Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

Have You Experienced Fleeting Tinnitus?

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Same I think the electrical feeling from my head tho and fleeting t.
You mean you have the static feeling within your head right? Because that's what I mean ^_^ the fleeting T is in the ears. I also have a constant ringing in my right ear but it's a lot quieter than the fleeting T
You mean you have the static feeling within your head right? Because that's what I mean ^_^ the fleeting T is in the ears. I also have a constant ringing in my right ear but it's a lot quieter than the fleeting T
Yup in the head. Goes like fuzzy then some seconds of tinnitus and that's it. I have some tinnitus in my right ear anyway non stop.
Ah see I always have the damn static, apart from that, seems our T is identical as well as the start date... what happened to us on that day!? :p

well I was at a recording studio with my friend for her music for a play she had to do and well happened from then. Didn't even Feel it was that loud but it was high pitch sounds.
Ah I remember reading that actually, I was just playing some video games, quietly might I add. I also remember reading you thought it might be sinus related or something like an infection in you Eustachian tube, possibly to do with the climate in Australia?
Ah I remember reading that actually, I was just playing some video games, quietly might I add. I also remember reading you thought it might be sinus related or something like an infection in you Eustachian tube, possibly to do with the climate in Australia?

Sinisus is clear and eustachian tube not sure my ears do pop when I swallow though. Now hae fluid in my middle ear im guessing from the flight as they never popped on it.
Sinisus is clear and eustachian tube not sure my ears do pop when I swallow though. Now hae fluid in my middle ear im guessing from the flight as they never popped on it.
Yeah it's something I'm trying to figure out, when I swallow I get more of a crackling sticky sound & sometimes an itch in my right ear when I try popping it myself. I know something as little as that can have a profound effect on our ears. How is your hearing if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah it's something I'm trying to figure out, when I swallow I get more of a crackling sticky sound & sometimes an itch in my right ear when I try popping it myself. I know something as little as that can have a profound effect on our ears. How is your hearing if you don't mind me asking?
Had a hearing test Friday just gone and was fine. On top of the graph in the 20s. Hope it stays that way
Had a hearing test Friday just gone and was fine. On top of the graph in the 20s. Hope it stays that way
Yup, same as mine 20-25 across the frequencies. Was really surprised to be honest with you, I can notice a difference myself with my left being a little 'sharper' but the results said otherwise! The ENT said it might be due to the stress I've been putting on that particular ear, listening for the T.
For those of you who have Fleeting/Spontaneous Tinnitus, are your experiences similar to mine? Mine come and go as often as twice in a day to once in a day and not having another one for several weeks. It sometimes sounds like "neeeeeee" and other times like a high frequency sound. Sometimes both of these sounds are very low and sometimes loud. Happens in one ear at a time, but will happen in both ear, more often my left ear. I notice that just before the sound, my ear seems to go deaf for a second and feels full. As soon as the ring is gone, my hearing goes back to normal, but sometimes I still feel a slight fullness. One time my hearing was diminished for a few hours (right ear), I could still hear, but just not as well and that was also accompanied by fullness. I've had fleeting T all my life, but I've just noticed it seems more often now. Perhaps because I'm aging (I'm 37).

For those of you who have the hissing sound, do you find that if you're busy thinking about something else or doing something else that you don't notice it? I have found this is the case with me, but then of course, as soon as I notice that I'm not noticing it, I hear it, but as soon as I'm busy with doing something or have my mind on something, I'm right back to not noticing it. I do notice it more at night, my bedroom is very quiet, but I run a fan at night. It's worse if my ear is against the pillow, but if I lay on my back, it's not as bad. A weird thing though, a few years ago I noticed the hiss one day when I was in the washroom (it's pretty quiet in there) and thought nothing of it. I went on for years after that never noticing it again and it never was a problem. Years later, I became obsessed with my ears because of an ear infection and that is when the hissing bothered me. Not sure if this is a normal sound that my brain just tunes out, but because I focus on it, it seems to be worse now since I never really noticed it for years.

One more thing, I often hear a high-frequency sound that comes and goes several times a day. It only lasts 1 second or so, it's very faint, but I do notice it. My hearing is excellent. I have a hearing test done a few weeks ago and I'm above average. Perhaps I'm hearing these things since my hearing is so good?

Looking for positive feedback and encouragement! :)
This sounds exactly like mine. Shifting around and so on. I too became obsessed with the sound. I have good news. I tried just about everything then I started doing a technique that has helped me get rid of 98% of my T. Check out my thread Back To Silence.
This sounds exactly like mine. Shifting around and so on. I too became obsessed with the sound. I have good news. I tried just about everything then I started doing a technique that has helped me get rid of 98% of my T. Check out my thread Back To Silence.

I guess I was implementing the 40 Year Cure without realizing it lol I just can't believe I heard this hissing sound several years ago and because I didn't read into it, was able to not notice it for almost 4 years straight. I want to go back to that :)

Now if I can get the Fleeting/Spontaneous Tinnitus figured out, I should be good!
The sudden intense spikes usually in one ear,
Going along managing my T. And out of the blue spike that is so so intense. Sometimes it lowers some but does not return to baseline. Can actually feel the shift in the brain!
Anybody know what this is?
What causes fleeting tinnitus?

I've had fleeting tinnitus on and off for about 3-4 months and like most I just wait for it to pass as it only lasts about 30 seconds and occurs every few weeks anyway.

However today its occured several times and it's starting to worry me, but I'm not sure if this has any correlation to the cause but I've been in a hot stuffy room all day and have definitely felt pressure on my ears so wonder if that has any link to why it's happened frequently today?
However today its occured several times and it's starting to worry me, but I'm not sure if this has any correlation to the cause but I've been in a hot stuffy room all day and have definitely felt pressure on my ears so wonder if that has any link to why it's happened frequently today?

My tinnitus has gotten worse during the past year, and at the same time the number and frequency of fleeting tinnitus episodes have increased significantly.

Nowadays I experience them almost daily.

Unsure if there's a connection there but regardless always when it happens, the dreaded thought "what if this level stayed..." comes to mind...
Unsure if there's a connection there but regardless always when it happens, the dreaded thought "what if this level stayed..." comes to mind...
That's exactly my thoughts.. I honestly doubt id be able to cope if my T was always that loud

However I do also wish it happened at specifc times so I could mentally prepare for it but obviously it's random so when it does happen its a huge shock and I lose concentration.
During my first months i had them 6-7 times/week. Atm maybe 1-3/month, in my case there seems to be a strong connection between them and stress/anxiety. And yes they still gives me a shrill in my spine when they appear.
It happened now and then before tinnitus onset, but a few days before onset, it happened noticeably more than usual (once every few mins for like ~20-30mins), and I even said to myself that it's like a tinnitus marathon or something. Few days later.. boom, permanent tinnitus (not the save volume as fleeting tho). Same thing happened right before a spike.
Does anyone get these 10 second loud spikes ? Crap they scare the heck out of me. Having T is such a mind F*** god help us. Anyone know what those spikes are due to? Guess just worried that at some point it won't be a spike it will be permanent...
@Carlos1 , mine use to last 30-60 secs. They always knocks me out. They are more frequent if stressed or anxious. Also noticed that when my jaw is bad they occur more often. Saw that the Swedish contribution to Celtics (Jonas Jerebko) had a good start(y)
@Carlos1 , mine use to last 30-60 secs. They always knocks me out. They are more frequent if stressed or anxious. Also noticed that when my jaw is bad they occur more often. Saw that the Swedish contribution to Celtics (Jonas Jerebko) had a good start(y)
Hey nick seems to happen when I chew gum maybe it is jaw related....Yeah Jonas is a good player
This is a very normal auditory phenomenon which occurs in healthy people without tinnitus. Like, literally every person I've ever asked about this, has said it happens to them at least once in a while, and I've read a bunch of neurological explanations about what it is.

That said, it seems to me that when my tinnitus is bad, this happens more often.
This is a very normal auditory phenomenon which occurs in healthy people without tinnitus. Like, literally every person I've ever asked about this, has said it happens to them at least once in a while, and I've read a bunch of neurological explanations about what it is.

That said, it seems to me that when my tinnitus is bad, this happens more often.

Linearb I agree....when I'm having a low T day it never spikes its always when I'm having a louder then normal T day that I get these random spikes. Freaks me out
My tinnitus has gotten worse during the past year, and at the same time the number and frequency of fleeting tinnitus episodes have increased significantly.
My tinnitus has gotten much louder over the past couple of weeks, and I have experienced the same thing. All that said, "fleeting tinnitus" is not felt to have any clinical significance. It is a curiosity and nothing more.

stephen nagler
Today a little while ago all of sudden my hearing diminished in my right ear (syringed ear) and a beeeeeeeeeeee started that lasted only 2-3 seconds then went back to normal. I'm scared, does this happen normally? When it started I immediately covered my ear to make sure it was happening and it was. It happened so quickly and then went back to normal. :(

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