You are welcome.
The "Nobel Prize" argument was tongue-in-cheek.
And, yes, I am using the non-existence of a proper clinical study not just with present-day knowledge, but with any protocols that Wilden, et al. would have considered appropriate at any point in time period. Moreover, I freely admit that I come from it from a point of bias, have been scammed a number of times myself in my own search for tinnitus relief.
Zech, the type of rigorous study that Wilden claims is so difficult to do, so time consuming, and so costly ... is done all the time. It is the clinical research equivalent of putting one foot in front of the other. Again, it is how science is done and how progress is made. For Wilden to make the sort of claims he is making regarding LLLT and tinnitus, yet to be unwilling to back those claims up with a single reliable and verifiable study published in a juried scientific journal is not only ludicrous to me as a doctor; it is truly odious to me as a member of the human race.
stephen nagler