Looking Through Another Angle to Find the Cause of Tinnitus That We all Face!


Jun 10, 2014
Tinnitus Since

2005, Today October 13 5:30 PDT hum is stopped. In Palmdale California. I know from experiments that the cause is manmade, is not heard underwater while Scuba diving, or hiking in canyons in mountains. I've gone into old mine shafts in the Mojave desert and underground the hum also stops. Whatever the manmade cause of the hum when it goes off it is like a door shutting. It happens suddenly and completely. The few times this has happened in the past it slowly starts returning until after a few hours at full intensity. My experiments indicate to me although the cause MAY be electric fields, or electromagnetic radiation in the low frequency band, only matter, or mass, specifically overhead, seems to block it. In the last year in San Fernando Valley it has sometimes reached level 6, always in the early AM hours, out in the open.


San Antonio, Texas USA - Saturday, June 30, 2001 at 02:41:51 (PDT)
I have heard this hum not only in San Antonio but also in Austin, Seattle....etc.. I hear it often and don't feel a need to describe it as others have. What I can say is that I have heard it almost all of my life(not constantly you baffoon)and it has been explained to me by numorous people as airplanes at airfoce bases, electrical humm,etc. I beleive it to be world wide and somthing man made and not alien, but what it does is what I would like to know...and that nobody can tell me.
ultracroak <ultracroak@hotmail.com>


Noticed the hum for the first time about three months ago after coming home from a long trip out of town.


Raton, nm USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 at 16:20:36 (PDT)
Hum first appeared 8/11, reappeared 9/9 and has remained. Keeps me awake,
have nosebleeds, anxiety, etc. Our area is not on the map shown on this site. What's going on here?
Heather <raelbakan@bacavalley.com>


This strange hum is 25 seconds on and 25 seconds off!

I am new to Eugene since 9/03 and lately the hum, which I've also heard in Florida, has started and it is about the worst I've had to deal with. It completely "vibrates" throughout my head, sometimes changing from ear to ear. It appears to be unceasing for days now and is actually giving me headaches and upset stomach. I didn't experience these types of symptoms in Florida. I am not sure what I can do about it but at present it is interfering with my life and I guess I would rate it a "5" on this scale. Is there any relief for this? I've tried "white noise" and earplugs but nothing seems to work. I noticed at one point this week the constant "humming" (which "feels" as if it is undulating through my ears and head) would do for 25 seconds "on" and then 25 seconds "off." Has anyone else encountered this type of "on" and "off" hum? I certainly wish I had some relief from it. It's not "tinnitis" - this is indeed the "hum" - who knew it would be worse in Oregon? Is there any relief for this? I've tried "white noise" and earplugs but nothing seems to work. I noticed at one point this week the constant "humming" (which "feels" as if it is undulating through my ears and head) would do for 25 seconds "on" and then 25 seconds "off."
Eugene, OR USA - Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 13:52:46 (PDT)


Many of my students in Westmoreland County, Southwestern, PA are also hearing the hum. These are 13 and 14 year olds and were quite excited to learn that it was an exterior source and that other people heard it. They define the hum as a distant motor running in the idle mode, they also indicate a pulsation. 4/12/04 One girl heard it intensely. I will post numbers later.
Jackie <point_of_azure-light@yahoo.com>
Tarrs, PA USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 at 13:57:37 (PDT)


its not in chicago its not in cleveland its not in datyon at least when i was at these locations over the years but its here and i woke up this morning and it had stopped,
mt. clemens, mi. USA - Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 05:52:17 (PST)


This person was suffering from tinnitus for 10 years and it has stopped suddendly for 10 minutes. Strange isn't it? for whatever the reason the sound(tinnitus) stopped for 10 minutes and started again. If his ear was damaged can it be recovered for 10 minutes only or some external thing(perhaps a wave) stopped for 10 minutes? I think under a MEG scan we should be able to see a specific brain activity in his auditory cortex and this must have gone away for 10 minutes like for whatever the reason but was there for 10 years continuously and he must be still having...

Hearing Random High Pitched Frequencies?
Postby Friend » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:18 am

My uncle has suffered from tinnitus for over ten years, and the sound is so loud he sometimes can't hear what other people say. Then last fall he was on a walk and suddenly the tinnitus just stopped for about 10 minutes and my uncle was in awe. After that it came back though. My point here is that if it's somehow subconsciously or even consciously possible to get rid of the tinnitus...


This person is hearing a single Tone. Generated by some kind of device ? or can our mind itself produce these brain activities in the auditory cortex to hear this?
Hearing Random High Pitched Frequencies?
Postby FreeWillZone » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:30 am
As others have mentioned, it could be related to tinnitus(SP?). However, the things I hear are not ringing in my ears but of a tone. A single tone at a time.


Do you think weed can produce this specific brain activity in the auditory cortex? Strange you will have this same brain activity even if you go to a club (for some people) or sometimes if you take medicine or people who go for scuba diving gives this same brain activity in the auditory cortex... So can't this be all external specific waves that hits your brain and your mind process it and interpret it?

Well, i'm pretty sure its not tinnitus, as my ears don't ring regularly, and i haven't been noticing any ringing recently. Still haven't seen a doctor. A few days ago, i was meditating after i had some weed (yeah i know it don't work that well), and the ringing came again, and it was incredibly loud and high pitch. The sound was so overpowering, it made it quite hard to hear my friends talking. I didn't focus on it, cause it was just so loud, but than that could be the affects of the weed as well.


This is another strange incident. She will not hear tinnitus just by switching pillows with her husband. Is she being monitored by someone 24x7?

Posted 16 October 2006 - 08:28 PM

I read through most of these posts. I have a question about tinnitus. I don't know if I have it or not, and what's been happening to me, is strange. It was last month when I first experienced this: About a week or so before my half-sister's mother died, I was lying in my bed, my head propped up on my hand, reading. Out of nowhere came this sound (seemed to be in my right ear, which is the side that I was "laying" on). I bolted up in the bed, because it sounded like someone breathing. It was weird, it sounded kind of "otherworldly", almost like a death rattle. It would start slow, and then speed up, like the gasping was getting frightened or panicky. Then, it stopped. I was thinking, HOW WEIRD, and shrugged it off. So, a bit later, I was back to my reading, when it started again, then stopped. By that point, I didn't know WHAT in the heck it was, and was starting to get a bit creeped out. During this whole time, there was NO buzzing sound whatsoever. I got up, and turned my bathroom light on (because I had decided I was just going to go to bed and try to sleep), and it was a bit freaky to me. Then it started again. I jumped out of bed, and went to get my husband who was sleeping on the sofa (always falls asleep in front of the tv). I made him come to bed, and I told him about what was going on. I laid down, and it started AGAIN! I asked if he heard it, and he said he did not. It happened once more, and after the second time (since he'd come to bed), I asked him if we could switch sides of the bed, because it seemed to be coming from "my side". We switched, and I didn't hear it anymore. The next couple of nights, I slept on the couch, not wanting to take the chance of hearing it again. Those two nights, I heard NOTHING. Then, when I went to bed the next time, I heard it again. Same drill, I made hubby switch sides, and the sound was gone.
A couple of days later, hospice informed the family that my half-sister's mother was going to pass, and everyone needed to be there to see her. I went there, and here's where it gets odd: She was gasping. I recognized the sounds she was making. It was the same sound I'd heard in my ear. I thought maybe I was simply hearing what was going to happen (sort of a precognitive thing). That night I went to bed, and didn't hear the sound. Didn't need to change sides with hubby, etc. For a few nights I just heard silence when I went to bed. Then, it started again. I realized that I had been sleeping on my husband's pillow for the nights that I hadn't heard it. So, to experiment, I switched pillows again, and slept on his. The sound didn't happen. On the occasions that my husband has given me my pillow back, I've heard it (he even switched it without my noticing, and it happened, I would realize it, steal his pillow, and no noise). I looked up tinnitus. I never read anything about it sounding like a breathing sound, yet I really think that this is what it is. I know, I need to see my physician, but I wanted opinions. I really don't think it is anything paranormal (except maybe hearing the same sound coming from my half-sister's dying mother), but maybe I was just looking for something that resembled the sound. Are there triggers that exist for tinnitus episodes? And why would I hear the sounds only on my OWN pillow and not hubby's? I will say that I did experience the "breathing sound" out of bed twice. Both times was when I was in my kitchen cooking dinner. I decided to post this here, because I noticed that someone had bumped the topic, and after reading the posts, it's obvious that those who do have tinnitus know quite a bit more about the experience of it than I do. Have any of you ever had episodes where it sounded like a breathing sound? Are there certain things that will make your tinnitus seem more prevalent or noticeable (besides total silence)? I was thinking that the reason I heard it on my pillow and not my husband's is that they are made from different materials, but I'm no scientist, so I don't know how that would matter.
Any advice would be helpful, thanks...


I have had this condition for 10 years. Not badly, in one ear, a bit like putting a shall to the ear. It was said to be in the eustacian tube - a block. Recently it got worse and I got dizziness and then, suddenly yesterday it stopped. Today it is sort of coming and going and I can 'pop' both ears instead of just one.


His tinnitus can switch between three sounds. Which means under a MEG scan it should show three different specific brain activities in his auditory cortex relative to this specific sounds..

My tinnitus also changed into the first month.Before just one high pitched squeal in right ear. Now that has reduced in volume but sometimes now have hissing or white noise in ''both ears'' and also feels like my right ear is being ''opened up'' with air. For some reason these new sounds are not as bad as the original squealing was but I am still a bit worried about the changes. My tinnitus can now switch between all three types of sound. Funnily I find I can listen to it without it bothering me sometimes and even sleep ok without masking so I am wondering if this change is me habituating the sound down in some wa
January 26, 2012 at 8:58 am
I want to also add about Noises in Ear: Noises are muffled of course due to packing in ear, but I have been hearing anything from whistles, popping, ringing and echoes of my own breathing AND VOICE through my ear. But it's not all the time. Just random throughout the day, although it is a daily occurance. However, the ringing etc is only noticable when its quiet, or when I'm lying down. If there's other noises around then I don't notice it as much.


September 15th, 2010, 05:02 PM
I have the same situation. I have a slight ringing I really don't notice until it is mostly quiet. I haven't really noticed if mine disappears underwater, probbaly because I'm used to it by now. But I'll be diving some in a few days and I will try to see if it goes away for me too. I'll let you know.


September 15th, 2010, 04:52 PM
Hi all,
I've had subjective Tinnitus for about 3 years. when there"s no back ground noise its very loud. But I've been free diving and scubadiving and found the noise and pressure and surroundings of being under are very soothing ,but there is a price for all good things !!!once I'm out the noise return's an at a level that can be very unforgiving. If you or someone you know has this drop a line.
Kevin Mc Court, AKA, ac777


For him tinnitus goes away while he is underwater. So these brain activies in the auditory cortex should dissapear while he is underwater and should be back when he is above water.. Strange!!! One possibilty is this should caused by some external thing which hits our brain for this brain activity to take place and it should dissapear while underwater (For ex: microwaves absorbes underwater so our brain is free from this)

September 15th, 2010, 07:19 PM
i've noticed mine goes away under water, but, to be honest i haven't noticed it worsening when i get back topside. i usually have to be in a quiet room before it gets annoying. I'm with WildBill where i've basically ignore it.


Here he claims that some people have noticed that tinnitus goes away underwater after diving into 7 meters like. So again these brain activies in the auditory cortex should dissapear while they are underwater below 7 meters and should be back when they are above water.. Strange!!! I think VLF waves can go for 10 to 40 (Check wikipedia for very low frequency waves) meters and ELF waves can go even further...

September 15th, 2010, 10:55 PM
I developed tinnitus this summer before I finished my open water diver certification. My experience has been different than yours (9 dives). I can not tell an increase in volume after the dive. Also, during my dives I have not noticed the high pitched humming...that I hear now. My son...being concerned for his dad came across some articles that suggest some people notice that the noise goes away after 7 meters. I dont know if it is my focus on what I am doing...the background noise, or something else...but I dont notice the noise while diving. As someone that has tinnitus the best thing I can do is not think about it...the more I think about it the louder it gets. I use relaxation techniques and distraction to escape the noise.


His tinnitus get's increase when he is underwater (Only few cases I came across most I see is that it reduces ) but then again will it dissapear completely after some depth? or can it be increased? It's quite interesting to check this idea!!

September 26th, 2010, 01:02 AM
I have had it for 3+ yrs. I had a rapid ascent and ever since have had ringing in left ear. Then, due to too much time at bars and concerts, I have it in both ears. It is brutal when things are quite. Background noise is my friend. When diving, I notice it 10x worse during a dive because its quite, generally. Then after a dive for a couple days, it is worse as well.

For her whooshing goes away underwater. So again these brain activies in the auditory cortex should dissapear while she is underwater and should be back when she is above water.. Strange!!!

Silence Under The Sea
Dearest Whooshers,
I just returned from a trip to the beach where I discovered that I didn't hear the whooshing while snorkeling. Sweet silence under the sea! My fingers looked like prunes by the time I dragged myself out of the waters, but oh, how nice it was. Just me and colorful fish and silence. I suppose a possible solution to my pulsatile tinnitus is to become a mermaid.
Have any of you out there had similar non-whooshing experiences under water?
Tue, July 27, 2010 | link Comments


For him tinnitus goes away underwater. So again these brain activies in the auditory cortex should dissapear while he is underwater and should be back when he is above water.. Strange!!! How this masking happens? Do these brain activities inside the auditory cortex stops by simply going underwater? Is our brain stops these activities by itself or external waves can't reach our brain (or in other terms it absorbes by water) since we are underwater.

September 27th, 2010, 03:05 PM
Something out of diving helps what it is I'm not sure, but If you read some of the prior threads you might see a possible masker. This is the second time scuba diving for me I gave it up in early 80's because it didnt do anything for me at the time. Now I cant wait to go again and again .I did freediving in Greece down to 40' and found relief ?and this fueled the fire to dive again!!! I quit the seditives and drinking for the past year and saved the money so far to dive .


March 21st, 2013, 10:40 AM
I've been diving since 2000, and I know that my two tone tinnitus disappears underwater. After over 250 dives, it's a fact, as far as I'm concerned. What I'm wondering is the medical..


I have tinnitus and mine too disappeares while Im diving. This perplexed my ent doc. I thought with it being do quiet it would be especially loud.


significance of this reproducible finding, and whether the audiologist/ENT types have done anything with such a finding. It does appear, from looking at these posts, that I'm not the only one that finds tinnitus relief from being underwater. But Im still puzzled about what makes it go away while Im scuba diving or freediving???


For him it gets louder. So still can this be increased after some depth or can it be totally gone after some depth. ( Cause if this is due to VLF or ELF waves still after some depth this should totally disappear. While we spending millions and millions of dollars to find a cure, I hope scientists can do this simple test to identify the cause...

August 19th, 2014, 05:35 PM
I have suffered with tinnitus for years now, I've seen multiple specialists and tried every single therapy, drugs and eliminations (salt, caffeine, etc.) they could think of to no avail. I also have TMJ and most of the specialists think the two are related. I have just learned to cope - white noise machine by my bed (it's a God-send) and I have a white noise app on my phone when I travel. It doesn't go away when I dive, but it doesn't really bother me as I have learned to live with it. My biggest concern was that diving would make it worse, but so far that hasn't happened. I have to clear my ears a lot, and descend very slowly, so I am just gentle/careful. My tinnitus never goes away, it spikes sometimes and gets very loud, but it never stops. My hearing is excellent except for specific pitches...doc thinks those are the pitches of the ringing in my ears, so I cannot hear them...


For him, his brain activities should disappear when he dives...

August 30th, 2014, 02:23 PM

Interesting. You see it intensified when you dive, whereas I see it essentially eliminated -when diving.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk...


12th January 2012, 19:45
Re: Hearing
I had a mastoidectomy when I was 4 years old. All in all I have had four surgeries on my left ear and one on my right. I am totally deaf in my left ear, have about 80 percent in my right. Believe it or not, diving has helped my hearing. In summer months, I wear a hood, keeping the water warm inside almost like a warm water flush. Also to help the junk from some of our dive sites from entering my ear canal. I have less ear infections and drainage in my ears and they feel the best when I am diving frequently. Since I started diving my ears have been easier to keep clean and less ear infections when most get ear infections from the junk in the water. I used to get my ears cleaned, (sucked out with a vacuum) every six months..


Old 12th January 2012, 22:01
Same with me. I went to the ENT because after 1 particular dive (as I remember it) my left ear started the annoying ringing (Tinnitus). While at the ENT, I was sent to an audiologist and underwent the hearing tests. You remember from school.....raise the hand you hear the sound on. Anyways, along with Tinnitus, I have about a 30% hearing loss in my left ear. After the last 3yrs of post diagnosis, I've learned to live with the ringing. Funny thing is that I get a lot of relief from the ringing when diving. Obviously, I try to dive as often as possible...


His tinnitus goes away while he is underwater after diving into 7 meters like. So again these brain activies in the auditory cortex should dissapear while he is underwater below 7 meters and should be back when he is above that level.. Strange!!! Again, I think VLF waves can go for 10 to 40 (Check wikipedia for very low frequency waves) meters and ELF waves can go even further...

#1 Posted : Sunday, May 22, 2005 1:30:52 PM
I'm new to the site and have had Tinnitus for about 3 yrs. However, I've been scuba diving since 1992. I have found that when I dive to about 7 mts and deeper the Tinnitus stops. I've mentioned this to doctors and consultants and they look at me as if I'm stupid. Are there any of you out who also dive and if so does the TIN stop for you?Has anyone been told not to dive because they have Tin?


Strangely her tinnitus changed from cricket sound to music and singing (It's weird). So if it's singing, a MEG scan should show a similar activity in her brain compared to a MEG scan taken when she is actually singing...

My first attack of the 'dizzies' and vomiting was in 1999, I had no idea of what was happening. After two or three more attacks I visited the doctor and voiced my concerns. She said she'd give me something for the vomiting and prescribed Stemetil suppositories because nothing taken orally would stay with me, but NO DIAGNOSIS. By early 2000's the Tinnitus in my right ear had changed from the summer cricket sound to music and singing. I told no one because my first thought was I was losing my mind. This resulted in my blood pressure rising while my self esteem plummeted. I just wasn't myself for a long time.


Some other early reports of the hum...

The Daily Telegraph reported that two percent of people could hear the Bristol Hum; similarly, research into the Taos Hum indicated that two percent could hear it. The Hum does appear to be geographically focused, i.e. it does appear to be possible for hearers to move away from it; the range of the Taos Hum was reported to be 48 to 72 km. Women may be more likely to be affected than men. Age does appear to be a factor, with older people being more likely to hear it..


Auckland, New Zealand (1977)
The Auckland Hum was first reported in 1977.[20] It is apparently focused on the North Shore, although it has also been reported in the east of the city.


Bristol, England, UK (1979)
In Britain, the most famous example was the Bristol Hum that made headlines in the late 1970s.[21]800 people reported hearing it and it was eventually blamed on traffic and factories in Avonmouth.[22]


Taos, New Mexico, US (1992)

It was in 1992 that the Hum phenomenon began to be reported in North America following complaints from many citizens living near the town of Taos, New Mexico.[4]:571 The University of New Mexico undertook studies of hum sufferers in Taos. In one of their tests, hearers were asked to match their Hum with a sound generator, resulting in frequencies ranging from 32 Hz to 80 Hz with modulation frequencies from 0.5 to 2 Hz. The researchers could find no acoustic, seismic or electromagnetic sources that might account for the hum.[7]The Taos Hum was featured on the TV show Unsolved Mysteries,[23]and it was also briefly mentioned in an episode of The X-Files.[24]
Kokomo, Indiana, US (1999)

Kokomo, a city of 47,000, allocated $100,000 in 2002 to investigate a hum after nearly 100 complaints were made since 1999. Some sufferers blamed physical symptoms on the hum, including headaches, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and joint pain, with one reporting that her health improved when she moved out of the town.[25][26] In November 2002, acoustic consultants Acentech was hired by the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Kokomo to investigate the Hum.


Wellington, New Zealand (2012)

On 8 October 2012 the city council of Wellington, New Zealand started to receive complaints about a mysterious hum.[46] A council investigation failed to locate the source of the noise, with the investigators failing to even hear the hum. It disappeared shortly after it was first reported


New research suggests that tinnitus is linked to the brain and not just ear damage as previously thought. Researchers at Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital have found that it is possible to define the area of the brain that is activated when a person is suffering from the condition, reports BBC News.

These are some of the other interesting links.,

Tinnitus is basically brain damage. You may ask why then it goes away for some people, well the brain also has neuroplasticity, so under certain conditions it can compenstate. That's my take on it.
Edit, well I shouldn't say brain damage unless head trauma, but maybe it goes into a hyperactive state which is very hard to reverse.
Also I really doubt tinnitus is a government conspiracy.
Hi Dan, It cannot be because of a brain damage cause, if that's the case it cannot heal by simply going underwater and gets damaged again when his head is above water. This means the brain activity in the auditory cortex should be gone when you are underwater and that same activity should be back by simply putting your head above water. Again, strangely a person who had this for 10 years got healed it for just 10 minutes in his life. May be there could be somany other cases like this which was not even posted...

I would like to hear others comments as well...
Oh boy. I have no opinion on this. I tend to minimize T and the impact it has on my life in order to be able to cope better. So I don't research anything about T anymore. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Hi ampumkin, Thanks for your comment and it's really good to hear that you now have a very little impact to your life with T, but I see so many people having this for 10, 15 years or may be during their whole life. So I guess we all should find a permanant solution for this, cause who knows whether we will have this again one day as I have seen it has occured to people after not having T for 3, 4 years even and then continuously...
I've had tinnitus most of my life since 1988. It started Just after a TBI. I've only Just come to the realisation that submerging my ears in water stops the tinnitus completely.. that's just floating face up on the surface at the swimming pool. Peace at last, But Why??

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