Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

Hello All,

I know that this thread is old and dead, but I would like to contribute my own experiences. I have read the entire thread, and I am appreciative of its information and insight. I am a 28 year old male, and a classical pianist. I have a healthy diet of organic lean meat and vegetable, and lift weights consistently.

I have played rock music and classical music every day of my life, and I listened to ear bud headphones at high volumes all throughout my youth. From 2013-2017 I had very minor tinnitus corresponding to the pitch G6 in my right ear, and my left hear had hyperacusis to pots and pans as well as other high frequencies. This was manageable, and I both played and listened to music consistently. My Audiogram showed no sign of hearing loss, but I knew that I could not hear the fullness of sound, the perception of texture was lacking in my right ear. I was not measured for very high frequencies on my audiogram. I had musicians ear molds made for my rehearsals, they sucked by the way, and I stuck with classic foam protection.

In November of 2017 I lost my balance and hit the soft area of the "Tragus" on a blunt object. My tinnitus swelled in my right ear so much that I could not listen to music without distraction. After a few days of anxiety, I read about tinnitus treatment that feeds the same pitch back in to the ear in order to break a "loop." I began playing the pitch on the piano and would experience short term alleviation, about 10 minutes to 2 hours. I decided to listen to a sound bite of 1597.98 hz (G6). I listened to the raw pitch for 20-30 minutes at medium/high volume (same volume I always listen to music at). Afterwards I felt like I had been to a rock concert, I had violent vibration in my left ear (the ear effected with hyperacusis) throughout the 20-30 minutes. The induced high ringing in my ears never stopped. I had intense swelling, so much that I went to Apppalachia and had some swelling relieved from the pressure change. I couldn't hear the gravel under my feet at the worst of it, and running water hurt my ears. On the bright side, my tinnitus was relieved, lol. It was then that I began to do research and read this forum.

I didn't even bother to go back to the ENT. There is nothing they can do for me, and in my experience they only know the anatomy of the ear, not the audible aspects. I have felt that as a high calibre musician, I was the one who better understood the ear in conversation with the average ENT. I could tell that I had minimal hearing loss in my right ear, and intense swelling and irritability throughout my ears.

I gathered that I was a prime candidate for LLLT after reading this forum. I was very close to my time of injury, and my main issue was Hyperacusis. I contacted both Dr. Wilden and Anne Harila, as well as my trusted Chiropractor who administers laser treatment all in early January of 2018. Also at this time I began wearing shogun ear muff protection throughout the day. I decided to wear them around most everything loud, and to try to take them off in order to stimulate the ears some around soft sounds. NO MUSIC AT ALL, I found that the frequencies of the piano are so broad, and that the overtones and ambient aspects of the pitch greatly accentuated my swelling. Being outside in the winter cold actually alleviated some of my swelling.

In early January, Dr. Wilden suggested that I get his laser (of course), but he wanted me to wait for the release of his new laser model with 50 mW diodes. I like the idea of the new laser, he told me it would be available in two weeks, and at a lower price. He told me that I had "classical inner ear exhaustion," and that his laser could rectify this for me. He wanted me to deposit money in to his business bank account. This is super sketchy, and the only reason I didn't refute this is because all who have posted about his say that he keeps his word and delivers the product.

I also spoke to Anne, she was not so kind until I told her my age and occupation, and then the empathy light turned right on. She told me that laser therapy should take care of the hyperacusis no problem, and that I might want to buy something cheaper than Dr. Wilden's laser so that I don't hurt my pocket, and maybe could resell it after I am cured. She recommended the Konftec laser, and said that a new model had been released that gives you two high powered frequencies. I asked about the Lucky Laser, she expressed difficulty getting that to the US, and said that she advised against it. She offered to oversee my treatment for free, and to just order the laser. I should add that Anne also spoke highly of both Wilden and Wilden's son. She hoped the best for both of their practices, and said that Wilden had referred patients to her before because it was geographically more practical. It's funny, because when I spoke to Wilden, he wouldn't discuss any other doctor or treatment.

I spoke to the chiropractor who was very skeptical of this treatment. However, when I told him about the ideas behind it, and the specific frequencies and light spectrum involved, he liked the idea. He told me that in his experience very specific frequencies help to heal nerves, or heart tissue. To him it sounded like there was merit in this treatment.

Ultimately, I did opt to go with Dr. Wilden, but for a couple of reasons: In reading about the Konftec, I have not read about anyone who has had positive results. Also, I have read about difficulties with the ear buds and placing them in your ears, and getting the laser to shine in the right direction. Lastly, the beam is much thinner than Wilden's, and I want to be sure that all area is being touched by the laser. I read that Wilden's laser projects a tennis ball circumference, and that makes me feel much more comfortable that my cells are being properly stimulated. I will say that I spoke to the Konftec people in China, they were kind, english was difficult. They did try to accommodate me with a rush order laser, a custom shipping time that is not offered on their website.

So now began the troubles with Wilden. Wilden is a good man, and a man of empathy, and he is also a conspiracy theorist. I do believe in the lobbying issues with our political system. I do believe that "Big Pharma" manipulates society and treatment protocol. I do believe that many people are closed minded when it comes to alternative treatment, however, I also believe in science. I corresponded with Wilden a whole lot by mostly telephone, and then some email. He answered the phone every single time I called him, which was almost every other day from Late January to early March, all hours of the day. Skeptical of him, I checked up on the things that he told me. He was working in Germany, but he said that the industry was scrutinizing him and bullying him, and the cost of living was too high. He moved his practice and family to Spain. He was working in an office there for awhile, but he very recently moved to a smaller office and home. He is having financial problems, and he seems to have very young children in his old age. He says that he is not doing well financially right now because "no one believes in the laser." I checked out his Facebook, he had moved, and had pictures of his kids. Wilden is a kind and trustworthy man, but he has a bit of a weasel about him in regards to his negotiating and logistics.

Wilden strung me along from January to March telling me that his new laser would be ready in one week. I wanted to get his old model laser to begin treatment immediately, he agreed but would not give me a clearance price because he needed the sales from the old laser to promote the new model. I agreed and attempted a bank transfer 5 times. He told me no one else has an issue, they wanted the "Swift number" swift number was too many digits, tried a second account number. It was a mess. I finally pushed him hard enough to get a paypal, and calculated the percentage taken by Paypal for the transfer. Now, your welcome everyone, he's less of a scam, he has Paypal on his website. Much less sketchy shit. Today, March 3, 2018, I finally made my paypal payment.

I plan to inform everyone of my progress with the latest Dr. Wilden laser model. I should be the first customer to use it. He told me that his manufacturer hand makes the lasers in Germany. His new laser has updated parts, and is somewhat cheaper for him to make, so there is a small price reduction. His website was just updated. I will not be getting an audriogram. Due to the complications with my ears, I have not been teaching piano. I dona' have no money. I just blew it all on this laser. Also, I feel that my subjective analysis of everything is good enough for me, I know it may not be good enough for you; and I apologize. US health healthcare sucks for many of us. Also, I most likely will pass the audiogram with flying colors like I did last time, so that really won't help you guys. My hearing of volume is fine, it's the irritability, pain, and swelling that are the issues.

I would like to add something less related. I have been having some nerve issues, I may have a viral infection of my nervous system. I began taking "Cordyceps" in order to holistically combat this. The Cordyceps are "adaptogens;" they increase bloodflow, are antivirals, and are definitely aphrodisiacs. I serendipitously noticed much quicker and more consistent healing of my ears when I began taking these. I have been living for the fleeting tinnitus I get when I have a "reset" of my ears (which doctor wilden says are signs of healing), and I didn't have on of these for over a month. When I began the powdered Cordyceps, I had fleeting tinnitus and increased hearing quality with each reset, less swelling in both ears, all within two days of starting. I was doing very high amounts, 4 tablespoons 3 times a day. It is stupid high, and I had awful stomach issues. I dropped to 3 tablespoons once a day, and I still notice healing, but much slower. Also my dick gets sooo hard, and my reproductive health seems great (better stimulated nerves, stronger erections, and my prostate is much stronger which gives stronger urine flow). Cordyceps combined with ear protection have helped me. I hope the laser heals me completely. Cordyceps are kind of expensive, I'm taking "Myriad Mycology, Cordyceps Sinensis." 50 bucks a pound. I think that if you have any symptoms similar to me, you should at least try it. It made me able to hear the wind in the trees again by taking my swelling down.

A couple other things that subtly helped me were garlic and exercise. The garlic I chewed and sucked raw cloves, sucked the allicin out of it, spit out the cloves, and swished and swallowed water. I had such an increase of blood flow, I could feel it intensely in my ears. This reduced my swelling and I feel it encouraged some minor healing.. It burned the mess out of my mouth though. I was doing like half a bulb a day of raw organic garlic. My skin was literally pealing in my mouth. The weightlifting again helped with bloodflow, I could tell the pressure and swelling subtly decreasing.

I know this is long winded, I hope that it is not too convoluted. I appreciate all who have posted valuable information here, and I hope that my input helps others in some way. I will post my progress with my new laser model when it arrives. I really hope that I get some fleeting tinnitus within my first couple of treatment sessions or I will be discouraged.

Take care everyone,


very interesting , thanks for taking the time to write this.

I too had some conversations with Anne at first, she was somewhat helpful but she is too much of a "laser guru" in the sense that she thinks laser have some special powers... which they don't.

I also bought the lucky laser, a very nice and solid unit for the price but.. here is the BUT you can get a far more powerful light source using LED in infrared ranges... at a fraction of this I mean under 100 usd all items included

for human photo biomodulation, lasers are dead - LED are for more powerful for a very minimal price and safe by nature, no need for expensive lenses to de-focus the beam etc..

watch this video this gives more info from a Harward professor who has nothing to sell in his agenda

Hi All,

It has been a very long time since I lasted posted on this thread. To bring you up to date: In September of 2015, I lost some hearing due to music noise exposure. After trying some steroids suggested by the ENT and not having much success, I went online and found this forum and Dr. Wilden. I've been using Dr. Wilden's laser (2) times each day for (30 min.) sessions (10 days on and 2 days off) since 10/3/16. So far, I've clocked in 425 laser days! I had a few audiograms performed during the first year. I'll post them again, when I get the next one. Thus far, there hasn't been any significant hearing increase to boast about. My tinnitus feels less but I never really had it that bad to begin with. I plan to have another audiogram soon, to check on my progress. I'm still going to stick with my initial 2 year trial plan. I think that is long enough to determine if this laser is right for me. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

P.S. It was sketchy paying for the laser via a bank wire transfer but Dr. Wilden was a man of his word and all went well with that.
Hello everyone,

I finally received my laser today, March 12, 2018. I would update you on my experience.

The laser came with two ear buds, a usb, a european wall charger, and the big "power pack." The ear buds don't readily fit in the ears. Everyone's ear canal is different, and I found that I definitely had to experiment with adjusting the placement; ultimately I am wearing them turned upside down. I found that this was the best angle for my ear canal. The ear bud's wires have a thick, heavy, and rectangular component attached to the middle of the wire. Since it is heavy, I tuck the component in the collar of my shirt as not to weigh down the positioning of the ear buds. The laser beam is very wide, definitely wider than a tennis ball on this newer model. I purchased Wilden's laser because I knew there would be difficulty with the angle of the beam; I wanted to ensure a wide area of coverage.

The USB comes loaded with directions on it for usage, and it also holds redundant documents from Wilden's website. Unfortunately, none of the directions are in English, but the laser is self-explanatory. Push the "on" button once for power, press and hold the same button to turn the laser off.

I have just completed my first treatment session, and I did notice some activity at the very high frequencies. The activity is very subtle, and if I was not in a silent area, and did not possess a keen ear, I'm not sure that I would have noticed anything. I experienced small changes in the volume of my ringing, and general activity of the same high frequency receptors, especially in my more damaged ear. I do admit, the stimulated activity is less than I had hoped for. And if the same amount of stimulated activity were to continue every treatment session, I would estimate that it would take 6 months to 1 year for me to experience major changes.

I am not by any means a doctor, but in my opinion, it seems that more power would be beneficial, and that someone who has just had an injury should seek out laser treatment immediately. I would go for the clinical treatment if it is available to you. This home laser seems like it is going to be a very long process for me, and my ears are not nearly as bad as most people on this site. I think that triple to quadruple my power of 50 mW would be ideal, and I cannot believe that the older Wilden model was only 30 mW, (may have been 35 mW, can't remember).

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been able to develop a relationship with my ears over the past few weeks while using noise protection and taking Cordyceps. I would like to comment again on the Cordyceps; I experienced the same ear activity with the laser that I experienced with the Cordyceps, except the activity that I experienced with the Cordyceps was double to triple that of the laser when I first began dosing. The ringing pitch of my higher frequencies has bent upward, and the ringing is completely out of the human ear's range of perception, and this all occurred before my laser even arrived. I am still taking them, and will continue to throughout my treatment. I am back up to 2-3 dosages a day of 3-4 tablespoons. I would highly recommend that anyone who has just experienced an ear injury at least try this supplement. My hyperacusis is a little less, but definitely still there. Mind you, all the changes with the Cordyceps occurred within 2-3 weeks. Also my bad ear that has minor hearing loss, it is much closer to being an equal again to my good ear. It still lags, but it is less noticeable when I don't focus on it.

I think that this is all that I have to contribute for now. It has been 5 months since my initial injury, I hope that it has not been too long, and that my ears are still able to heal.

I hope that my experiences help someone who is perusing this thread with anxiety, just as I was.

Take care everyone,

I see that I made a typo in my previous post. In regards to the Cordyceps, my ringing is "almost* completely out of the human ear's range of perception."

I would like to take the opportunity of this correction to describe to you the sounds that I experience, and how the Cordyceps and laser effect them. The ringing that I experience, which was induced by noise trauma, has been a high pitched, almost whining or whistling sound, similar to that of a whole lab of computer desktops. For months this sound was somewhat stagnant, and was consistently a straight tone, or a flat pitch. When I began taking the Cordyceps it became more of an active frequency, almost like the pitch was more resonant, or it possessed an aspect of subtle vibrato. It was simply evident that there was some sort of stimulated activity, and that this was a positive change. The laser's effects are very much comparable, and these effects of the laser seem to persist after the treatment session is completed. The ears feel "wired" with stimulation.

Dr. Wilden talks a lot about "understanding your ears," or "developing a relationship with your highly intelligent, biological organ," and I do agree with him on this. If one is attentive, it is clear what the ears enjoy, and toward what they feel an aversion.

I'm not sure how many people are reading this thread, but I'm going to continue posting here.

It has been about a week since I began my treatment with Dr. Wilden's new 50 mW laser. I have had some changes in the pitch of my tinnitus. My hyperacusis lessened a little; light switches don't hurt quite as much to flick. I can tell that in the morning my ears are stronger than in the evening; the ears seem to fatigue throughout the day.

I would like to comment that today, Sunday March 18, 2018, I have had the best day for my ears so far. The pitch is the wispiest tambour that it has been, it is becoming more of a thin hiss, and the pitch is very hard to hear if I am not in silence; also my ears took longer to fatigue from noise today. I attribute this to an experiment that I did last night. For the past few days I felt like I hit a wall in my treatment, I was playing with the laser and trying to see if it could shine through my hand. I noticed that when I pushed hard enough, and cupped my palms right, the light appeared like rudolph's nose on the other side of my hand. So I manually pressed and held the lasers further in my ear canal, and I began to hear new sounds of activity in my tinnitus. After about an hour, the new sounds just suddenly stopped. Today, I have better hearing… I have decided that I think I need more power, so I am going to begin checking out Chiropractic clinics that offer laser treatment and see if I can get someone to treat my ears with the laser. My only concern is that I'm not sure if their lasers use infrared along with visual spectrum light as Dr. Wilden's laser does. Perhaps someone is more knowledgable on this than I am and could comment.

As far as a treatment regiment, Dr. Wilden advised me to do a 10 minutes session three times daily, morning, noon, and evening. I emailed him and told him that I felt that I needed more laser, and asked if 40 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the evening would be viable? He told me to listen to my ears, and don't anxiously use the laser to hasten the healing process; he said to be patient. I felt like the ears needed some time to build up the audible activity, so I wanted to use the laser longer. Honestly, I have not been doing much of a scheduled regiment. I use the laser anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours a session. I definitely use the laser as soon as I wake up, and right before bed, but also sometimes in-between. When I feel like I cannot get anymore activity in the ears, I stop the laser. After the session, when the persisting activity normalizes, I use the laser again. My logic was that the clinical grade laser uses an 800 mW laser for an hour to 2 hours a session, for an entire week. My dinky little 50mW laser couldn't possibly do any wrong as long as I don't sleep with the laser in. Any thoughts on this?

Speaking of lasers and power, I reread Hani Cross' "Progress Records." I thought that it was worth mentioning that he spoke of the Konftec laser in comparison to Wilden's 30 mW laser. He said that the Konftec, which I believe was still 90 mW back then, did not do as well for him as Wilden's 30 mW laser. I attribute this to the coverage circumference that Wilden's laser provides. The Konftec must simply be too thin of a laser to be accurate with. Reading this gave me confidence in my own decision to purchase Wilden's laser.

A couple of offhanded things to report:
I began wearing silicone, jelly like ear plugs in the shower. I could tell that my ears were tired from all of the strong frequencies of the high water pressure, and that I felt like I needed ear protection as soon as I exited the shower so that the ears could rest. I think that this change may have helped me slightly, the ears seem to get less irritated, but they do still don't like the high water pressure reverberating on my skull.

In regards to Wilden's laser, I accidentally smudged something on the lens. I still haven't been able to completely get it off. I tried paper, cloth, fingernails as a squeegee, I don't know what is going on. It is mostly gone, but when you look at the projections of the laser on the wall, one is about 5% brighter than the other. There is some obstruction. Be very careful with the lenses, don't touch them at all.

Cordyceps, I feel like I have hit a wall with the cordyceps. I am going to continue taking them anyway. I began taking the strain "Militaris," which is a more effective antiviral. Ultimately, I feel like the "Cordyceps Sinensis" has been better for my ears.

Lastly, I did try handstands for two days, lol. I thought maybe I could get some bloodflow better to the ears, and see if this expedited any healing. I will say that it did feel good on the ears, but I didn't stick with it, maybe I'll try it again.

I hope everyone is well, take care,

I have decided that I think I need more power, so I am going to begin checking out Chiropractic clinics that offer laser treatment and see if I can get someone to treat my ears with the laser. My only concern is that I'm not sure if their lasers use infrared along with visual spectrum light as Dr. Wilden's laser does. Perhaps someone is more knowledgable on this than I am and could comment.


It is easy to find chiropractors in the United States that use the Lumomed laser that Dr. Wilden's son Amon Kaiser uses with his inner ear disorder patients in Germany. I do not know if the in-clinic laser used by his son is similar in terms of visual spectrum light to the in-clinic laser used by Dr. Wilden in Spain. I imagine that if you asked Dr. Wilden he would know.

See this post for details.

Do you have any idea what Wilden and the other industry leaders charge for laser treatment in the clinic? The only chiropractor in my area with the M6 MLS charges $55 for 10 minutes. It would cost close to 5K for me to do the treatment duration that Dr. Wilden does in Spain.


I do not know. I think some people on Tinnitus Talk in the past may have posted the cost of treatment in Wilden's clinic, but I do not recall the amounts.

Michael Zazzio in Sweden does publish the cost of his LLLT treatment for inner ear disorders on his website, so that is one possible point of reference.

Has anyone tried the vielight or the Bioquant devices (both mentioned by Dr Mark Sircus on his webpage). What results did you have, especially anyone using the headpiece version of the vielight which comes in alpha or gamma frequencies.
Hello All,

Here is my latest installment of my laser diaries:

It has now been 12 days since I began my laser treatment with Dr. Wilden's new 50 mW and 650 nanometer home laser. I can say without a doubt that I am a believer in the regenerative capabilities of laser treatment. Whether or not I will be healed entirely is difficult to say, but I can say I am at minimum 50% better than when I started treatment only 12 days ago, and that I am continuing to experience healing.

My tinnitus, which is not my main issue (hyperacusis), is almost completely gone. The pitch of the tinnitus has changed to a wispy and thin sound; presently I have been experiencing crickets or the tambour of summer cicadas. The pitch of the tinnitus is difficult to discern because it is so high.

I found a hertz frequency generator online, and I was able to pinpoint that my tinnitus is at around 17,500 hertz. Before I began Cordyceps and then laser treatment, I would estimate that my tinnitus was at around 9,000 hertz. As I understand, the human ear can only perceive up to 20,000 hertz. While playing with the frequency generator, I could barely hear 18,000 hertz at all; mind you, I was using poor quality laptop speakers. My assumption is that if my tinnitus' pitch goes any higher, I should be cured of it. I could not hear the frequency of 20,000 hertz at all, does this mean that I have hearing loss in that area? Even before my acoustic trauma, I wonder if I was ever able to hear 20,000 hertz. I do not feel like I have any hearing loss now, though I did before I began laser treatment.

I used to feel like I had an empty hole in certain aspects of my hearing. It was almost like my hearing was a circle, and the circumference of my hearing had shrunk in to a smaller circle, leaving the once utilized areas barren. The aspects of my hearing that I felt I had lost corresponded with the texture and fullness of sound. When I began the laser, these empty areas had the sensation of slowly filling in, and felt like a dull fullness instead of emptiness, and they slowly became online and then could hear frequency again.

My hyperacusis is definitely ever present, but my ears are becoming more able to withstand some sound throughout the day, and the hyperacusis is subtly lessening. It is beginning to become difficult to assess my healing, as I have been gauging it by analyzing the changes in my tinnitus. As the tinnitus diminishes, I am only going to be able to asses my hyperacusis, and the duration/intensity of volume that I can withstand sound.

My laser regiment has pretty much been plainly all of the time, probably anywhere from 3-5 hours a day, and 30 minutes-2.5 hours a session. I am finding that my ears crave the laser like a drug when I wake up in the morning. I haven't read of anyone using this much laser, and maybe that's why I'm making such improvements in such a small timespan, and with such a low powered device. I don't feel any negative ramification of this practice. I rest in intervals; I find that even a half hour of rest can revitalize the healing process before I begin another treatment session. The ears appreciate rest, but not too much of it. After 3 hours of rest, my ears definitely crave the laser. After treatment I experience audible activity in my ears, and I have a sense of clarity in my hearing as well.

I was reading about the positive and negative possibilities of the Valsalva Maneuver, and I decided to try it. I had done it plenty when I was first injured, but not in at least 4 months. I executed the Valsalva Maneuver two times gently, and I felt an odd sensation in my more damaged ear. Almost immediately, the pitch of my tinnitus split in half. The upper half stayed, but the bottom half disappeared, and I was very anxious when this happened. Within an hour and a half, I felt an emptiness in that ear, then a fullness, then my hearing became tinny to perceive. I think that some pressure shifted in my ear which was left over from the profound swelling of my trauma; I'm not sure why that would effect my tinnitus though. I think that some damaged cells came online in my ears, hence the perceiving sound like I'm in a tin can. I have experienced tinny hearing a few times during my healing process, and it seems to be when I make a new level of improvement. I think that the cells are just weak and can barely perceive the sound. They are also delicate and prone to reinjury at this time, so ear protection is essential for a couple of days. Regardless, this seemed to be a good thing for me, and the tinny hearing diminished within 24 hours.

I have been wondering if the Cordycep mushrooms are still doing anything. Recently I was using the laser and felt like there were minimal positive effects; after I took my Cordyceps, the healing kicked right in. I like to think that this is not a coincidence, and that the supplement is absolutely contributing to my healing process.

I have an interesting side-anecdote to share: I put in a pair of earbuds other than my laser buds for the first time in awhile, and I felt like I had a slight change in the audible activity of my ears, almost like my brain was anticipating the headphones to emit laser. I am wondering if this could be like how if you have done a lot of coke, and then you see someone do a line of blow on TV, you can get a dopamine response from simply considering doing blow. Any thoughts on this? lol

I have some updates about the laser device itself:

I have found that there is quite the power store in this power pack. I would say that there is at minimum of 10 hours of power time, and it is probably closer to a 15-20 hour reservoir. I did not charge the power pack for 5 days, until it conked out on me. Also, there are 4 blue LED lights on the top of the power pack; each time the device is turned on, the number of illuminated solid lights corresponds to the amount of power remaining in the power reservoir. After my power pack died, I tried to plugging in the device in order to charge and treat my ears simultaneously. It turns out that you cannot charge and use the device at the same time.

The small rectangular facets of the laser's headphone chords tend to get hot. They don't get too hot, but they get hot enough to maybe singe a delicate fabric like a silk tie. I would be mindful of this, but it definitely would not burn my skin. Maybe someone with sensitive skin would be concerned, but I have not had any issues.

Lastly, I would like to bring attention to the lasers themselves. I held down the "off" button and took the lasers out of my ears, but the laser did not power off. I accidentally shined the laser light point blank in my eye for one second and then experienced some irritation. Now, when I take the lasers out, I always close my eyes and point the lasers at the wall in front of me. I would suggest a similar precaution to others as well.

I have made inquiries in to clinical laser treatment, though I have not solidified a treatment plan, cost, or an office visit. I will let everyone know if/when I do.

I believe this is all I have to report for now, I wish everyone well,

Take care,

Hello All,

I know that this thread is old and dead, but I would like to contribute my own experiences. I have read the entire thread, and I am appreciative of its information and insight. I am a 28 year old male, and a classical pianist. I have a healthy diet of organic lean meat and vegetable, and lift weights consistently.

I have played rock music and classical music every day of my life, and I listened to ear bud headphones at high volumes all throughout my youth. From 2013-2017 I had very minor tinnitus corresponding to the pitch G6 in my right ear, and my left hear had hyperacusis to pots and pans as well as other high frequencies. This was manageable, and I both played and listened to music consistently. My Audiogram showed no sign of hearing loss, but I knew that I could not hear the fullness of sound, the perception of texture was lacking in my right ear. I was not measured for very high frequencies on my audiogram. I had musicians ear molds made for my rehearsals, they sucked by the way, and I stuck with classic foam protection.

In November of 2017 I lost my balance and hit the soft area of the "Tragus" on a blunt object. My tinnitus swelled in my right ear so much that I could not listen to music without distraction. After a few days of anxiety, I read about tinnitus treatment that feeds the same pitch back in to the ear in order to break a "loop." I began playing the pitch on the piano and would experience short term alleviation, about 10 minutes to 2 hours. I decided to listen to a sound bite of 1597.98 hz (G6). I listened to the raw pitch for 20-30 minutes at medium/high volume (same volume I always listen to music at). Afterwards I felt like I had been to a rock concert, I had violent vibration in my left ear (the ear effected with hyperacusis) throughout the 20-30 minutes. The induced high ringing in my ears never stopped. I had intense swelling, so much that I went to Apppalachia and had some swelling relieved from the pressure change. I couldn't hear the gravel under my feet at the worst of it, and running water hurt my ears. On the bright side, my tinnitus was relieved, lol. It was then that I began to do research and read this forum.

I didn't even bother to go back to the ENT. There is nothing they can do for me, and in my experience they only know the anatomy of the ear, not the audible aspects. I have felt that as a high calibre musician, I was the one who better understood the ear in conversation with the average ENT. I could tell that I had minimal hearing loss in my right ear, and intense swelling and irritability throughout my ears.

I gathered that I was a prime candidate for LLLT after reading this forum. I was very close to my time of injury, and my main issue was Hyperacusis. I contacted both Dr. Wilden and Anne Harila, as well as my trusted Chiropractor who administers laser treatment all in early January of 2018. Also at this time I began wearing shogun ear muff protection throughout the day. I decided to wear them around most everything loud, and to try to take them off in order to stimulate the ears some around soft sounds. NO MUSIC AT ALL, I found that the frequencies of the piano are so broad, and that the overtones and ambient aspects of the pitch greatly accentuated my swelling. Being outside in the winter cold actually alleviated some of my swelling.

In early January, Dr. Wilden suggested that I get his laser (of course), but he wanted me to wait for the release of his new laser model with 50 mW diodes. I like the idea of the new laser, he told me it would be available in two weeks, and at a lower price. He told me that I had "classical inner ear exhaustion," and that his laser could rectify this for me. He wanted me to deposit money in to his business bank account. This is super sketchy, and the only reason I didn't refute this is because all who have posted about his say that he keeps his word and delivers the product.

I also spoke to Anne, she was not so kind until I told her my age and occupation, and then the empathy light turned right on. She told me that laser therapy should take care of the hyperacusis no problem, and that I might want to buy something cheaper than Dr. Wilden's laser so that I don't hurt my pocket, and maybe could resell it after I am cured. She recommended the Konftec laser, and said that a new model had been released that gives you two high powered frequencies. I asked about the Lucky Laser, she expressed difficulty getting that to the US, and said that she advised against it. She offered to oversee my treatment for free, and to just order the laser. I should add that Anne also spoke highly of both Wilden and Wilden's son. She hoped the best for both of their practices, and said that Wilden had referred patients to her before because it was geographically more practical. It's funny, because when I spoke to Wilden, he wouldn't discuss any other doctor or treatment.

I spoke to the chiropractor who was very skeptical of this treatment. However, when I told him about the ideas behind it, and the specific frequencies and light spectrum involved, he liked the idea. He told me that in his experience very specific frequencies help to heal nerves, or heart tissue. To him it sounded like there was merit in this treatment.

Ultimately, I did opt to go with Dr. Wilden, but for a couple of reasons: In reading about the Konftec, I have not read about anyone who has had positive results. Also, I have read about difficulties with the ear buds and placing them in your ears, and getting the laser to shine in the right direction. Lastly, the beam is much thinner than Wilden's, and I want to be sure that all area is being touched by the laser. I read that Wilden's laser projects a tennis ball circumference, and that makes me feel much more comfortable that my cells are being properly stimulated. I will say that I spoke to the Konftec people in China, they were kind, english was difficult. They did try to accommodate me with a rush order laser, a custom shipping time that is not offered on their website.

So now began the troubles with Wilden. Wilden is a good man, and a man of empathy, and he is also a conspiracy theorist. I do believe in the lobbying issues with our political system. I do believe that "Big Pharma" manipulates society and treatment protocol. I do believe that many people are closed minded when it comes to alternative treatment, however, I also believe in science. I corresponded with Wilden a whole lot by mostly telephone, and then some email. He answered the phone every single time I called him, which was almost every other day from Late January to early March, all hours of the day. Skeptical of him, I checked up on the things that he told me. He was working in Germany, but he said that the industry was scrutinizing him and bullying him, and the cost of living was too high. He moved his practice and family to Spain. He was working in an office there for awhile, but he very recently moved to a smaller office and home. He is having financial problems, and he seems to have very young children in his old age. He says that he is not doing well financially right now because "no one believes in the laser." I checked out his Facebook, he had moved, and had pictures of his kids. Wilden is a kind and trustworthy man, but he has a bit of a weasel about him in regards to his negotiating and logistics.

Wilden strung me along from January to March telling me that his new laser would be ready in one week. I wanted to get his old model laser to begin treatment immediately, he agreed but would not give me a clearance price because he needed the sales from the old laser to promote the new model. I agreed and attempted a bank transfer 5 times. He told me no one else has an issue, they wanted the "Swift number" swift number was too many digits, tried a second account number. It was a mess. I finally pushed him hard enough to get a paypal, and calculated the percentage taken by Paypal for the transfer. Now, your welcome everyone, he's less of a scam, he has Paypal on his website. Much less sketchy shit. Today, March 3, 2018, I finally made my paypal payment.

I plan to inform everyone of my progress with the latest Dr. Wilden laser model. I should be the first customer to use it. He told me that his manufacturer hand makes the lasers in Germany. His new laser has updated parts, and is somewhat cheaper for him to make, so there is a small price reduction. His website was just updated. I will not be getting an audriogram. Due to the complications with my ears, I have not been teaching piano. I dona' have no money. I just blew it all on this laser. Also, I feel that my subjective analysis of everything is good enough for me, I know it may not be good enough for you; and I apologize. US health healthcare sucks for many of us. Also, I most likely will pass the audiogram with flying colors like I did last time, so that really won't help you guys. My hearing of volume is fine, it's the irritability, pain, and swelling that are the issues.

I would like to add something less related. I have been having some nerve issues, I may have a viral infection of my nervous system. I began taking "Cordyceps" in order to holistically combat this. The Cordyceps are "adaptogens;" they increase bloodflow, are antivirals, and are definitely aphrodisiacs. I serendipitously noticed much quicker and more consistent healing of my ears when I began taking these. I have been living for the fleeting tinnitus I get when I have a "reset" of my ears (which doctor wilden says are signs of healing), and I didn't have on of these for over a month. When I began the powdered Cordyceps, I had fleeting tinnitus and increased hearing quality with each reset, less swelling in both ears, all within two days of starting. I was doing very high amounts, 4 tablespoons 3 times a day. It is stupid high, and I had awful stomach issues. I dropped to 3 tablespoons once a day, and I still notice healing, but much slower. Also my dick gets sooo hard, and my reproductive health seems great (better stimulated nerves, stronger erections, and my prostate is much stronger which gives stronger urine flow). Cordyceps combined with ear protection have helped me. I hope the laser heals me completely. Cordyceps are kind of expensive, I'm taking "Myriad Mycology, Cordyceps Sinensis." 50 bucks a pound. I think that if you have any symptoms similar to me, you should at least try it. It made me able to hear the wind in the trees again by taking my swelling down.

A couple other things that subtly helped me were garlic and exercise. The garlic I chewed and sucked raw cloves, sucked the allicin out of it, spit out the cloves, and swished and swallowed water. I had such an increase of blood flow, I could feel it intensely in my ears. This reduced my swelling and I feel it encouraged some minor healing.. It burned the mess out of my mouth though. I was doing like half a bulb a day of raw organic garlic. My skin was literally pealing in my mouth. The weightlifting again helped with bloodflow, I could tell the pressure and swelling subtly decreasing.

I know this is long winded, I hope that it is not too convoluted. I appreciate all who have posted valuable information here, and I hope that my input helps others in some way. I will post my progress with my new laser model when it arrives. I really hope that I get some fleeting tinnitus within my first couple of treatment sessions or I will be discouraged.

Take care everyone,


Hey dude, you still using Wilden's Laser? Let us know how it's going...

If your interested in selling I might be in the market.
Sorry for the silence.

I had a large recession in my progress. I listened to music at a high volume without ear protection. I was behind a barrier, the music was in the garage, I was on the other side of the house on the porch. I was doing okay, my ears got fatigued. Later, I spoke on the phone for half an hour, I experienced swelling, discomfort, my ringing at the highest frequencies abruptly stopped, and were replaced by both silence, and loss of my detailed hearing. My ears did not respond to the laser in these areas of frequency after my incident. I am still getting a response, but it is about half or more like 1/3 of what it initially was.

I am looking in to many other hearing options now. I am heavily researching Stem Cell, supplements, clinical LLLT, and Ozone therapy. I am attempting to act as quickly as possible, as I feel that my window of opportunity for healing is closing. Even with Stem Cell, I recently read that scar tissue, circulation, and timeline are very relevant, as I have been theorizing.

I have lost faith in Dr. Wilden as a practitioner. I feel that his merit is in the fact that he has fought against the corrupt mainstream industry, if I'm not mistaken, this began even before the millennium. He has been persistent in his determination to stay alive in this business. He developed laser for the ears, found out which frequencies worked best, and helped to pioneer a small alternative industry. As far as his ability as a practitioner, he has a "silver bullet." "You have Meniere's Disease? Use my laser. You have hearing loss? Use my laser. You have Hyperacusis or Tinnitus? Use my laser." I feel that there is more efficacy in Anne Harila's technique of different lasers, frequencies, and power strengths. She may be less familiar with the ears, but surely different frequency receptors of the ears must respond better to different frequencies of light. I am going to go to a Chiropractor in order to use an M6 MLS laser, just to see if I get a response. If the response is good enough with clinical strength, I should know within 10 minutes, and I may seek out a specialized LLLT clinic.

Dr. Wilden has emailed me and told me that I no longer have Hyperacusis, and that my ears are "racehorses eating oats." I should no longer wear ear protection or use laser for some time. I disagree completely, and I told him that I very recently reinjured. Also, upon experiencing transaction complications with PayPal, we had agreed for him to refund some money to my account, first 200 Euros, then 150 Euros, and now he wants to give only 50 because of Pay Pal fees. I am considering just forgetting about the money.

I am confident that I have nerve damage in both ears. I receive twitching along with my ear sensitivity. I hope that LLLT with a wide circumference laser will help this. I can tell you that the home laser has not helped this at all.

At this point in my knowledge of the ears, I am very upset that western medicine would not educate me, and I have had to figure all of this out over the course of 6 months.

My advice to anyone with a recent injury of the ears due to noise exposure:

If your symptoms persist over 1 and 1/2 weeks, immediately seek out clinical LLLT. Do it for multiple sessions. Wear ear protection habitually. Take Cordyceps Sinesis and see dosages and brand in my previous posts. Take Nicotinamide Roboside in order to prevent further hearing loss. Get a rectal ozone machine, and utilize this twice a day in order to promote quality cell replication. If I had just had the home laser within the first week of my damage and not month 5, I am confident I would have made a full recovery. If I had done clinical, without a doubt. And if you need the big guns, and you can find the money, and get Stem Cell treatment at the 6 month mark, and absolutely by before the year. Hopefully I can add to this one day, and maybe some senior members of this thread could improve on my advice, but please just get the clinical LLLT as soon as possible and take the Cordyceps Sinesis.

I will most likely go silent on this thread. I will reply if I get any progress with any other methods. I will have my Ozone machine in a week, and hopefully will have tried clinical LLLT within the same time span. I am miserable and distraught, and trying my best to stay positive and hopeful that I can beat this condition.

If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to PM me.

I hope that this info has been helpful to readers, and I wish everyone well,


@oolongmonkey, I am not ready to sell my laser yet, but I may be willing in the months to follow.
@humptydumpty69 am sorry for you feeling miserable. I wish you lots of strength! It helped telling myself the ringing is 'the sound of silence' and there will be light at the end of the tunnel as am on my way to finding a solution..

Currently am under treatment by dr W. in Ibiza and I am skeptical for this (overpriced) therapy. Also i relate to the silver bullet you refer to.... I will have to decide soon whether to purchase the pricey laser. He said I would fully cure after 14 treatments (2800 EURS) as my hearing loss is very minimum and I should purchase the device for family members.
My scepsis is due to some things I noticed from my visits to him. Partly would be indiscrete of me to share here but what I can say my real doubt began when I asked questions about the specs. of the home laser and he responded with his same mantra about the research and the medical industry fraud. When I politely directed him to just answer my question he responded even more odd. I'm willing to spend whatever to cure my ears, I just don't like to be scammed. Am at a loss now whether or not to purchase this pricey device. Please advice me.

An acquaintance suffered unbearable tinnitus after the airbag exploded due to a car accident. He sought multiple ozon treatments (in a cabin) in a clinic in Belgium and fully cured. The reason i didnt seek ozon treatment is because it's said to only help after and immediate trauma. I think it's safe to say some treatments work for some people. Perhaps this will be my next treatment after this one.

Another 'cure' much used in Germany is a blood infusion therapy. It's said it only works within 3 months max after trauma but others stated it works also after years.

Hold on there. We are in this together. We must believe there will be a cure. In 2017 a 5 year research was commenced among European and international research institutions. Am hopeful...
I must also add that I stopped drinking coffee a week ago. My withdrawal effects are tiredness and memory loss. I asked Dr. W. whether I could drink coffee. He said I could so I started adding a cup of coffee and immediately my T became more prominent.. So I will stop coffee..
What works for me might not work for you but its worth sharing anyway.
@Lisa2018, get the clinical laser. The home laser is a toy in comparison to what you will receive. The power you will receive is 15 times stronger, and the circumference of coverage is far wider, and could benefit damaged nerves and connective tissue, not just the cochlea.

I was skeptical as well, but the laser does work, as long as you are still close enough to the time of injury. If your hair cells are dead completely, it will not revive them; only help heal what is damaged and not broken.

The home laser may help to continue healing after you finish clinical treatment. My advice would be to continue clinical treatment as long as possible.

The ozone treatment works to help the laser treatment. It will enable your healing process that is induced by the laser. It will make the healing more quality and possibly faster. I have not done ozone yet, but I am basing this off what I have read and assumed. I am purchasing my ozone machine this week. I have been playing phone tag with a doctor's office in Michigan that sells a clinical grade machine for just under 1K.

I have not heard of blood transfusions. Please post information on this so that I can research.

I have tried Nicotinamide Roboside now, my first day of usage. Take 300 mg once a day. I read that if you take more than this, studies show that it does not help anymore, and you waste product/money. The NR has already helped the aspect of my sound sensitivity related to my cochlea, but not the hyperacusis associated with my nerve damage. Also, I can feel and hear the mitochondrial stimulation. NR has added to the laser's positive feeling of stimulation in my ears, about another 1/3 to 1/2 intensity. It feels like the exact same sensation as laser and early on cordyceps. I advise to take NR, cordyceps, and home rectal ozone coinciding with your laser treatment.

Dr. Wilden will not discuss these things with you. Do not even bother. He is a stubborn and narrow minded man. He is open minded about alternative treatment in regards to his laser, but he will discuss no one else's laser or alternative treatments. Ignore him, and just do his treatment. You must find out for yourself what works for your body. The ears are such a complicated organ, an organ of finesse. My injury has helped me to understand them better. Each hearing injury is so specific to that person, but if you are close enough to your injury time, I am confident you will experience some sort of ear activity in your first treatment session.

I believe that plenty of people would view what I am doing as irresponsible; I am advising people toward alternative treatment that has not been entirely proven to be scientifically viable or efficacious. I am basing my advice off of personal experience; and all I wish is that someone would have stopped dancing around direct answers with me when I was first injured. The window of time is the most essential part of all of this. Someone needs to say something definitive here. From what I have experienced, when we are dealing with a very recent injury, I am confident as to at least some effectiveness in these treatments.

I wish you luck. I have scheduled my first clinical laser treatment for April 19, 2018. I will do 1/2 hour in each ear. I will post my experience.
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We must think of an ear injury due to noise trauma as a wound like any other. You must protect the ears with coverage, just like gauze or a bandaid. Also, sometimes it is beneficial to let the wound breath. Coverage is usually the most crucial when we need the wound to close, and also when we are locking in the healing creams we have just applied.

You must begin to apply scar cream immediately if you want the skin to heal to its greatest potential. If you apply scar cream after all of the scar tissue has settled in, the effect will be exponentially lesser, take much more application, plenty of more time, and also may have no effect at all.

Also, I think it is important to emotionally accept something: I have had a few pretty severe scars on my skin go away completely with prompt skin care application, but the majority of them, the skin is never the same again. The ears must be similar to this. Whenever dealing with scar tissue, some aspect of your injury will be permanent.

Dr. Wilden told me that my ears would be stronger than before my injury because the laser would make them superior to their previous state. I disagree with this completely. If we analogize the ears to sports medicine: any bodily injury someone incurs, they are more likely to reinjure after the first injury. Full rehabilitations are rare, and take much scrutiny, time, and effort; but they are not impossible.
@humptydumpty69 thanks for your quick reply and advice. I appreciate it.

I think the truth is that there is no treatment that applies to all and therefore nothing definitive can be said.

I read so much on this website about ozon therapy that didnt seem the work while I got first hand evidence that it did. The rectal method however is new to me. The cabin method as a regular (as opposed to alternative) therapy is used for a.o. cancer survivors who have had healthy cells damaged due to cancer therapy. I guess this therapy is much stronger than the rectal home device.

Check this website in English for the infusion-therapy.

Will you be having the treatment at Dr W.'s office? If not, please inform me where you will. If it will be at dr W., is there a way in which we could have a private exchange?
What did ozone do for you?

I am going to look in to infusion more, thank you.

I am not seeing wilden, I am going to a chiropractor in the US. If it works, I will seek out a professional laser clinic for more specialized laser treatment.

I believe all of it works, but it must be done immediately. All of these treatments only bolster the natural healing potential of the body. If the body has already attempted healing, and has completed its attempt, it is very difficult to coerce it to continue trying to heal.
@humptydumpty69 sorry for late reply, i missed your question. As i said I never did oxygen but someone I know did.

Today 4th therapy. Dr W. It's the weirdest experience I've ever had with a dr but that's all petty talk so I'll leave that.

My ears are less sensitive but am not sure if that
can be credited to laser or because i am constantly using protection like a broken legg that needs bedrest against even the slightest movement. Try it... T is now a higher tone.

I guess your chiropractor can treat you provided (s)he knows what frequency etc to use, als based on your audiogram.

Currently am looking to purchase the prof device that he uses (second hand). Hard to find though.
Am attaching a photo of the specifics of the device. Perhaps this helps in your search for a practitioner who owns a similar device.


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Okay, so I am ready to report my first clinical laser experience and other information that I have gathered in regards to Ozone. First off, I will say that I am about 1/3 better after my single session of clinical laser treatment.

April 20th, 2018, I went to a Chiropractor and received clinical laser treatment. I am not certain on the specs of the laser; I have not been able to find exact specs online, but I did get estimates from the Chiro who was not certain. The laser was an MLS M6; the chiro said that he was almost positive that the laser was 650 nanometer, and that it also produced a simultaneous nanometer in the 900s. So this is within the range of wavelength that Anne Harila has suggested for use. The power was 3,000 milliwatts, or 3 watts. So this was 60 times the power of my home laser.

I had some complications with the treatment initially. There was a high pitched beeping sound that signified active laser projection. My ears have been so unstable, I was not sure that I could tolerate the noise, and I almost called the treatment off. The chiro and I managed to figure out how to make the laser beep in 5 second intervals instead of 1 second intervals; and then in attempt to muffle the beeping, we covered the laser display with towels, and then tied an ace bandage around the towels in order to fasten them in place. This made the beeping tolerable, but the machine still produced many noises next to my ear as it produced the laser. I felt that I was gambling and worried about my hyperacusis worsening.

Ultimately, I was able to do 1/2 hour treatment on each ear. The laser produced a hot sensation on my hairline and scalp. It was warm and borderline uncomfortable, but definitely tolerable. There was a smaller handheld laser attachment that connected to the main laser. The Chiro theorized that it could be my cranial nerve that is twitching when I hear certain frequencies, so I held the handheld laser on my brain stem in hopes of stimulating repair. The specs on the handheld are unknown to me, but this laser was very hot on my hairline, so it must have had some power. It very nearly burned me, but the chiro assured me that I could not be burned from it. I am not sure that I agree with him, but I tolerated the pain because of my desperation.

It was difficult to assess my response to the laser in the clinic, I could not hear activity in my ears because of the noise from the machine, and also office background noise. When I left, my ears definitely felt stimulated, but no more than when using Wilden's laser.

Two days after my treatment, my tinnitus sounds did not change in pitch, but in volume. Remember, my tinnitus has been very minimal, but now it is half as loud or less than it was. I feel that I have two aspects to my hyperacusis, my nerve damage, and my cochlear damage. My cochlear tolerance to sound is probably 1/3 better. My nerve damage in my right ear may be cured. My nerve damage in my left ear, which is 1-3 times worse than my right's nerve damage, is probably half better. My hope is at a high, my character is completely different, I do not feel like the world is far away from me; I am no longer completely disoriented. I have even been able to listen to some music on low volume. I thank god, the universe, manifestation, whatever, with every breath I breath. Unfortunately, I have had no return of hearing loss, the frequencies I lost with reinjury I fear are lost forever. Maybe stem cell could revitalize this, but I think nothing else will.

I am livid in regards to Dr. Wilden. I cannot believe the negligence he showed me. He assumed that his toy of a 50 mW laser could cure me. He delayed me, he overcharged me, and he denied the need for clinical treatment. He utterly misguided me. His assumptions about a subjective disorder are highly irresponsible; any ear damage should be considered with severity. The christian chiro gave me 360 dollars of treatment for 100 dollars. Dr. Wilden charged me 3K, and barely helped me. If Doctor Wilden had just told me to do clinical when I called him, I would have no hearing loss now from reinjury. My ears are stable right now, and able to handle some sound; the innocuous phone call never would have killed off my fragile hearing.

What I can say about the home laser is that it kept my hair cells on life support until I got to the clinic. It kept them on the brink of death. Now, after the clinical treatment, I do feel like the home laser is a little more effective. It is almost like the clinical laser helped me over a new healing threshold, and now the home laser is able to do a little something. I think that the home laser delayed the onset of scar tissue as well, or it enabled quality scar tissue. I can say that I don't think I would be having healing at this late date without having used the home laser to keep the body realizing there is an injury, and a need for mitochondrial stimulation. Regardless, if I just did clinical treatment in early January, I am confident I would have been completely cured. I cannot say don't get the home laser, it may supplement, but clinical is mandatory. And I remember reading that Wilden uses an 800 mW laser for clinical, just get the 3W, don't even mess around with milliwatts. The Watts are astounding.

It is important to remember, that some of my success may be due to my organic diet of vegetables and lean meat, my rigorous exercise, and the facts that I am currently taking Nicotinamide Riboside, and Cordyceps.


So I received my ozone machine, but I have not used it yet. I need to purchase an oxygen tank in order for the machine to turn O2 in to O3. It uses an electrical charge to add another oxygen molecule. I have been doing some speculating on the possibilities of benefits from this. Evidently, from my research, Ozone promotes the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Also, it makes red blood cells, which are already pliable, even more elastic and malleable, almost like they are the texture of a jellyfish. The red blood cells, which are already able to permeate tissue exceptionally well, now distribute oxygen even more efficiently. Oxygen is vital for ATP, and ATP is used in all bodily processes, including healing. This seems like a diet form of "blood doping," which is what athletes do for greater oxygen intake and performance enhancement.

Now the ozone is delivered rectally. I have been speculating that rectal delivery is probably second best or better than the lungs for a couple of reasons. The intestines are made for absorption, just as the lungs are; and they are located amongst vital bodily infrastructure. The lungs break down oxygen to the microscopic cellular level, and then distribute it. Rectal Ozone distribution bypasses the lung's processes, and you get a much more raw form of intake. Remember, I am just speculating on these things, but I don't see my thoughts being far from the truth. I have had to speculate because most of the online Ozone information is marketing about it having anti-bacterial, viral, and fungal capabilities.

There is a second form of Ozone intake, and I will purchase this attachment soon. I have read there is an attachment for delivery into the ears. This is intended for reoccurring ear infections, sinus infections, etc. So for all intensive purposes, I will be having Ozone IV and localized Ozone distribution.

My plan now is to schedule a two week consistent laser regiment, probably in May, 2018; and I will do Ozone therapy on top of it, to promote even more healing, and enable my mitochondria that are stimulated by the laser. I probably will not get back my frequencies lost from this, but I hope to be able to stabilize my hearing and have my music back.

My ozone machine cost 900 dollars, I assume that my ear attachment will be another 1-200 dollars; and the oxygen tank will probably cost around 1-200 as well after I pay to fill it with O2. PM me if you have any questions about these specifics.

Stem Cell:

I am still looking at stem cell, and I hope that @attheedgeofscience might consider my thoughts.

So I have been thinking about bone marrow production which was prompted by my considering Ozone. One form/aspect of blood doping is when athletes take Erythropoietin in order to promote red blood cell production within the bone marrow. The risk of this is the possibility of "blood sludging." Blood sludging increases the probability of stroke and/or other anatomical obstructions.

Stem cells are created in the bone marrow as well. Is it possible to blood dope stem cells? Is there a hormone that could increase stem cell production? Does Erythropoietin increase bone marrow cell production in general? If we could promote production of stem cells individually, would we be at the same risk of blood sludging as if we were increasing production of red blood cells?

I am considering calling a stem cell clinic with these questions, but people don't like to help you guinea pig yourself.

I believe this is all that I have to report for now, I will update on my progress with Ozone and more clinical laser therapy.

I wish everyone else well and luck, as I breath some relief right now.

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It's good news that your T sound is "a higher tone." Do you mean that the pitch is higher, or the volume is higher, or both?

It looks like the laser you are using is a dual 660 and 808 nanometer. I wonder if it projects these wavelengths simultaneously, or one at a time.

I am not sure of that laser's power output. It says "5W200" in correlation with the "serial number" bullet; I'm not sure if that means "5 Watts?" Maybe someone else can read those specs better than I can.

I wish you well in your treatment, let us know how it develops for you.
Dont get me started on dr W..

The treatment lessened my H but am obsessively protecting my ears and avoiding unnecessary noise, like a broken legg that needs heeling. It changed my personality and spontaneity but rather that then to suffer later (just read or talk to older T sufferers...). If i were you i would give your ears rest so also no music for time being..

I should ve kept a diary but i think my tone is a higher pitch, lower volume, and one tone now vanished or much lower.

About W device: its an outdated model (konftec has more power), he admits its stronger and cheaper, made no effort to claim his is nevertheless better, just anger frustration that others stole his knowledge and his patent expired. His main aim is for him and family to survive financially, your ears come second/ last, idk.. i just know this you should know. Even if you would be willing and able to visit, selling you the device is more profitable so he will rathet talk you into doing that than visiting him.

I contacted conftec about the reach of the laser in the ears compared to W's. They replied with a photo that the reach is similar. I inquired if its best to purchase the professional device of 9k they replied the reach to the inner ear is much less and suggested i purchase the much cheaper one instead... i guess at least they are not trying to rip me off but i wonder if their info is accurate. Now you say the prof laser works much better than the home device.... am confused...

I contacted chiropractitioners in my country but they dont have experience treating ears with their device so so far have found no one willing to treat me...
Dr W Said (after pressuring him) he uses 3500 mw on me, but depends per patient.

Pls let us know after some laser treatments at the chiro if any significant changes.
Changes also can manifest due to believing it...
This is an excerpt from
"The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins on Blinkist."

Do we see any relation to the colour of light and the frequency of T it can reach?
The scandinavian doctor Anna used both red and white light, appearently for different wavelengths (konftec offers same).

What do you think?

Light is energy transported from the stars and it consists of much more than we can see.

Few things in nature are more beautiful than the scattered light that forms rainbows. But what other things are hidden in the sun's white light?

Let's start by looking at the structure of light. Light, like sound, can be thought of as vibrations, but in this case electromagnetic vibrations of different wavelengths that traverse space.

As we saw earlier in Newton's experiment, white light actually consists of a large spectrum of different colors, each being a different frequency of vibration. As with sound waves (whe
re high-frequency wavelengths create high-pitched notes and low-frequency waves create low-pitched ones), the varying frequencies of light waves are what determine color. Using this analogy, you could think of red as the bass, yellow as baritone, green as tenor and blue as alto.
We humans can only see a limited amount of wavelengths on the spectrum of light. Much as we can't hear certain high-pitched sounds (ultrasound, for example, which bats use to navigate the air), we can't see ultraviolet light, which certain insects use to detect whether fruits are ripe.

At the very high end of the light spectrum, you find extremely harmful X-rays and gamma rays. Luckily, our planet's atmosphere and magnetic field keep these rays from simply incinerating us.

Then there's the other end of the spectrum. Similar to the really deep notes, like infrasound, the frequency at which whales communicate, we find infrared light, which we can only feel as heat.

Though we can't see all the waves that make up the light spectrum, each is useful in some way.

For example, below infrared light are
microwaves, which we use to cook, and radio waves, which we use to communicate. And using X-rays enables us to look inside the human body, and makes it possible for astronomers to take photographs of the sky.

I'm not sure that we're talking about which frequency of light effects what pitch of T, I think it is better to think of it as: "which frequency stimulates what area of the cochlea and/or the surrounding tissue?"

The ears are made to perceive frequency, I think that it is plausible to consider that correlating aspects of light could affect them as well.

In music, "color" is a core concept. Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, and Rimsky-Korsakov speculated on which colors correlated with which musical keys. They differed on the specific color/sound correlations, but I believe Rach was the only one who didn't agree with any existence of color/sound association. Scriabin considered writing music correlating to the frequency of The Sun.

Existence is basically frequency:

"All normal (baryonic) matter emits electromagnetic radiation when it has a temperature above absolute zero."


And yes, just like the speculation of music enabling plant growth and vitality, I believe that sound and light frequency enable the body as well. The Sun's prompting bodily production of vitamin D for example is light stimulating positive human biological activity. The Sun prompts vitamin D production, and the laser frequencies promote mitochondrial activity; it is all the same concept.

Some waves are welcomed and galvanize positive anatomical reactions, while some waves are detrimental.

I think that it is a good thing that the Konftec provides multiple frequencies, but you should read my previous posts for the specifics on home lasers; I mention all of my thought processes regarding home laser selection.
I haven't been around for some time. However, I decided to jump in again as I purchased a Vielight 663 yesterday as I am a big fan of light therapy and noticed this new device while looking for more advanced therapy devices.

Hi @calin,

I'm currently giving this therapy some serious thought. If you see my post here, I'd be interested in any updates you may have. -- As in, "Did it work?" lol -- Thanks!

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