Well, I guess I have to add a few cents in here as in a certain way I agree with just about what everyone has been saying, yet also disagree! Ha, ha....Just like T causality theories , no bloody 'conclusive' conclusions!!!
Anyway, I think what is being missed in comments like this, and others:
Tinnitus once had an enormous impact on me, but no longer does. My life is every bit as good as before I developed tinnitus, and I'm not unique in that regard. As an added bonus, if I can help a few people who are having a rough time with tinnitus, I consider it an opportunity to convert something that was once very difficult for me into something that may make a positive difference for someone else....are not the facts for some of us. [like Carol's initial response and what
@Mpt have contributed]. P.S.
@here2help NOT AT ALL PICKING ON YOU OK...promise! Just your well written 'illustrative'
It's not quite as straightforward as "getting one's life back"...If one did, I too would not see an issue either, and just adopt some sensible precautions (like with loud sound situations) and carry on with a full and rich life. Indeed, the T and even H, could be great learning experiences for more compassion, understanding of suffering, more appreciation of Nature perhaps, and so forth.
Shit happens; one freaks out at first; some things adjust; life goes on; it gets good again.
Now look at my profile in case you don't know where I'm coming from. And that is a very, very, very brief history of "me and my T and H". Lots and lots left out.
OK, read it?! Good.....So now you will see that I have T and even H life experience 'out the yazoo' (sorry, non English speakers as 1st. language - that means I have LOT of experience!). Maybe T for longer than anyone else on this forum, or close to it, and multiple stages of "change" with it.
Now I have adapted, habituated, got my life back three times...and twice as an adult. This fourth time, I am not there yet. Maybe I will, but I need a helluva lot
less volume and H before I get close to that!
Tinnitus once had an enormous impact on me, but no longer does. My life is every bit as good as before I developed tinnitus,...is just plain not accurate in my case. Yeah, the first point is accurate, for each time I got a new volume level. Unfortunately that "enormous impact"part is
still a fact. Those latter two points have not occurred at all...Period. I DO NOT have my life back.
Anyone who thinks this is due to my "attitude" and lack of "acceptance", etc., etc. is also just plain wrong. Sorry, but
I can guarantee that I do not fight my T and H, I do not curse it, I ignore it, I know what it is, I know how to manage it, I know that spikes that happen when I have protection in (the screaming kid in supermarket, etc.) go down to baseline afterwards, I know what to avoid, I know what helps me stay sane (the high peaks of the Sierra's) and do those things...
Those very few things in the outside world that I was so involved in before!!!
Yeah, I read a lot, watch DVDs a lot, educate myself a lot, try and help people online a lot, etc. But that list of things that
@carol kane wrote about not being able to do (weddings, restaurants, etc., etc., etc.)...Those are FACTS!
If anyone thinks all those limitations, and far more, do
not affect quality of life, then you just have a God given abundance of serotonin!... And I mean that. People do. People far worse off than me. Lost all their limbs...yet they can somehow accept incredible handicaps and find life and enjoyment in that. I marvel at it. Truly.
However after 64 years of me with me, I damn well know I do not have that genetic 'bio-chemical beneficence'. (Neither did my mother or grandmother, nor my daughter - thanks genes!). Just like my T and H, it's a fact. (And of course, I have tried 25 years of meditation, meds ad infinitum, and so forth - to no real avail.
It is what it is. Very Zen huh!.....But very far from "life is good".
Highly reactive T and H are just not in the same camp as "normal T"...They need to go down and cool down before any semblance of "normality with lots of restrictions even" can resume. If they don't go down, I can tell you, it's not at all easy and adaption is very, very slow. I mean look at my 2006 blast up. It took 6 years to get a decent modicum of my life back. I'm well over 1 1/2 years into stage four and it's glacial....even with all the experience and understanding I have. Just fact!
So I have to strongly agree with
@Mpt...for people like me IT'S AN AFFLICTION. A physical/physiological abatement or cure is where it is at for me....or maybe another 6 years wait to get some of my life back. Shit. I will be 70 by then and all kinds of other body parts might be creaking and groaning by then! And I would have read ll the books in the library! "I WANNA DANCE AND TRAVEL AND HAVE DINNER PARTIES WITH MORE THAN ONE PERSON (well reminded not to sneeze, or cough suddenly) NOW!"....Wouldn't you too??!!!
And saying that sentence does not mean I am anguishing over
not being able to. Just a plain fact. No more charge on saying that than saying it's cooler today, or whatever.
And my point is: There are some us I believe, where "attitudinal shifts" are all very well and nice to espouse, but they help the "affliction" ZERO! In fact, if I was less sure of myself and my own condition, I would say they could even bum me out and be unhelpful! (As in: "Oh dear, I must be a bad person for not being able to change my attitude. I'm a failure." Or whatever...Ha ha = definitely NOT one of my traits!).
Also, my point is, that not all T is the same T...and that IT CAN GO UP MORE THAN GOING BACK TO BASELINE!!! Be careful of that assumption. I have learned that the hard way. yeah it's an exception, not the rule, but how will you know until afterwards?! = Don't be an idiot with sound levels!!! I can ASSURE YOU that my volume levels have gone UP objectively. Because I can remember the things, noises that would mask it or how quiet it had to be to hear it if I listened...or did not listen for it.
OK enough...Final conclusion for people like me and ???? ....