So you are getting an MRI, because of tinnitus? If you are getting a brain MRI you should ask for cushions to reduce vibration.
Unless you have unilateral tinnitus or pulsatile tinnitus it's not really worth the risk.
I got shoved into an MRI machine, because doctors suspected a lot of scary stuff, but later I've learned that it was totally unnecessary and they were uneducated and decided to do a brain MRI on my just to poke around to see if there is anything strange.
Was there anything strange and unusual on MRI? NO!!!
Worst mistake of my life. Should have never trusted the doctors.
Did you do an audiogram up to 16000 Hz? I know a guy who has a small dip at 16000 Hz and he has severe tinnitus and hyperacusis.
Earplugs and earmuffs don't stack like that. At most you'll get additional 5 db of protection.
This is going to be way louder than 60 dB. 60 dB is human speech. An MRI with protection is going to be closer to a loud bar or a club.