I was lucky to contact the guy through a different email. When he saw my review/ post here on Tinnitus Talk and he contacted me afterward all upset as to why I would leave a negative review concerning his program, the guy couldn't understand why I would do such a thing. Well, he finally did refund me because of my review on Tinnitus Talk. I think it scared him!

But soon afterwards of getting that refund we got into a pissing fight through email with words concerning my poor review about his program.
This is what led me to request for a refund in the first place. Yet, he still could not understand this!

After our fight a couple days later I felt bad about screaming at the guy so I emailed him back and told him I was sorry for screaming at him and told him I was sorry.
Don't apologize to a scammer. It makes you look like a cuck.
It is what it is. Agreed.
I am a self confessed FX-322 deluded, hopeful, loyal believer, irrationally so.
I admit it.
I believe Frequency Therapeutics is gonna deliver the goods in 3 years.
I also believe a sufferer will be able to tweak with neural modulation or other therapies to salvage a life that is less painful and happier.
I believe the medical treatments will be awesome and things like benzos or any heavy drug will not be used as a bandaid.
Meditation, breathing and protection will be givens, to be followed strictly.
Cures are coming.

We must in the mean time endure what can be an intense 24 hour torture
......Good Times.

FX-322 is not going to be used for tinnitus. It's only if you have severe hearing loss.

BTW if you want to do a dry fast. Go for it.

But this guy gives people (us) false hope. And tries to benefit of tormented people with tinnitus (us).

And he's living cheap in Bali living off of this thing, which many fraudsters pursue.

Liam stands for Liar.
Just writing here to confirm that Liam is scam.

I watched a full live webinar Liam gave for more than 2 1/2 HOURS. It was supposed to tell steps to silence tinnitus but the goal of it was offering a $297 course! The last half an hour was about trying to sell the course.

You can watch it here:

Captura de pantalla 2019-08-18 a la(s) 12.40.53.png
Just writing here to confirm that Liam is scam.

I watched a full live webinar Liam gave for more than 2 1/2 HOURS. It was supposed to tell steps to silence tinnitus but the goal of it was offering a $297 course! The last half an hour was about trying to sell the course.
Asshole Liam has some guts to rip off people in despair. A modern day snakes oil salesman. I'd like to have a word with him face to face.

I totally hope he ends up with suicide level tinnitus, then he won't be scamming people anymore when he sees how bad this thing can be.

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