TRT, CBT, TAT, PTM, whatever. I am talking about the folks on this board who are bitching about their doctors in this thread. I don't know of any of them who are doing TRT, CBT, or any of that stuff. Whether they heard about it from their (optimally well-informed) doctors or whether they heard about on this board ... the fact is that they aren't doing it. So in the final analysis, what difference does it make how well-informed, honest, and polite those doctors might be? You are still not going to be appreciable better.
The reason, in my opinion, is that given the current state of tinnitus research, the answers do not lie in a doctor's office. Rather, the answers lie deep within ourselves. The challenge then for each of us - and it can be a formidable challenge at that - is to find the answers that lie within us. And bitching about the inadequacies of the medical profession, considerable though those inadequacies might be, is not going to bring anybody one microtonic flickering closer to his or her answers.