Most Quiet Day Ever... Why?


Feb 27, 2013
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
acoustic trauma
Alot of people have big fluctuations in their Tinnitus, I have never had those ... most of my experience is that it is constantly loud with some very loud days that even traffic in a city or loud music can`t cover it up... sometimes noise makes it more apparent, wich I always find wierd. I only had 1 day int he last 4 years that I woke up in blissfull silence ... god that was a good one ... But just now I noticed it is pretty quiet. I`m in a quiet room, and barely hear it, even when I block my ears with my fingers it doesn`t get loud. There is offcourse something, but it is so much on the background and more of a distant hiss than anything ...

Only thing I did differently is not eat bread ... I had pasta though, so ... who can tell the what rules this mistery, I don`t know ... but apparently something affects it ... and that is a good sign!

Love from one of your own kind ;)

nills that's great news. Perhaps it's some type of delayed habituation effect you are experiencing? Although its been four years of constant T with no variation it obviously is possible to experience positive changes. Who knows how long the habituation process can go on for anyhow, perhaps your auditory cortex is re positioning the signal, prioritizing it differently for some periods at the time. Hope your able to experience more of this :)

Keep us posted on the food choices. Perhaps there's something to be observed here.
Wow Nills that's really GREAT!! And of course it gives us a little hope... :) that even after 4 years things can change! I'm sure it'll last, or at least happen more often for you!! :) Can you make the link with any recent activities, change in lifestyle, sports, feeling relaxed etc.? Wishing you a blissful day! :sleep: :headphone: (y)
Mine is also quite low today. It has actually been quite low since Friday last week. There still is some noise, but hey, I can't complain when I'm thinking about how bad is was some weeks ago. My hearing is not coming back tho. But, some hearing-loss is a small price to pay. :)
Good to hear that nills ! Enjoy the day and I hope it continues for you. Interesting about the food as the volume of my T seems to depend a lot on what I eat or don't eat.
Very cool Nills and namaste. And you have had T for some time. Our brains are so mysterious and amazing. And we know so much more about brain plasticity but there still is much to explore. Regardless... Hope, as others have said, this is a move in a new direction.
I wonder about the fluctuation myself. Yesterday was so quiet and I felt so calm. Today it is as loud as ever and I don't know why. I have added a great "B" vitamin to my regimen and that has seemed to help. I is "B" Right by Jarrow. At least I have had more quiet days since adding the "B"? I am trying to take a break from using melatonin every night. I had been taking 3mg of melatonin and some magnesium each night and it did help with sleep. The only problem is my heart pounds when I use the magnesium?? Wish I could figure this thing out!!! Weather affects my "T" too. Salt and MSG are triggers as well. So, food or should we say food additives can definitely affect the noise level in my head! God, wouldn't it be amazing if all the musicians who have tinnitus would band together and have a huge benefit concert for can only dream!!! BTW, my T just came on as I was coming down out of the mountains back in 2007, and it's never gone away. I think it was stress for me??
Yes salt and sugar i stay away from or at least cut back T has beel very low since sundays flair up which i thank God it only lasted i day. i got my T on a sunday night went to sleep woke up and it was there .. dont know the cause im in very good health , so says my doctors lol. i think it was stress for me too..
Hi guys, thanks for all your thoughts and stories,

Today is as usual again so who can tell what happened ... couple years back I did a 6 month only raw food no sugar no wheat diet ... it helped on some level with the T but I was hoping it would cure it wich it did not offcourse ... I still want to experiment some more next year with food. I`m gonna do a 90 day juice-feast and want to do a brown rice & green thee only diet for up to 5-6 months ... mainly to address candida but also for the healing effects of fasting on all other levels. Hopefully this way here will come some change and I can steadily make it to the day a cure is found (cross my fingers) ... I never took any medicin but lately I been thinking about it because T does take the fun out of life for me ... maybe a little help isn`t bad?

and I was also in a stresfull period at that time, atleast it was not my happiest days of life.. too much worry.
Do please keep us updated on the juice fast etc Thanks. I've been experimenting a lot with food and different supplements, and gradually it does seem like the T is getting lower, and today for me was the quietest day in a long time, but ofcourse who knows what tomorrow will bring !
I am not convinced that diet alone can reduce tinnitus. But regardless, improving one's diet will only be helpful. Tinnitus really opened my eyes to how I had been abusing my body: too much junk food and alcohol, not enough fruits and veggies, not enough whole foods etc. So I changed a lot of my habits (still working on it) and already have lost weight, feel healthier. So you seem to be on a good path to me.

Having said that: don't be afraid f short term medication if you need it. Go to a good mental health professional not just a GP. And more important, explore talk therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy. No drugs and it can make a world of difference. I can sense you want a life that is meaningful and enjoyable, Nills, and It can be even with T.
Nills, I had a very quiet day like your a few weeks ago. I never thought I would see that. I was so happy, I went around the house and turned off any thing that made noise, and just soaked it all in. I laid in my bed and it was an amazing feeling. I did not want to go to sleep, I finally could not keep my eyes open any more and fell asleep at 4:00AM.

I did nothing out of the ordinary that day.

The next morning, same as you, noise was back. At least we know it is still possible to get these quiet days...
Wise words, Gary. I think your experience shows us that true happiness is relative. Sometimes, it is a day when nothing "special" happens in a traditional sense... just a day of peace and calm. We need to learn to recognize those moments of supreme happiness, whether we have tinnitus not, and treasure them. What a teacher our tinnitus can be.
Wise words, Gary. I think your experience shows us that true happiness is relative. Sometimes, it is a day when nothing "special" happens in a traditional sense... just a day of peace and calm. We need to learn to recognize those moments of supreme happiness, whether we have tinnitus not, and treasure them. What a teacher our tinnitus can be.
LadyDi, in just three lines you have made such a profound statement....
I have more quiet, or relatively quiet, days now than I did over the last couple of years. I'm convinced that they're coming more frequently because I've made a concentrated, conscious effort not to allow my T level to dominate my daily life. Bad day, high intensity T? OK, accept it the best I can (sometimes easier said than done). Moderate today? Just walk through it. It'll most likely fluctuate from medium, to bad, to worse and back over the course of the next day or two or three...nothing I can do about it. If I can keep anxiety at bay as it runs it's course, the better likelyhood that a quiet or semi-quiet day is right around the corner. Yes, sometimes certain foods aggrevate the condition, but normally they combine with anxious moments or days, lack of sleep, external stress, or other factors. Avoiding those foods altogether, isolating one foodstuff after another, doesn't seem to work for me. Sometimes they aggrevate an already worsening condition, sometimes they have no effect.
I was always using my earbuds listening to music before T, but ironically enough, while waiting for this party bus that gave me T, i thought: I'm just gonna enjoy the silence. I sat there in complete silence for half an hour just listening to nothing , smoked a cigarette and enjoyed it sooo much. This was before I knew what tinnitus was. It was as if my subconsciousness knew what was about to happen. Something told me: What if I never get to experience it again? although I had no idea how that could happen.

That was my last moment of silence ever.

Bloody hell.


In classical terms they speak of silence as the most important component in music. I relate to what you say about silence, it truly was a bliss. But hey, perhaps we will get to enjoy it again - when they can give sound to deaf people (cochlea implants) let's hope some scientist in the the same industry can provide silence to us. It's ironic that too much silence can create T as well. That makes this "condition" of ours so mysterious.

Let's stay as far away from the bottom of that graph as possible.
Congratulations! Gives us all hope. There certainly could be something to diet and plasticity. Dr. David Permutter wrote a book "Grain Brain" talking about healing your brain with food, how wheat, carbs and sugar are wrecking havoc.

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