@Kratos I don't mind your comment. I have not had much luck with GPs understanding that I have a problem.
@GregCA I have done exactly that - a few times. Except the conversations ends with GP: "No I don't think so."
I understand the cynicism and the despair. I am in that camp - frequently. If I could fix it, I wouldn't be here. But if I did then I would certainly let you guys know
@Danikam In the past I have been attended to by a "chiropractor" but I am guessing not the kind to which your refer. I will investigate any neck issues and let you know. Thanks.
@Greg Sacramento wow wow wow this could be the reason for the background T and maybe the main T!
Everything in this reference (wiki, I know) relates to what I am sensing. When I hiccup or burp then T spikes for a second, if I bite down on the back teeth then T spikes. I just tried pressing my palate with the tongue and a minor spike. Like "SHWEEE-ooo"
When I sleep and wake in twisted neck position the T goes away! But I can't do this on purpose - I don't know how. I can't lie in position and force it. I don't think my neck needs a crack, but maybe a stretch of one side or a relaxation of the other - but I don't know which is which. My neck is very cracky. I can twist it and crack it quite easily and this helps with tension.
Great thanks to you for the link - I will try it.
@dingaling To recap: T is a high hissing sound in the left ear, and when not "ON" there is a general but very low background hiss which is no bother to me. I have a clicky jaw, and on the left side the cheek/jaw is hot and aches. I have a fullness in the left ear - seems like I need to pop it all the time, and more recently (4 weeks) a pain that runs from the back of the neck/base of the skull on the left side (behind the ear) over the top of my head and into the left eye. During my morning routine I am seated for a time and fluid drains from my sinus through the nose. ENT says nothing wrong with sinus, another ENT says nothing wrong with ear function, auditory and otological testing rules out any hearing or ear dysfunction. I have had CT and MRI of the ear area, and I don't have any diseases the relate to ear or hearing impairment (eg Meniere's). The T is ON some days and OFF some days, and only upon waking does it change from the night before. If it is ON it stays ON, and if OFF then OFF for the whole day. I think that's it.
GP/s ask me "What do you want me to do?" or say "There is nothing I can do for you."
@Melissa101 it could be stress from the T, that causes tension in my neck/shoulders/jaw. I will be checking my neck but I need another GP