@SteveToHeal ,For epileptics this therapy costs 20000$ ,I think it's the same procedur with tinnitus suffers and now the question is : is it covered by the insurance ?
Thanks @monacco. So expensive. Would have to take out a bond to cover that!!!!! An absolute win if it is covered by insurance for t sufferers in the US.@SteveToHeal ,For epileptics this therapy costs 20000$ ,I think it's the same procedur with tinnitus suffers and now the question is : is it covered by the insurance ?
Thanks @monacco. So expensive. Would have to take out a bond to cover that!!!!! An absolute win if it is covered by insurance for t sufferers in the US.
If only true I am ready to rob a bankHow 40,000, to cut it off completely.![]()
I am wiating for thier replyHello,
I wonder if anyone knows where in Europe they can operate in Mikrotransbonders new Tinitus therapy, anyone know?
there is a guy here who have that vagus nerve transponder and no resultThe same can be said about any treatment for tinnitus.
I'm interested to see what they say about the people that didn't have clinically meaningful results. In the first trial, it was people who were on antidepressants or similar medications. Maybe they found out something new in this trial.
One person it's not enough to prove that it doesn't work.there is a guy here who have that vagus nerve transponder and no result
One person it's not enough to prove that it doesn't work.
Very low chance of insurance covering it in the US unless you have very, VERY severe T. Then again, tinnitus is more about how it effects you, and not just what you're hearing/how loud it is. It's possible that if you kept going back to the doctor over and over, now that there is a real treatment that can work, they can't just simply say "too bad, get used to it." and they would eventually try and get your insurance to cover it.
It's also important to remember there is still going to be at least one more clinical trial in the US before this is released in the states.
One person it's not enough to prove that it doesn't work.
Zero chance insurance would cover it in the US.
The fact that I will aacept to do a risky invansinve suregery and butchered in my shist it means that it's enough to prove that I suffer realy.Most likely. Insurance companies will probably just say you can't prove you have T.
You mean that we should locate our tinnitus and if it's not in audio cortex this therapy is useless .I hope mine is in audion cortexsome thing does not help all. my tinnitus is in stress part of brain and it sends impulses to hearing. it is not at all connected to audio cortex.
One person it's not enough to prove that it doesn't work.
Most likely. Insurance companies will probably just say you can't prove you have T.
dear god. i spoke with resercher that fights tinnitus and that operation is costly but it does not garantee cure.
they done it to people and it did not work.
resercher from tinnitus reserch initiave, thay had meeting in UK 1 month ago. They now categorise tinnitus.
some thing does not help all. my tinnitus is in stress part of brain and it sends impulses to hearing. it is not at all connected to audio cortex.
Well yeah, the initial tests they did were on mice where they induced tinnitus through noise damage, so of course it probably only works on people who have it from damage to the cochlea.
But really, you need to stop making it sound like it doesn't work for anyone. It works for some, it doesn't work for all. It's not a cure, it has to be managed.
Actually, I just remembered that one of the participants who had good results in the first trial got tinnitus from a problem with his neck/spine.
You mean that we should locate our tinnitus and if it's not in audio cortex this therapy is useless .I hope mine is in audion cortex![]()
i got demage in cohlea, have hearin loss.... so?
ONE of participants... poit is one small part it work. so you will pay 25 000 dollars? to test?
My is partly in audio, becouse stress limbic is connected and after times it moved to limbic system, so audio is not so overactive as stres
Please don't try to twist my words. My point was that it doesn't only work for people with hearing loss/noise damage, which is what it sounded like you were trying to say.
Also, how do you know yours is caused by stress? Did you have some kind of brain test done?
Sad to hear this may be you are not the lukcy one,they claim that it works for 50% .the question now is who will do the surgery for 20000 or 25000 $ with the chance to get an improvement is 1/2 ?Been awhile since I have been on here but i'm the one who took part in the VNS study. Had the implants in Jan. 2015. Did the whole study and in my case I noticed no improvement. Have not kept up with the overall results were from the other
people who also did the study.
Been awhile since I have been on here but i'm the one who took part in the VNS study. Had the implants in Jan. 2015. Did the whole study and in my case I noticed no improvement. Have not kept up with the overall results were from the other people who also did the study.
Did you know why it didn't work on you ?I have not kept track but have they released the results of the study I was in? Heard there was 30 involved. Be nice to find out how the other 29 fared.
My tinnitus just started out as a low hiss one day in 1999 and got worse as time went by. My therapy ended last Sept. Was given no reason it just didn't take that's why it would be interesting to find out the results from the others. You would think the results should be known by now.
If you check that link, there is some information about the results. I also contacted Dr. Kilgard a couple days ago, and he said they were currently writing up the paper for the results.