For those of you who have Fleeting/Spontaneous Tinnitus, are your experiences similar to mine? Mine come and go as often as twice in a day to once in a day and not having another one for several weeks. It sometimes sounds like "neeeeeee" and other times like a high frequency sound. Sometimes both of these sounds are very low and sometimes loud. Happens in one ear at a time, but will happen in both ear, more often my left ear. I notice that just before the sound, my ear seems to go deaf for a second and feels full. As soon as the ring is gone, my hearing goes back to normal, but sometimes I still feel a slight fullness. One time my hearing was diminished for a few hours (right ear), I could still hear, but just not as well and that was also accompanied by fullness. I've had fleeting T all my life, but I've just noticed it seems more often now. Perhaps because I'm aging (I'm 37).
For those of you who have the hissing sound, do you find that if you're busy thinking about something else or doing something else that you don't notice it? I have found this is the case with me, but then of course, as soon as I notice that I'm not noticing it, I hear it, but as soon as I'm busy with doing something or have my mind on something, I'm right back to not noticing it. I do notice it more at night, my bedroom is very quiet, but I run a fan at night. It's worse if my ear is against the pillow, but if I lay on my back, it's not as bad. A weird thing though, a few years ago I noticed the hiss one day when I was in the washroom (it's pretty quiet in there) and thought nothing of it. I went on for years after that never noticing it again and it never was a problem. Years later, I became obsessed with my ears because of an ear infection and that is when the hissing bothered me. Not sure if this is a normal sound that my brain just tunes out, but because I focus on it, it seems to be worse now since I never really noticed it for years.
One more thing, I often hear a high-frequency sound that comes and goes several times a day. It only lasts 1 second or so, it's very faint, but I do notice it. My hearing is excellent. I have a hearing test done a few weeks ago and I'm above average. Perhaps I'm hearing these things since my hearing is so good?
Looking for positive feedback and encouragement!